However, Yue Qingmei did not explain this.

Xu Fei thought for a while and didn't ask any more questions.

"Now I'll give you two choices."

"One becomes my concubine."

"In addition, you just leave." Xu Fei said.

Although it cost 150,000 spirit stones to buy Yue Qingmei, which was an amount that ordinary cultivators could not earn in their lifetime, it was nothing to Xu Fei.

As for Yue Qingmei, there might be something special about her, and she might encounter something strange.

But Xu Fei had no intention of forcing the other party.

To put it simply, if they are in harmony, they will go if they are not in harmony.

The main character is a person who is willing to fight and suffer.

Yue Qingmei was stunned when she heard this. She didn't expect Xu Fei to be willing to give her a chance to choose.

However, through this period of time together, Yue Qingmei could also realize that Xu Fei was not the kind of person who kept one thing on the surface but another behind the scenes.

So give her a choice, and there is a high probability that it will be true.

There will be no such thing as if she doesn't agree, even though the other party agrees on the surface, he won't do anything about it privately.

But after thinking about it for a while.

"Thank you for your respect, Master. Yue Niang is willing to serve you." Yue Qingmei said obediently.

Xu Fei was not surprised when he heard this.

Whether Yue Qingmei agrees to become his concubine or not, it has no impact on him.

If he agrees, he will have another succubus concubine.

If you don’t agree, you will lose one.

Xu Fei likes women.

But as my experience has increased over the years, I have no obsession with women.

I have to do something with a certain woman and so on.

So even though Yue Qingmei's appearance is outstanding, it doesn't stop there.

There are so many outstanding beauties.

He has experienced a lot before, and he will experience more in the future.

"Well, let's go down." Xu Fei said.

Naturally, Yingwei will arrange the wedding and other matters later.

I practiced in the mountain gate for some time.

The three girls Fang'er, Lan'er and Qing'er from Xiiling came again to receive the elixir.

I briefly asked about Xialing's situation.

Xu Fei kept the three girls for a few days and then let them leave.

It has to be said that although the special environment of Xiiling is quite inconvenient, it also makes it extremely rich in products.

If not, it would be difficult for Xu Fei to make tens of millions and nearly 100 million spirit stones from Xiiling every year for so many years.

Not to mention relying on Xialing's profits to purchase various elixirs and spiritual materials, and to refine elixirs to assist in practice.

Without the continuous and huge profits from Xialing, Xu Fei would have to spend at least five times more time to reach his current level of 200,000 pots.

That is eight thousand years away.

After all, as your cultivation level increases, it will become increasingly difficult to increase your magic power.

Even if Xu Fei integrated various Taoist methods in Yangwu Taoist Hall and made the method used in his own practice quite superb, it would still be difficult to violate this rule.

Of course, spending tens of billions of spirit stones over more than a thousand years was just to speed up his own practice and reduce thousands of years of practice time. Whether it was worth it or not can only be left to Xu Fei himself to judge.

Xu Fei was feeling emotional.

Yingwei came to report.

Yan Xuanmei, the master of Tianxuan Peak, comes to visit.

This surprised Xu Fei.

Xu Fei once had a chance encounter with this man when he was hunting down the demon of desire who had harvested Du Ziteng and caused his tragic death.

But I don’t know what the purpose of today is.

Invite the other person to sit down in the main hall and give a brief greeting.

"I have made an appointment with a few fellow Taoists to go to the deserted sea for training. I wonder if you, Xu Fei, would be willing to accompany us?" Yan Xuanmei, who was dressed in men's clothing and looked very heroic, asked.

Listening to Yan Xuanmei's inquiry, Xu Fei was thoughtful.

The nine major sects and the outer realm are almost 99% of the land routes in the manifest world.

Besides this piece of land, there is a deserted sea.

The areas of land and sea are almost the same.

It can be said that half of the manifest world is land and half is ocean.

However, because the deserted sea is inaccessible, it is easier to gain something than on land.

From time to time, you can hear about some highly accomplished people returning from the deserted sea with a full load.

The piece of life turtle shell that Xu Fei received from his ancestor Youwei was harvested from the deserted sea.

So after thinking for a moment, Xu Fei was ready to agree.

"Since Master Yan has invited me, I dare not disobey you." Xu Fei said.

Yan Xuanmei laughed, quite satisfied with the cheerful Xu Fei.

"Yes, let's make preparations and set off in about two months." Yan Xuan said with an eyebrow.

After finishing speaking, he explained some trivial matters that need to be paid attention to when going to the deserted sea.

Yan Xuanmei said goodbye and left.

Although there are many strange places on the land that Xu Fei did not have time to explore, but since he has this opportunity, it is okay to follow Yan Xuanmei and others to get familiar with the situation in the deserted sea.

It is said that the various water tribes in the deserted sea also have intertwined forces and constant disputes.

In the blink of an eye, two months passed.

Xu Fei made some general arrangements for his family affairs and headed to Tianxuan Peak.

Besides Xu Fei, there were already several people waiting in Tianxuan Palace.

After a while, Yan Xuanmei came over.

Dressed in black men's clothing, she looked quite crisp.

"This is Xu Fei, a disciple of Beilu in my sect." Yan Xuanmei introduced Xu Fei to everyone.

Several people either cupped their hands or nodded in greeting.

Yan Xuanmei also introduced several others to Xu Fei.

Strictly repair wells.

The pavilion is as wide as the beam.

Return Mengguyu to take care of your heart.

Is the way of heaven’s heart clear?

Including Xu Fei and Yan Xuanmei, there are six people in total.

Among the six, Xu Fei had the highest level of cultivation, but he only revealed 120,000 pots of magic power.

The second is Tianxin Dao Fu Ming, who has a cultivation level of 180,000 pots, and this person is also a rare monk with the appearance of being relegated to immortals.

Then there are two girls, Yan Xuanmei and Yu Zhaoxin, who have a cultivation level of 140,000 and 150,000 pots.

Then there are Qi Kuan and Jing Yan, who have the same cultivation level as Xu Fei, which is about 120,000 pots.

After introducing everyone to each other, Yan Xuanmei did not show any courtesy and directly led everyone away.

A group of people fled one after another.

It took three days to reach the seaside.

Xu Fei was not in a hurry to get down, but looked up at the boundless sea.

Looking very far away, a wave as high as a hundred feet suddenly crashed on the sea.

A large amount of sea water was stirred up, like fog rolling in.

Various fish and shrimps were hidden among them, wrapped and dead.

It makes people feel emotional.

What would happen if I changed places with these fish and shrimps?

"Is it your first time for fellow Taoist Xu to come to the deserted sea to practice?" Yu Zhaoxin noticed Xu Fei watching the waves and asked with a chuckle.

Xu Fei looked back.

Yuzhao's heart and body are petite and lovely.

He is only four feet and five inches tall, which is about one meter and a half.

However, the chest is full of fruits, the waist is slender, and the peaches are plump.

Although the appearance can only be said to be beautiful, not stunning, it is indeed quite attractive.

"Yes." Xu Fei said.

Several other people saw Yu Zhaoxin fuming and chose to ignore it.

After all, they had heard about Xu Fei's property in Xiiling.

It is natural that Yu Zhao would be attracted to Xu Fei.

Even after this experience, most of the time Yan Xuanmei would invite Xu Fei because she couldn't stand Yu Zhaoxin's pestering.

Xu Fei looked at the other companions and probably understood a little bit.

"Then you have to follow my good sister~" Yu Zhaoxin said coquettishly.

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