Big grouper, a common sea fish.

If it can grow to about three kilograms, then one piece is worth almost two spiritual stones.

Of course, I’m talking about fresh fish here.

And if it is made into a salted fish that is easy to store, the value will be reduced, and there will only be two spiritual stones for one.

However, if this fish school can have thousands of fish, it will be relatively large in scale.

Then it's worthwhile for a few people to be busy.

A little adds up to a lot.

One piece is worthless, but ten thousand pieces, one hundred million pieces?

"What's the scale?" Sure enough, Yan Xuanmei asked.

"It looks like there are about a million adult fish." Sanxiu Jingyan said after thinking carefully.


If calculated based on two spirit stones per line, then it would be two million spirit stones.

However, it is not easy to keep the catch fresh.

Therefore, most of them will be made into salted fish, which will be discounted greatly.

The final harvest may only be around 200,000 spirit stones.

"Are those forces fishing?" Yan Xuanmei seemed a little moved.

After a few days of busy work, he can earn 200,000 spirit stones.

Even if it is divided equally among everyone, each person only has more than 30,000 spirit stones, but this is already a good deal.

"They are all small forces." Sanxiu Jing said sternly.

Yan Xuanmei thought for a moment after hearing this, then turned to look at everyone.

Although it is unethical to snatch fish that others have already caught, all kinds of fish in the sea are naturally raised and anyone can catch them.

Moreover, a few people disguised themselves a little to avoid being seen through, and no one knew they were the ones doing it.

Then, under the leadership of Jing Yan, a group of people came to the place where the big group of fish hang out.

From a very far away, you can see several fishing boats of more than ten feet or twenty feet going back and forth, busy and busy.

The busy crew members on the fishing boats are all monks.

The ones with the highest level of cultivation were several busy men who looked like captains.

If there is trouble here, they have to go and solve it. If there is a problem there, they have to arrange for attention.

After all, although fishing is simple, they are not the only ones eyeing this group of large grouper fish.

There are many other aquatic monsters in the sea.

In short, fishing is not an easy task.

After discovering a school of large grouper fish.

It was a good show that Yan Xuanmei had arranged.

Qi Kuan and Jing Yan fought from a distance to the fishing boats. It seemed that the aftermath of the battle caused some damage to several busy fishing boats.

Then several fishing boats had to stop to continue catching big grouper fish and returned helplessly.

Although the people on several fishing boats may have made some guesses about this sudden fight, the other party did not directly take action to destroy their boats and people, and they were willing to put on a show.

Then they have to be knowledgeable.

In short, things were done very simply and crudely.

Wait until a few fishing boats leave.

Only then did Xu Fei and his party arrive above the fish school.

Fish schools are not fixed in one place, but will swim and migrate for reasons such as spawning and foraging.

The current group of large group of fish is just looking for food.

However, there are many aquatic monsters in the sea that regard this group of large group of fish as food.

There are about ten of them that have been discovered by Xu Fei.

Most are huge in size.

Among them, there are several water monsters with good value.

Yan Xuanmei quickly completed the arrangements.

After all, this is not the first time that they have gone out for training together.

Xu Fei is the one who needs to make arrangements.

However, Xu Fei is still following Yu Zhaoxin and watching what they do.

No need to get started yourself.

Following Yan Xuanmei and others, they went to stand at several locations on the edge of the group of large group of fish.

Each activated their mana, weaved it into a fishing net shape, and then connected it together under the group of large group of fish.

The next step is to pick up more than half of the adult fish in this group of large grouper fish.

The large group of large group of fish were caught and fled in all directions, and they no longer had the same huge scale as before.

"Can you capture the water monsters below?" Xu Fei asked Yu Zhaoxin.

A few of them were fishing for large grouper fish, so naturally Xu Fei couldn't watch.

Upon hearing this, Yu Zhaoxin looked into the sea water and quickly discovered several water monsters that Xu Fei had mentioned.

"Of course you can." Yu Zhaoxin said.

In fact, Yu Zhaoxin was a little worried that Xu Fei would look down on their approach.

But I didn't expect this person to know how to be harmonious.

Xu Fei chuckled when he heard this, dove into the sea water, hunted down several water monsters that were more than ten feet tall, and brought them to the surface.

Including Xu Fei's harvest, the group's income this time may be around 150,000 spirit stones.

After each collected part of the catch, Yan Xuanmei led everyone to another island.

After all, the fishing boats that caught big grouper just now were all forces on Xingsha Island.

If a group of them went there with a large number of large grouper fish, they would know something was wrong no matter how they looked at it.

So we still have to avoid suspicion.

Yan Xuanmei first sold some of the fresh large grouper fish, and then found a workshop that processed seafood to make all the large grouper fish into salted fish.

Prepare to return to land and sell again.

Because the spending power on each island in the sea is limited.

Even the purchase price of fresh fish is only three pieces and two spirit stones.

Been so busy for several days.

The matter of the big grouper fish has been taken care of.

Then the group separated again and searched everywhere.

This kind of experience makes it difficult for Xu Fei to evaluate.

But in fact, although the monks have the power to move mountains and seas, they may have other identities in normal times.

‘Farmer’, ‘Hunter’, ‘Fisherman’, ‘Blacksmith’, etc…

While he was happy with Yu Zhaoxin, he searched for treasures in the sea with Yan Xuanmei and others.

Before I knew it, more than half a year had passed.

Based on the current harvest, each person can receive almost 300,000 spirit stones.

Compared with Xu Fei's harvest alone in Daze, Xiiling and other places on the land route, it was still slightly inferior.

But Xu Fei didn't dislike it at all.

Because the experience in the desert sea was quite fun.

And just when everyone was taking stock of their harvest and preparing to return.

A group of water monsters came up.

"Dear masters, I am the fish soldier in front of King Tianyang's tent. Recently, my king is preparing to start a war with Eitao. I wonder if any of the masters would be willing to lend a helping hand to my king?"

"Everyone, don't worry. My king will not hesitate to reward you with all kinds of spiritual treasures when the time comes." A human-like fish demon wearing golden light armor said.

Xu Fei and his party concealed their appearance and cultivation in order to avoid some trouble, but unexpectedly, they were also recruited by the water demon who was about to start a war.

In fact, there is a saying, if you don't have enough money, you can make a lot of money by temporarily participating in the fighting war between water monsters.

After all, many of these water monsters occupy vast sea areas, which contain many products.

Top-quality pearls, corals, precious fish and shrimps, even mineral deposits on the seabed, elixirs grown in the sea, etc.

To name a few.

But this is war after all, and there are many dangers involved.

So whether to participate or not depends on one's mind.

After hearing the other party's invitation, Yan Xuan's eyebrows moved slightly.

Because they have gained enough from their trip and are ready to return.

It's not good to cause additional twists and turns.

But this water demon battle is also an opportunity.

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