Return home.

Xiaofang came over and took Xu Fei's coat, looking a little embarrassed.

Xu Fei gently hugged Xiaofang's willow-like waist.

This girl is young after all, and her many innocent actions always make Xu Fei smile.

"What's wrong?" Xu Fei asked softly.

"Dad just came here and wanted to borrow some silver..." Xiaofang said.

After listening to Xiaofang's story, Xu Fei learned that there was a farmer in Zuozhuang Village who wanted to sell a few acres of thin farmland in his family because he was moving to live with his son.

The father-in-law was inevitably tempted, but the money was not enough.

Xu Fei chuckled lightly when he heard this.

Buying a house and land are all business matters.

"How much money is still missing?" Xu Fei said.

"It's still fourteen taels short of silver." Xiaofang said.

Xu Fei thought for a moment after hearing this: "Then let's take out twenty taels and give it to my father-in-law."

The land in Zuozhuang Village is not fertile.

Before getting married to Xiaofang some time ago, Xu Fei also heard about some local conditions when he occasionally went there.

The land in the village generally ranges from five taels to ten taels per mu.

And after some time, he will be ready to take Xiaofang back to Linglong Immortal Sect.

We should also give some subsidies to our father-in-law and mother-in-law.

Xiaofang was stunned when she heard this.

"C-is it too much?" Xiaofang asked.

Xu Fei chuckled, looked at the cute and innocent Xiaofang, and kissed her with his mouth wide open.


"Congratulations to Mr. Feng, congratulations to Mr. Feng, Madam is very happy."

Feng Mansion.

A doctor with a goatee congratulated a man with a feminine face with joy on his face.

Only after saying a few words, the doctor realized belatedly that Mr. Feng's face didn't look good.

This made the doctor's expression stiffen.

At the same time, I remembered the rumors about Master Feng's infertility.

This this……

"Bury it." Mr. Feng, with a gentle face, said calmly.

Upon hearing this, the servant next to him stepped forward, lifted the doctor up, and took him down without caring about his struggle or begging for mercy.

Then the pleas for mercy stopped abruptly.

Mr. Feng turned his head and looked at the bedroom with eyes full of surprise, but not anger after discovering that he had been wearing a hat.

"Bring all the servants around Madam." Master Feng issued the order again.

Soon, all the servants around the boss were brought over.

The mother-in-law tried to calm down.

I don’t know how the lady was discovered.

Master Feng first asked a maid, but when she couldn't tell her anything, he ordered her to be buried.

Then ask the next one.

Although the servants one after another are responsible for serving the madam, when the madam goes to the other courtyard, she will not take them with her.

So they didn't know.

However, out of fear, a maid told the lady that she often slept out.

But it was still buried.

Not one of the more than ten maids was spared.

In the end, only the mother-in-law was left.

"You are Madam's wet nurse, and you are usually closest to Madam. Can you tell me what is going on?" Mr. Feng asked with a strange expression.

It was as if he was asking about this because he should be asking, not that he was concerned about the outcome.

The mother-in-law slowly lowered her head and said nothing.

"Bury it." Master Feng showed no mercy.

"Hold on! The nanny doesn't know about this." The boss in the bedroom finally came out.

His expression was a little pale.

Upon hearing this, Master Feng turned to look at his wife.

"Is there anything I, the Feng family, can do to apologize to you?" Master Feng asked.

The boss pursed his lips, but remained silent and did not answer.

"Tell the Yu family what happened." Mr. Feng ordered the butler beside him.

After saying that, he turned around and prepared to leave.

However, his footsteps suddenly stopped.

Turning his head to look to the side.

I don't know when a figure appeared on the wall.

Xu Fei stood on the wall and looked at the man below.

There was something strange about his expression.

Because to be precise, the other party is not a human race.

When the hostess saw Zhang Tie, she couldn't help but panic. She never expected that the other party would come over.

"Leave quickly, it's none of your business." said the owner.

He actually seemed to have some friendship with Xu Fei, fearing that Xu Fei would be implicated in this matter.

When Mr. Feng heard this, he immediately understood.

Obviously this is his good wife’s adulterer!

So he should hate it with all his heart.

Thinking of this, Mr. Feng immediately jumped up and reached out to scratch Xu Fei.

Xu Fei slapped him back.

He slapped Mr. Feng back and threw him to the ground, with all his parts smashed into pieces.

But there was no trace of blood.

This situation shocked the Feng family servants present.

what happened?

"Corpse cultivator?" Xu Fei asked curiously.

Corpse cultivator is a very rare type of cultivator.

Even less than Guixiu.

At least Xu Fei has only heard of it so far in his practice, but today is the first time he saw it.

He was carrying rice just now when he suddenly realized that the secret mark left on his employer was triggered, so he naturally wanted to come over and take a look.

But he didn't expect to see the legendary corpse cultivator.

When Master Feng heard Xu Fei reveal his identity, his expression immediately changed.

Corpse repair, in fact, to be precise, it means seizing the body!

But the requirements are extremely demanding.

First is the birthday, and then the physical body. Especially when taking over the body, the physical body must be left half dead and half alive without any damage.

All in all it's very troublesome.

Especially even if you become a corpse cultivator, you may not be able to sleep peacefully.

Because most of the corpse cultivators have difficulty controlling the body that was taken from them.

If someone noticed something strange, he was quickly eradicated.

It is extremely rare to see a corpse cultivator like this one who is almost normal.

That is to say, Xu Fei's cultivation level is high enough, his knowledge is profound enough, he has practiced various observation spells, and then integrated them into one.

Increase the power of observation spells.

You can see things in detail that other monks ignore.

Otherwise, he might not regard the corpse cultivator in front of him as someone who had only recently come into contact with corpses.

‘Master Feng’ was beaten to pieces by Xu Fei’s slap.

The body parts that fell to the ground looked miserable.

But soon, these parts began to tremble and gather together.

After a while, it was reassembled into Mr. Feng.

But some parts were misplaced.

For example, the belly reaches the head, the arms reach the legs, etc.

Mr. Feng tore his body apart again and reassembled it.

Xu Fei was amazed by what he saw.

This corpse cultivator is really strange.

The boss on the side couldn't help but feel confused when he saw such a scene.

Some are unacceptable.

After all, at the beginning of their marriage, her relationship with her husband was still very close.

But one day two years later, her husband's attitude towards her suddenly changed and he became cold and distant.

After ten years of living like this, the owner finally decided to borrow seeds from Xu Fei.

After observing the corpse cultivator, Xu Fei turned his head and looked aside.

Then he stepped forward and helped his boss, who was sitting on the ground in shock because Master Feng was cut into parts, up.

After all, the two of them had had a romantic relationship, so naturally they couldn't bear to sit on the cold ground.

What's more, there are two children in his belly.

At this time, someone from the Yu family came over.

Because it was the daughter of the Yu family who had committed adultery and became pregnant, the person who came was an old acquaintance of Xu Fei.

The patriarch of the Yu family.

But after seeing the situation on the field, he couldn't help but feel at a loss.

what happened?

Something doesn't seem right about my son-in-law.

And who is this stupid guy?

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