Because it is difficult to buy top-quality spiritual materials, elixirs, etc. with spiritual stones, Xu Fei does not attach much importance to spiritual stones.

Of course, this is also due to the fact that it has always been easy for him to earn spiritual stones.

Whether it's refining magic weapons for others, buying and selling elixirs in Xiiling, or the Xu family's elixir shops, magic weapon shops and other businesses scattered all over the place.

Xu Fei almost never worried about money.

But this does not mean that the same is true for other monks.

Even someone as skilled as Yu Zhaoxin still lacks spiritual stones.

So even though she knew that Xu Fei liked women and had many concubines, she still wanted to pounce on Xu Fei.

To say it was a bit excessive, Xu Fei was used to such situations.

After all, over the years, he has seen countless women throw themselves into his arms.

Simply chat with Yu Zhaoxin.

Xu Fei went to pitch a tent and prepare to rest.

Yuzhao saw in his heart that Xu Fei was not moved by his enthusiasm at all, and his expression was inevitably a little unhappy.

But when I saw Xu Fei setting up a tent, I immediately had an idea.

I couldn't help but smile.

After eating dinner and washing up, everyone took a rest.

As for the vigil, everyone has their own methods.

Xu Fei used a puppet as his head, and the others either used formations or also used puppets.

Xu Fei slept until midnight when he noticed someone coming.

After Qie Lai easily subdued the big head of the puppet, he climbed directly into the tent.

It was Yu Zhaoxin.

This left Xu Fei speechless.

But since this woman came to her door by herself, Xu Fei did not refuse.

Hug her slender waist directly.

The next day, Xu Fei and Yu Zhaoxin walked out of the tent together.

Others were either teasing or calm.

On the contrary, Yu Zhaoxin was quite satisfied.

Last night, she climbed into Xu Fei's bed and felt happy, which brought her relationship with Xu Fei closer and brought her one step closer to her goal.

Naturally happy.

Yan Xuanmei didn't say anything when she saw this.

Men love women.

Nothing she said was appropriate.

After a brief discussion, a group of people flew up and entered the wilderness area.

"More than 200,000 miles ahead is the waters commanded by a powerful squid demon in its true form."

"After we avoid it, we will travel tens of thousands of miles to Xingsha Island, our first stop for this experience." Yu Zhao explained to Xu Fei who was standing beside him.

Xu Fei nodded and followed everyone.

Wait until it gets dark at night.

In the distance, where the sky meets the water, there are some black spots.

A little closer, thousands of islands appeared.

Some islands are quite large, covering hundreds of miles.

Some are very small, only tens of feet wide and long.

The group of people landed on the largest island one after another.

There is a high mountain on the island here.

Most of the residents live near the mountains.

As the sky darkens, the lights gradually turn on, creating quite a scene.

Under the leadership of Yan Xuanmei, the group came to an inn on the mountainside.

Judging from the familiar faces between the shopkeeper and Yan Xuanmei, one can tell that they have traveled to Huanghai quite a lot.

Find a place to stay first.

A small courtyard with many rooms.

Then everyone went to the lobby on the second floor of the inn to have dinner.

Listening to some small talk on the left and right.

Xu Fei also knew why Yan Xuanmei and others did not eat in a quiet place, but in the lobby.

Listening to what other people have to say is also an important way to understand the recent situation around you.

In addition, I rewarded the waiter with some money, which made it supplementary.

He has some understanding of the situation around Xingsha Island.

To avoid running into any trouble.

It was obvious that even the group of people were quite advanced in cultivation, but Yan Xuanmei and others were not careless.

This made Xu Fei nod secretly.

It seemed that the choice to go out for training with Yan Xuanmei and the others was the right one.

After dinner, the group returned to the small courtyard where they stayed temporarily.

"Let's separate tomorrow and have a brief look around." Yan Xuan said with an eyebrow.

Although many of them come to the deserted sea for training, this place is too vast after all.

Even around Xingsha Island, there are many areas that I have not been to.

In addition, in the sea, fish, shrimps, crabs and turtles roam around much more freely than on land.

Therefore, seafood is still quite abundant.

If you encounter some rare fish, etc., then after a few people harvest it, they may not return directly.

After hearing Yan Xuanmei's arrangement, Xu Fei didn't have any objections.

It was his first time coming to Huanghai, so he naturally wanted to listen to the opinions of experienced people like them.

The next day, Xu Fei and Yu Zhaoxin left Xingsha Island and headed southeast.

After leaving Xingsha Island for thousands of miles, Yu Zhaoxin took out a small boat and threw it onto the sea.

Landed on the boat with Xu Fei.

Xu Fei used his spiritual thoughts to penetrate the sea water and go deep into it.

However, compared to the unobstructed situation on land, the effect of spiritual thoughts on sensing things in sea water is much weaker.

Especially the sea water here is extremely deep, probably tens of thousands of feet deep.

It was difficult for Xu Fei to find out for a while.

But we also quickly discovered that many types of fish and shrimps were present.

It's just that their number is far from enough for everyone to mobilize and come over to catch them.

So Xu Fei didn't care.

Yuzhao saw in her heart that Xu Fei was focused on searching for all kinds of treasures.

I looked around and saw no one else.

He took off his clothes while raising his hands, leaving only his bellyband and small clothes.

Then jump directly into the sea water.

"How about you, fellow Taoist Xu, go into the water and explore with me?" Yu Zhaoxin said with a charming smile.

Xu Fei thought about it after hearing this, put away his clothes, and also jumped into the sea.

The water is black and blue in color and extremely deep.

Yu Zhaoxin took the initiative to take Xu Fei's hand, and the two of them sneaked down together.

Breathing is also relatively important for monks.

However, as long as you start to practice, you can basically hold your breath for a period of time.

And when it comes to such levels as Xu Fei and Yu Zhao Xin, living in the water is no longer a problem.

The two of them were like sharp arrows in the sea water, sinking rapidly.

In the blink of an eye, we reached a depth of thousands of feet.

With the faint light, I looked at all kinds of strange fish and shrimps around me.

Xu Fei was quite curious.

Yu Zhaoxin paused her dive for a while to facilitate Xu Fei's viewing.

"How is it?" Yu Zhaoxin asked under the water, which was no different than above the water.

And this is just a method of transmitting sounds underwater, there is nothing strange about it.

"Not bad." Xu Fei replied.

At the same time, he used his magic power to absorb air from the sea water, breathing continuously.

After diving for several thousand feet, the depth reached almost 10,000 feet.

Yu Zhaoxin stopped.

Wrap around Xu Fei tenderly.

Xu Fei did not refuse when he saw this. After having a happy time with Yu Zhao, he continued to explore the surrounding environment.

Just doing business and being happy at the same time.

A few days passed in the blink of an eye.

A group of people gathered together and began to communicate and learn from each other.

Xu Fei and Yu Zhaoxin explored the surroundings and saw several extremely large schools of fish.

There are more than hundreds of millions.

But the price is not high, and it is not worth everyone going to war over it.

Others didn't gain much either.

After all, even in the deserted sea, it doesn't mean that there are precious things everywhere.

"But yesterday I saw several fleets fishing for a school of large grouper fish." San Xiujing Yan said thoughtfully when he saw that no one noticed it.

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