Cultivation Of Immortality: My Branching And Spreading System

Chapter 479, The Fourteen Curses of Creation

This also shocked people who knew ‘Zhang Tie’ in the past.

He was obviously a fool, why did he suddenly become a monk?

And it is said to be extremely powerful?

Especially the matchmaker who helped Xu Fei get flustered.

He brought four-color gifts to his door to accuse him.

Xu Fei was well aware that the matchmaker was somewhat greedy when handling his marriage, but he didn't care.

Because his marriage went well.

So as a matchmaker, just be greedy.

Then he sent away the worried matchmaker and closed the courtyard door.

The boss, Yu Yingzhu, walked out of the room.

Xu Fei's little lady followed beside him.

The boss looked at Xu Fei and pursed his lips.

What happened the day before yesterday was too fast-changing.

It took a lot of effort for her to accept it.

But I'm still a little surprised that this borrowed man, 'Zhang Tie', has far superior strength.

"What's wrong?" Xu Fei said.

Now that his strength was exposed, Xu Fei stopped carrying rice.

Stay at your residence honestly and prepare to spend the remaining more than a month like this.

The boss looked away when he heard this and said nothing more.

Instead, Xiaofang blinked.

She didn't quite know what was going on with her husband.

But he was not afraid of Xu Fei.

It's just that he is very respectful to the boss Xu Fei suddenly brought back.

She didn't feel at all that she was Xu Fei's wife, she was just cheating on her, and she should be the one to discipline him.

After all, this is a real rich lady.

Xu Fei didn't care about Xiaofang's clumsiness.

This little lady still needs training before she can understand the worldly affairs.

"What are your plans?" said the boss.

"Live here in Tiangan City for a while longer, and then I will take you back." Xu Fei said.

Xiaofang couldn't help but blinked when she heard about going back. Although she wanted to know where to go back, she was too sensible to ask any more questions.

The boss was silent for a moment after hearing this.

"Okay." He finally agreed.

In the afternoon, Sun Er left work.

He knocked on the door tentatively.

Xu Fei opened the door and greeted Sun Er as usual.

Sun Er was particularly cautious.

The day before yesterday and yesterday, the law enforcement team came to him to inquire about the situation of 'Zhang Tie'.

Although they were all polite, it still inevitably frightened Sun Er.

After all, it was a law enforcement team.

After chatting for a few words, Sun Er resigned timidly.

Xu Fei sighed in his heart and did not embarrass the other party.

After all, after his own strength is exposed, it is too much to want to experience the life of ordinary people again.

And it was the sixth day after catching the corpse cultivator.

The law enforcement team finally arrived.

Give Xu Fei some of the information they got from interrogating the corpse cultivators.

This corpse cultivator's name is Holding Mirror, and he was originally a snake demon.

By chance, he became a corpse cultivator.

A few years ago, I took away Mr. Feng’s body.

Prepare to collect some cultivation materials, and then choose a place to practice again when this body cannot support it.

A very reasonable-sounding origin and explanation.

But Xu Fei didn't believe it.

Corpse cultivators are different from ordinary cultivators.

It was quite difficult to switch to another major, and even Xu Fei didn't know how to do it.

Moreover, this corpse cultivator gave Xu Fei a rather unusual feeling.

With a cultivation level of more than 30,000 pots, he defeated the law enforcement team leader with a cultivation level of more than 20,000 pots with one move, and the leader was wearing armor and was on guard.

Even though this armor is just junk in Xu Fei's eyes.

But generally speaking, it is enough for the law enforcement team to resist the corpse cultivator for a while.

At least he won't lose so quickly.

Therefore, the strength of this corpse cultivator is considered strong among ordinary cultivators.

And it was such a corpse cultivator who worked so hard to sneak into a city where humans live just to collect some training materials?

And it persisted for ten years or even longer without being discovered?

Of course, these speculations by Xu Fei may be just his own imagination.

It is not certain that the matter itself is exactly as stated in this confession.

"Where is that corpse cultivator?" Xu Fei asked the law enforcement team member.

The people from the law enforcement team were a little embarrassed when they heard this.

"It, it can't stand the torture, it has disintegrated."

Xu Fei read through the corpse cultivator's confession again.

After thinking about it, I came to Feng Mansion.

A careful search was carried out.

Soon, Xu Fei discovered a secret room.

After asking his boss that he didn't know about this secret room, Xu Fei entered carefully.

In the secret room.

Several remains were hung.

After the autopsy was carried out by members of the law enforcement team, they quickly determined that these people were the original missing and deceased members of the Feng family.

I didn't expect it to be all here.

Xu Fei turned around again.

We did find some suitable materials collected by corpse cultivators.

So this corpse cultivator is really just collecting materials and has no other purpose?

More than a month passed in the blink of an eye.

Xu Fei tidied up and bought two hundred acres of land for his father-in-law and mother-in-law.

Then he left Tiangan City with Xiaofang and Dongjia, who was more than three months pregnant.

I picked up the fifth sister halfway.

The two sisters were surprised and shocked when they met again under unexpected circumstances.

"Lu Shu, Zhang Tie, which one of these two is your name?" The boss couldn't help but ask.

"None of them." Xu Fei said, returning to his original appearance.

Looking at Xu Fei's ordinary appearance, plus his height has shrunk by more than half.

The boss couldn't help but frown.

If this is the case, she looks down on him a little bit.

Fifth sister looked at Xu Fei with a somewhat dissatisfied expression.

I was just intimidated by the other party's advanced cultivation level and didn't dare to reveal it.

Only Xiaofang blinked, looking at her husband curiously, why he suddenly changed from like that to like this.

Xu Fei chuckled lightly and put his arms around Xiaofang's slim waist.

Xiaofang was suddenly hugged by a 'stranger', and she couldn't help but look panicked.

After a moment, her pretty face turned slightly red and her body relaxed.

This familiar feeling is definitely my husband.

After more than half a day, Xu Fei returned to Linglong Immortal Sect.

Let Yingwei arrange the three girls.

The next day, Xu Fei went to the Jingwei Hall of Tianzhu Peak after washing up and met with the head of Juan Yi.

The leader was dressed in purple robes, with a simple long sword in front of him.

As a sword cultivator, Master Juan Yi's strength is extremely high.

Even Zhong Tiansheng, who single-handedly suppressed the Zhenxiao Sect, did not dare to confront the leader of Juan Yi head-on.

After the ceremony, Xu Fei came to the futon aside and sat down, organizing his words in his mind.

"What's wrong? What's the matter?" Head Juan Yi chuckled.

Xu Fei hesitated for a moment and told Head Juan Yi some things about his outing, and at the same time expressed his doubts.

Is there something wrong with him?

Why do we encounter all kinds of strange things one after another?

Head Juan Yi glanced at Xu Fei and nodded, confirming his guess.

"Yes, there is indeed something wrong with you."

"You ruined Zhong Tiansheng's good deeds before, so he cast a strange curse on you, one of the fourteen divine spells of creation."

"I had an idea at that time, so I suppressed this strange curse for some time, and it finally broke out some time ago." said the leader of Juan Yi.

"Strange curse?" Xu Fei said in surprise.

"Twelve of the fourteen curses of creation no longer exist. Only the strange curse you cast and the other two calamity curses are left." said the leader of Juan Yi.

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