Because of caution, even if he is now transformed into Zhang Tie and experiences the life of ordinary people, Xu Fei will still maintain a certain level of spiritual awareness for vigilance.

This is also the reason why Xu Fei was able to find something special about the 'Fifth Young Master'.

In addition, since he started practicing, Xu Fei has mostly been cultivating in Linglong Immortal Sect.

Although he also travels a lot, compared to other monks who are at home in all corners of the world, his experience is undoubtedly not enough.

So this 'Fifth Young Master' was the first time Xu Fei had seen someone with such a special physique.

This also made Xu Fei hesitate.

Is it ‘taken’?

If you take it, then if there is currently no elixir suitable for Xu Fei's current level of cultivation to refine the elixir,

That would save about thirty years of time.

It doesn't sound like much, but it's half an ordinary person's life.

If you don’t take it, it will naturally be nothing.

But no one can guarantee whether this great medicine will be discovered by other monks.

If other monks find out, they will take it.

It's better to use it yourself.

All in all, this discovery still made Xu Fei a little troubled.

Moreover, this fifth young master was also the sister of his employer, so Xu Fei couldn't bear to have his career taken away from him.

After all, he and his boss had some friendship.

However, after thinking about it, Xu Fei just made a secret mark on the fifth young master.

It is convenient to keep track of its whereabouts without doing anything unnecessary.

When I returned to my residence, the matchmaker was waiting at the door with a smile on her face.

Preparing for a wedding is quite troublesome, especially since Xu Fei is so generous.

The matchmaker naturally used high standards to host this happy event.

So these days Xu Fei basically doesn't have much wages left, and he spends all of them.

This also made Sun Er, who did not go to work today, look quite embarrassed when he saw it.

I don’t know whether I should advise or not.

After all, we ordinary people can't afford to be so lavish on spending.

Xu Fei didn't care about this.

If he took out the spirit stones hidden in the storage bag lining his clothes, it might be a bit boastful to buy Tiangan City, but buying half of it would still be enough.

"Second brother, let's drink together tonight." Xu Fei smiled after seeing Sun Er.

This made Sun Er even more helpless, and he couldn't help but think about how to persuade the other party without hurting his feelings.

Soon, the matchmaker took the four hundred copper coins given by Xu Fei and left happily.

Firecrackers, sedan chairs, donkeys, etc. used to welcome the bride can be bought or rented.

In the end, she probably had thirty or forty copper coins left.

A few days passed in the blink of an eye.

Xu Fei was once again assigned by the shopkeeper to deliver things to his employer.

Xu Fei followed the good and followed the flow.

Carefully arrived at the owner's residence, knocked on the door and entered.

The boss was wearing a white dress and a red skirt this time.

Very bright.

When Xu Fei saw it, he stepped forward and picked it up with a smile.

Have some fun.

Xu Fei held his boss in his arms and comforted him afterwards.

After all, their matter has messed up the three principles and five principles.

If he accidentally comforted him and his boss changed his mind that day, he would be in trouble.

The boss squinted his eyes, enjoying Xu Fei's gentle treatment.

It's quite immersed in it and doesn't want to wake up.

But soon the owner opened his eyes.

"Have you seen my fifth sister a few days ago?" Dongjia said.

When Xu Fei heard this, he pretended not to know: "Fifth sister? When?"

"My fifth sister likes to wear men's clothes when she goes out," the boss said.

Xu Fei then pretended to be enlightened.

"Yes, I was robbed by some gangsters when I was off work a few days ago. A young man helped me." Xu Fei said.

When he heard that Xu Fei was robbed after work, his employer couldn't help but look a little nervous.

Although what happened between her and Xu Fei was leaked, it would be enough to kill her without a burial place, but unknowingly, her boss still had an extra affection for Xu Fei.

Maybe it was the happiness she had never experienced before from Xu Fei, or maybe it was this man's tenderness and care for her.

"It's okay. I practiced the body-building boxing you gave me. With my strength, no one can get close to me." Sensing his boss's worry, Xu Fei comforted him.

Xu Fei was never a dedicated or infatuated person, but after feeling the slightest friendship from his employer, he naturally would not ignore it.

After chatting for a few words, Xu Fei's eyes became ambiguous again.

After being happy twice, Xu Fei left from his employer's residence.

The owner currently lives in a villa she bought outside.

From this alone, we can know that the relationship between her and her husband is probably in name only.

As for how the boss can give Xu Fei's child to his husband, Xu Fei doesn't want to pay attention to it.


Two days later.

The boss returned home.

Let the maid go and invite her husband again.

But unfortunately, her husband only asked the maid to reply with "I'm tired".

This made the owner's face hard to look at.


In the blink of an eye, more than one month has passed.

Xu Fei got up early this day.

Put on new clothes and wear a big red flower on your chest.

We went to Zuozhuang Village accompanied by several rice shop workers who were not working.

It was so lively playing and playing along the way.

When the people in Zuozhuang Village saw the groom, they quickly lit up firecrackers.

Crackling~ It was very lively for a while.

As for the children who blocked the wedding procession, the matchmaker sprinkled a handful of copper coins to clear the way.

Then there were several more incidents, each of which had its own response.

Xu Fei finally received his little wife.

He personally carried Xiaofang on his back and carefully placed her in the sedan chair.

After a few more festivities, Xu Fei mounted his donkey and returned to Tiangan City.

Xiaofang's natal relatives were also accompanying them.

The matchmaker, together with some female relatives from neighbors and Mihang clerks, placed Xiaofang in the bridal chamber.

Then the wedding banquet begins.

When Xiaofang's three relatives and six family members, as well as the Mihang guys who came after work, saw the big fish and meat on the table, they couldn't help but swallow their saliva.

Even during the Chinese New Year, they had never had such a sumptuous meal.

Seeing that everyone was afraid to move their chopsticks, Xu Fei quickly came out to liven up the atmosphere, thanking everyone for their help.

Gradually everyone started to eat.

Then almost all the tables were eaten.

And when the banquet ended, the sky turned completely dark.

Xu Fei saw off the guests and settled half of the banquet money left by Master Wei, who had cooked the banquet for him today.

He came to the bridal chamber with a smile on his face.

After some decoration, the bridal chamber was filled with red silk.

There were also several red lanterns, which reflected everything in a rather ambiguous light.

Xu Fei picked up the scale beam and lifted Xiaofang's hijab.

"Are you hungry?" Xu Fei asked.

Xiaofang has been wearing a hijab since morning.

I probably haven't eaten all day.

Xiaofang shyly shook her head.

"Auntie brought me a bowl of glutinous rice balls." Xiaofang said.

Xu Fei smiled again.

"It's getting late, let's take a rest, right?" Xu Fei said.

Although this is not the first time Xu Fei has entered the bridal chamber, he is very happy every time.

Xiaofang lowered her head and hummed inaudibly.

Xu Fei smiled and stretched out his hand, pinched Xiaofang's chin, raised her face, and kissed her directly.

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