But Xu Fei soon put these emotions behind him.

After all, he has never been a person who cares about the world.

Soon, Xu Fei came from the dim market to the brightly lit flower house.

The smell of various powders is mixed and filled.

Make the surrounding air particularly inviting.

Most of the men walking on this street looked a little eager and lustful.

Like beauty.

Never a weird thing.

Heart of beauty in everyone.

But to what extent it can be achieved depends on each person.

In fact, this is also the reason why many people are greedy for money and power.

They have experienced the taste of wealth and power, and they enjoy it.

Perhaps it's because he has been experiencing the lives of ordinary people recently, and Xu Fei feels particularly emotional.

I can't help but sigh with emotion when I see anything.

This made Xu Fei shake his head and laugh at himself.

I hired two stewards in the flower building to make up for the lack of proficiency points due to the lack of branches and leaves in the past few days.

The next day, Xu Fei went to Mihang to carry rice as usual.

In the blink of an eye, another two days passed.

On this day, because no grain ship would arrive in the afternoon, Mihang broke up with work early.

When Xu Fei was about to visit his little wife, the shopkeeper asked him to deliver something to his employer.

This made Xu Fei a little confused.

Why would the shopkeeper arrange for him to have the opportunity to show his face in front of his boss?

However, Xu Fei did not make random guesses. He picked up the wooden box given by the shopkeeper and headed to his employer's residence.

After knocking on the door, the door was opened by the same mother-in-law as last time.

Xu Fei originally wanted to hand the thing to the other party, but the mother-in-law had already turned around and left.

Xu Fei had no choice but to follow.

Returning to the same courtyard as last time, there were birdcages under the eaves.

The mother-in-law left without saying a word.

This situation made Xu Fei scratch his head even more.

what happened?

"Come in." The owner's voice came from the room.

After Xu Fei thought for a while, he opened the door curtain and walked into the house.

In the room, the owner, who was wearing a bright green dress, looked a little more beautiful than last time.

At the moment he is feeding the birds in the birdcage on the table.

He ignored Xu Fei.

Seeing this, Xu Fei stepped forward and placed the wooden box in his hand on the table in front of his employer.

Seeing that Xu Fei was approaching without hesitation, the owner couldn't help but turn his head to look.

The burly figure made her very excited.

"Last time you came here, did you see the gold bracelet in my room?" the host said suddenly.

Xu Fei was stunned when he heard this.

"Didn't you know that I was getting married, so you gave it to me?" Xu Fei said.

The boss frowned slightly when he heard Xu Fei's words without any hint of groveling as a waiter.

"I will give you the gold bracelet?" the boss asked disdainfully.

Xu Fei couldn't help but be surprised.

What kind of plane?

Not sure what his boss was going to do for a while, Xu Fei could only remain silent.

After all, Xu Fei is not afraid of being framed.

The worst he can do is change his identity.

If the other party wants to do something extravagantly, Xu Fei wouldn't mind giving him a family bucket.

Seeing Xu Fei remain calm and silent.

The boss felt that things were out of control.

But after thinking about it, she still decided to continue.

"I have been married into my husband's family for twelve years but I have nothing to produce. I want to borrow seeds from you." The owner said calmly.

Xu Fei couldn't help frowning when he heard this.

Borrow seeds?

This kind of plot in movies, TV shows and novels actually happened to him?

Xu Fei looked at his boss again.

This woman is well maintained and the MILFs are very charming.

"And if you don't agree, then you stole the bracelet." The owner added.

A fellow took advantage of the opportunity to steal something from his employer.

Just such a handle is enough for her to manipulate this guy at will.

Xu Fei was speechless.

It had been a long time since he had been threatened.

But since this woman is so pitiful, he will help her.

Thinking of this, Xu Fei directly carried his boss on his shoulders and went to the back room to lie down.

A lot of clouds and rain.

The host's face was rosy, and there was a hint of friendship in Xu Fei's eyes.

The boss picked up the silver that was prepared aside, threw it to Xu Fei, and then turned his back to Xu Fei, apparently asking him to leave quickly.

Xu Fei picked up the silver and weighed it, almost five taels.

This busy work cost him five taels of silver, which was his ten days' wages.

It's quite a lot.

And even if his boss gave him more money, Xu Fei would not dare to spend it as Zhang Tie.

After all, Zhang Tie earns more than ten taels of silver a month, which is already very eye-catching. No matter how lavish he is, he will inevitably attract covetous people.

But Xu Fei casually threw the money aside.

The big hand stretched out to Dongjia's slender waist again.

After the sky darkens.

Xu Fei put his head around for a while, then quietly left through the back door of his employer's house.

The woman who opened the door for Xu Fei twice came out from one side, closed the courtyard door, and then returned to the lady's place.

This woman is the employer's wet nurse.

I watched my boss grow up.

Not a biological mother, but better than a biological mother.

After entering the young lady's bedroom, she smelled the smell that filled the room.

As someone who has been there, she naturally knows what these are.

Especially when I saw the young lady sleeping soundly with a rosy face and a contented look on her face. She didn't even know she came in, and her expression was hard to understand.

Usually, whenever there is a slight disturbance, the young lady will wake up.

But is this approach right or wrong?

Xu Fei returned home briskly.

A mature woman like my boss is like a ripe peach.

Take a bite and the juice will overflow.

Take two bites and you will have endless aftertaste.

It's hard to stop talking, you just want to eat one bite after another.

In particular, the unexplainable evil tendencies in my heart were satisfied.

Xu Fei couldn't stop even more.

So the next day, Xu Fei came to his employer again.

When the mother-in-law knew that Xu Fei was coming, she couldn't help but be shocked.

"If the shopkeeper doesn't let you deliver anything in the future, don't come over!" the old woman threatened with a bad look.

Once this kind of thing is exposed, it will not only bring shame to the young lady's family and husband's family, but it will also be difficult for the young lady to survive.

No small matter.

So naturally she had to be more careful.

Xu Fei was speechless when he heard this.

He couldn't help but be disappointed that he couldn't play the role of evil servant and knight master again.

But this woman can even get involved in this kind of secret, she is obviously a close friend of the boss.

Being so prudent can also reduce the risk of exposure.

So Xu Fei didn't force it, confessed and left.

After Xu Fei left, he walked slowly on the street and soon realized that he was a little too addicted to desire.

If you love beauty, you love beauty.

But such private things can only be done when you hide your identity and experience a different kind of life.

Once things return to normal, this kind of thing must not be done.

After restraining himself in his heart, Xu Fei calmed down.

Then I bought some braised pork and some sweet potatoes at a roadside stall, and then headed to Sun Er's home.

It was with this help that Xu Fei was able to work at Mihang.

Then I had this series of experiences.

Xu Fei naturally wanted to thank him a lot.

Arrive at Sun Er's home.

Sun Er's parents and wife were very happy for Xu Fei when they found out that Xu Fei had arranged a marriage.

They are all simple characters.

When Sun Er saw the wine and meat that Xu Fei brought, although he looked helpless, he said nothing.

After all, he also knows how profitable the other party is.

This little expense is nothing at all.

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