But Xu Fei ignored the confused look on the face of the head of the Yu family.

He didn't take any action to subdue the corpse cultivator in front of him.

Instead, he got lost in his thoughts.

Xu Fei was sure that this outing was just a momentary boredom on his part.

But both the Qiyin body and the corpse cultivator are extremely rare.

Did he meet him so easily?

In fact, if he only had Qi Yin's body, or if he only encountered corpse cultivators, Xu Fei could still treat them as an accidental encounter.

But both happened together.

Although the Yu family is the hub among them.

The boss's husband is a corpse cultivator, and his fifth sister has a strange body.

It seems logical.

But Xu Fei still inevitably had some thoughts about this.

Maybe there's something going on that he doesn't know yet?

Involuntarily, Xu Fei had some thoughts in his mind.

Just when Xu Fei was thoughtful.

The head of the Yu family who came over also learned what happened from the servants of his son-in-law's family.

But he didn't really believe that the Yu family's son-in-law turned out to be a corpse cultivator.

Instead, I wondered if Xu Fei had done something to this.

But then the head of the family thought of the son-in-law's parents and brother who had died in recent years.

The family business eventually fell into the hands of a son-in-law who was previously unlikely to take over the Feng family.

His expression was inevitably hesitant.

The movement here is not small.

Moreover, Tianqianmen's control over the city is relatively strict.

Soon the Tianqianmen law enforcement team rushed into Feng's house.

As relatively wealthy families in Tiangan City, the Feng family and the Yu family have some face and connections.

But that can only be used in normal times.

Once there is any problem, the law enforcement team doesn't care about the Feng family, Yu family, etc.

"What happened?" A heroic middle-aged man in his thirties was wearing bronze dragon-patterned armor and holding a shining golden spear.

Walked out from the law enforcement team who had taken control of the situation.

"Shang Duizheng, you came just in time..." The head of the Yu family quickly told the other party what he had heard.

At the same time, the thoughts in my mind couldn't help but turn around.

Maybe my 'son-in-law' was framed, or maybe he was really a corpse cultivator.

But regardless of whether he is a corpse cultivator or not, he had better be.

After all, the married daughter of the Yu family, Hongxing, cheated on her and became pregnant, which is not good news.

But if the other party is a corpse cultivator, then everything will be simple.

Just treat it as a corpse repairer, and let the child in the Yu family's daughter's belly inherit the Feng family's property.

So will the Yu family be able to annex the Feng family in the future?

Not to mention the head of the family's desire to occupy the magpie's nest and take advantage of others.

Captain Shang from the Tianqianmen Law Enforcement Team had already turned to look at Mr. Feng, who was suspected of being a corpse cultivator.

After looking at the opponent for a moment, Shang Duizheng didn't find anything wrong.

"Bring everyone back!" Captain Shang was saying.

Hearing Captain Shang say this, Master Feng, the corpse cultivator, turned to look at Xu Fei with a malicious look on his face.

Then he turned around and ran away.

At this moment, his explosive strength is actually quite impressive.

About 30,000 pots were cultivated.

He is head and shoulders above Shang Dui, who has 20,000 pots of mana.

This made Captain Shang's expression change drastically.

He immediately activated the armor on his body and the weapon in his hand.

At the same time, his left hand took out a communication firework from the storage bag at his waist, ignited it with magic power and threw it into the air. It exploded in an instant and the sound spread throughout the world.

But the next moment, Captain Shang, who was blocking the path of the corpse cultivator, had no time to react. He was hit in the chest by the corpse cultivator and flew more than ten feet away.

Two courtyard walls were knocked down.

And there was also a palm print on the breastplate, which looked like a solid bronze armor.

The corpse cultivator who was easily defeated by Xu Fei just now faced Shang Duizheng, one of the thirty-seven captains of the Tianqianmen Law Enforcement Team, who was already considered to be quite powerful, but he was as powerful as a god.

The bystanders did not expect this result at all, their expressions changed drastically, and they quickly backed away.

For fear of being targeted by corpse cultivators.

After all, even Shang Duizheng was defeated with one palm, so how could they be their opponents.

After corpse cultivator Master Feng repelled Shang Duizheng who was blocking the way, he glanced at Xu Fei again.

Then he turned around and ran away.

Xu Fei was not in a hurry to catch up.

Instead, he turned to look at his boss beside him.

"It's been so long, but I still don't know your name." Xu Fei said.

"Yu Yingzhu." The boss looked at Xu Fei with surprise and confusion.

How could she have thought that she was just a borrowed man whom she found pleasing to the eye, but he was hiding it so deeply.



The support from the Tianqianmen law enforcement team cannot be said to be disappointing, but it is still not enough to face Master Feng, the corpse cultivator.

In the blink of an eye, there were huge casualties.

Xu Fei stopped flirting with his boss and flew up to where the corpse cultivator was.

When he turned with his left hand, the stone slabs on the ground were broken by several trees and vines.

The branches and leaves of trees and vines swayed, trapping the corpse cultivator.

A very common wood vein spell.

But because it was activated by Xu Fei's powerful magic power.

The power is not ordinary.

The corpse cultivator, who just now looked like a tiger rushing into a flock of sheep, looked at the branches and trees in front of him with a particularly solemn expression.

It felt that it probably couldn't break through the siege of these wooden veins.

But in the next moment, the corpse cultivator huddled up and suddenly attacked a branch and leaf that it judged was weak.

The powerful impact broke several branches and smashed some leaves.

But that's all.

Because the corpse cultivator's body turned into a mass of flesh, it was bound up by the branches, leaves, and vines that grew out of it.

The corpse cultivator returned to his human form, and after briefly judging the situation he was facing, his entire body seemed like clay or plasticine, flowing out from the gaps wrapped in branches, leaves, and vines.

Then he quickly returned to his human form and prepared to escape again.

Xu Fei couldn't help but raise his eyebrows when he saw that the corpse cultivator in front of him could transform his body like this.

Ordinary corpse cultivators can hardly do this, and it is even difficult to control the body that has been seized.

Not only does it move uncoordinated, limp, or even crawl, but after a period of time, its body will gradually become inhuman, growing horns, hooves, or strange fleshy whiskers, etc., etc. .

But this corpse cultivator not only has smooth and silky control over his body, but also has quite impressive combat prowess.

But why is such a corpse cultivator hiding in Tiangan City?

In other words, what is its purpose?

Feng family?

When Xu Fei's eyes moved slightly, a leaf fell off from a tree he urged, flew out lightly, and hit the corpse cultivator who rushed out from the trees and vines before he could be happy.

Then the corpse cultivator's body, which originally wanted to fly away, fell directly to the ground.

The corpse cultivator struggled hard to get up, but its body was no longer under its control.

Xu Fei was not surprised by this either.

Because there was just a little bit of poison on the leaf that hit the corpse cultivator.

Soon, many Tianqianmen law enforcement teams rushed over.

One of the team members looked at the subdued corpse cultivator and then at Xu Fei.

"Thank you fellow Taoist for helping me," the team member said righteously.

Xu Fei just nodded and returned to Feng's house.

The news that Zhang Tie, who was just an ordinary person, was actually a monk with astonishing strength spread in an instant.

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