And just as the days of such sweetness and oiliness passed by day by day.

Xu Fei's secret mark on the 'Fifth Young Master' was triggered.

However, the secret mark can only be triggered when the target is particularly excited.

So there is a high probability that something happened.

Although the other party has nothing to do with him, and after thinking about it for a while, Xu Fei does not intend to take this 'big medicine', but if something goes wrong with the other party, Xu Fei will feel uncomfortable.

After all, I didn’t even take advantage of this, so who dares to be so presumptuous? !

It has to be said that with the improvement of his cultivation, Xu Fei's arrogance is getting higher and higher.

So Xu Fei asked the shopkeeper for half a day's leave, then changed his appearance and went to where the fifth young master was.

Soon, Xu Fei came to a luxurious mansion.

Yu Mansion.

The large gold characters on the door plaque are magnificent.

Xu Fei covered his body and entered it.

Soon I found the fifth young master...the fifth sister.

Wearing men's clothing, this woman looks dashing.

When you put on women's clothes and look sad, it has a different charm.

Although her figure was difficult to judge due to her large robes, her mouth, which was two sizes larger than that of an ordinary woman, did not detract from her appearance at all.

Instead, I want people to give it a try.

Xu Fei did not speak rashly, but quietly waited aside.

After a while, a woman in palace clothes came over with several maids.

The woman waved away several maids, and then came to the fifth sister.

"My good daughter, I know you don't want to, but how can our family dare to go against the law of God and do it to our ancestors?" the woman said.

Judging from her tone, she seemed to be Fifth Sister's mother.

"Mom, I don't want to marry Patriarch Tiangan!" Fifth Sister said angrily.

Ancestor Tiangan is tens of thousands of years old, as old as her grandfather.

How can the fifth sister, who has many longings and fantasies about the future, be reconciled to this?

When Xu Fei heard this, he had some understanding of why Wu Mei's mood fluctuated violently and triggered the secret memory.

Apparently it was this Heavenly Ancestor who noticed Fifth Sister's special talent.

I plan to take this great medicine.

After thinking for a while, Xu Fei quietly left Wu Mei's boudoir.

He didn't even eat, so this guy was thinking about it.

How could Xu Fei endure this?

First leave Tiangan City, then change your body shape and fly back to Tiangan City again.

The cultivation level of a hundred thousand pots is undisguised.

Standing in the sky.

Such an arrogant performance will naturally not be ignored by the Tianqianmen who manage Tiangan City.

But the first ones to come out were only the heads and elders of the Tianqian Sect.

It's not Xu Fei's target, Patriarch Tiangan.

So Xu Fei just waved his sleeves and pushed them away.

Seeing Xu Fei's actions, Patriarch Tiangan, who was hiding in the dark, looked solemn.

Even though the opponent only has one hundred thousand pots of magic power, his magic power is majestic.

Far from ordinary.

I'm afraid he is no match.

But the other party didn't do anything cruel to his disciples, so he must have something to do with him?

Hiding was not an option, so Patriarch Tiangan finally decided to take a look at the situation.

Ancestor Tiangan flew up and came to the same position as Xu Fei.

Seems to be on an equal footing with the other party.

Xu Fei made a secret in his hand.

Ancestor Tiangan's expression changed, and he soon breathed a sigh of relief after discovering that the other party only isolated internal and external sounds and spiritual thoughts.

This arrangement is basically because I don't want the outside world to know what's going on here.

This further verified the previous speculation of Patriarch Tiangan.

"I met fellow Taoist monks in Xia Lu Shu," Xu Fei said.

Hearing Lu Shu's name, Patriarch Tiangan showed a thoughtful look on his face.

This name...haven't you heard of it?

So it's the pseudonym of a certain high-level practitioner?

"I've met fellow Taoist Daoist Xia Tiangan." Patriarch Tiangan said cautiously.

"How many wives and concubines does Taoist friend have?" Xu Fei said.

Patriarch Tianqian was filled with questions after hearing this.

Could it be that one of his wives had hooked up with him?

If that's the case, he's willing to let it go.

"This...there are currently more than a hundred people in total." Ancestor Tiangan said.

"There are only more than a hundred Taoist friends who have practiced so far?" Xu Fei asked rhetorically.

"No, if you want to count them all, I have probably more than 4,000 or 5,000 wives and concubines." Patriarch Tiangan said with a guilty conscience.

Xu Fei nodded after hearing this.

"That's enough." Xu Fei said.

Ancestor Tiangan was stunned when he heard what Xu Fei said.

Immediately he realized that the other party had probably discovered something special about the Yu family's daughter.

Although it was about a big medicine, Patriarch Tiangan did not dare to compete with the other party.

"Yes, yes, I will definitely obey your master's instructions." Patriarch Tiangan said cautiously.

I'm afraid Xu Fei is not satisfied at all.

On the surface, it seems that his cultivation level is higher than that of the other party.

But the opponent's cultivation level of a hundred thousand pots was like swallowing mountains and rivers.

I'm afraid he may not be able to block the opponent's blow.

What's more, this person only showed the cultivation level of 100,000 Pots, is this really the only cultivation level?

Seeing that Patriarch Tiangan was so obedient, Xu Fei nodded, bowed his hands, put away his formation, turned around and fled away.

In the blink of an eye there was no trace.

Ancestor Tiangan watched Xu Fei leave and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

He hadn't been this panicked for years.

Immediately thinking of this 'Lu Shu''s instructions, he quickly returned to the luxurious palace where he usually lived.

He found his disciples and disciples and ordered them to go down and not marry Yu's daughter again.

After Xu Fei left, he changed into Zhang Tie's appearance and returned to Tiangan City.

If Patriarch Tiangan is sensible, then naturally he can say anything.

If he doesn't know what's interesting, then Xu Fei will let him know what's interesting.

However, what Xu Fei guessed might happen did not happen.

Soon the Yu family received news that Patriarch Tiangan had broken off the engagement.

There was also a large amount of spiritual stones and rare treasures used as apology.

Everyone in the Yu family couldn't help but be confused.

Although Tianqianmen appears to be impartial and impartial on the surface, who doesn’t know what the situation is like in private?

It can only be said that the world is as dark as crows.

The reason why it is fair is just to avoid affecting the enjoyment of Ancestor Tiangan.

It can be said that Tiangan Gate and even Tiangan City belong to the Tiangan Patriarch alone.

Everyone who understands understands.

After helping Fifth Sister this time, Xu Fei's thoughts changed somewhat.

He can help this time, but where next?

Therefore, it is better to enjoy this great medicine by yourself.

But how to enjoy it is somewhat particular.

One, take it directly.

The effect of this on Xu Fei is thirty years of practice, which is still thirty years without the use of elixirs.

But it's even worse for Fifth Sister.

Because once Xu Fei completes the replenishing effect of her special physique, even if she will not die directly, she will not live for three or two years.

Second, take it slowly.

That is to say, taking it while supplementing it.

Although Wu Mei will lose her potential after being harvested by Xu Fei and will no longer be able to enter the path of martial arts, her body will not decay and she can still live like an ordinary person.

Third, instead of taking it, practice dual cultivation instead.

There are many rules and regulations for dual cultivation here.

Basically, there can only be one target for dual cultivation.

If there are too many candidates for dual cultivation, even if the cultivation level is improved in the end, the mana gained will become mixed and chaotic.

Compared with normal practice, it is far worse.

Because of this, Xu Fei has never chosen a partner for dual cultivation.

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