Because with the war, these rare treasures that the aquatic tribes usually regard as treasures may be taken out as incentives.

Even the war itself is an opportunity to make a fortune.

"What will be the reward if we agree?" Yan Xuanmei asked.

"This requires all the masters to go to our Tianyang waters to understand it." The fish demon said.

After briefly talking about the situation, the fish demon led his men to meet the other monks.

Continue to recruit troops for the upcoming war.

Yan Xuanmei thought for a moment, then turned to look at everyone.

"I plan to go over and take a look." Yan Xuan said with an eyebrow.

Although they gained a lot from this trip, the war between the two water monsters was undoubtedly a good opportunity.

Yan Xuanmei had heard something about King Tianyang and King Eitao on the other side.

Both are great monsters that occupy tens of thousands of miles of water.

I'm afraid this war won't go well.

With their cultivation level and careful concealment, they can basically gain a lot of benefits from this war.

"I think we should deal with the harvest first, and then inquire about some information, and then decide whether to participate. And if we are really determined to participate, then we need to consider which side of the two will get more benefits." Tianxin Daofu Ming, who usually rarely speaks, said.

After hearing Fu Ming's opinion, several other people also nodded.

Yan Xuanmei thought for a moment and simply took a negative opinion.

The group returned overland first.

Each of them divided some of the harvest to sell and process.

Then they agreed on a meeting time and everyone dispersed.

Yu Zhaoxin followed Xu Fei.

Xu Fei was somewhat aware of this woman's thoughts.

But if he just wants some benefits, then Xu Fei doesn't mind.

All the bustle in the world is for benefit, and all the hustle and bustle in the world is for benefit.

If he couldn't get some benefits from himself, then how could Yu Zhaoxin please him in every possible way.

While flying away in the shrimp-skinned crane feather boat, Xu Fei took Yu Zhaoxin into his arms while playing with something in his hand.

"What do you want?" Xu Fei said.

During the past six months of getting along with him, Yu Zhaoxin enthusiastically told him about the situation in the deserted sea and gave him tips on secrets.

This gave Xu Fei a more realistic understanding of Huanghai.

So Xu Fei naturally doesn't mind giving some benefits.

When Yu Zhaoxin heard this, her eyes couldn't help but light up.

"Master, can you help me refine the magic weapon again?" Yu Zhaoxin said coquettishly.

Hearing Yu Zhaoxin's words, Xu Fei couldn't help but glance at the woman.

Let him take action?

If there are less than a million spirit stones, don’t talk about it.

However, Yu Zhaoxin has been very considerate in the past six months, so Xu Fei did not refuse.

Yu Zhaoxin noticed that Xu Fei intended to agree, and she was very surprised and spit out a purple ball the size of an egg from her mouth.

"This is my magical weapon Yunfa Pearl. It can store more mana for me, but it has become more and more uncomfortable to use it in recent years." Yu Zhaoxin said.

Xu Fei took the purple ball and after a brief inspection, he knew where the problem lay.

On the one hand, there are some problems when refining this bead, and on the other hand, the spiritual materials used are only at the top level, far from the top level.

It can't be compared with Xu Fei's Tianlong Sword and the best spiritual stone.

Moreover, Yu Zhaoxin's cultivation level is still quite good. After years of use, it will inevitably cause some minor damage to the Yunfa Pearl.

Various reasons combined lead to poor use.

Xu Fei returned the Yunfa Pearl to Yu Zhaoxin.

"I have two plans now. One is to abandon this bead, you can search for spiritual materials again, and I will refine another Accumulation Bead for you."

"The other one is that you find all the necessary spiritual materials, and I will repair this bead." Xu Fei said after thinking about it for a while.

After hearing Xu Fei's two methods, Yu Zhaoxin showed a thoughtful look on her face.

"Which of these two methods is better?" Yu Zhaoxin said after hesitation.

For more than half a year, every part of her body had been given to Xu Fei.

Efforts to please, obedient and obedient.

Not just for now.

"Each has its own advantages and disadvantages. If you can find good spiritual materials, then the re-refined magic beads will naturally be better."

"And to repair this bead, you basically don't need to re-warm it." Xu Fei said.

Whether a monk's magic weapon has been warmed or not is completely two different concepts.

Such Fei's Tianlong Sword, before it has been warmed and cured, even if it is made of the top-grade spiritual material Tianlong Wood, is still only at the level of a top-grade magic weapon.

But after decades of careful cultivation by Xu Fei, he directly reached the top level.

Although it can't be compared with the thousands of miles of clouds in the hands of Zhong Tiansheng, it is already good.

Yu Zhaoxin's magic bead was initially only at the level of a middle-grade magic weapon. After being carefully maintained, it had the power of a high-grade magic weapon.

Jump directly to one level!

There are many ways to classify the grade of magical instruments.

It can be said that every sect, every region, and every weapon master has its own set of standards.

Even in the case of different cultivation levels, the standards are also different.

However, most would regard a weapon that can increase a monk's combat power by one to two percent as a low-grade magic weapon.

Those with 30% to 50% are medium-grade instruments.

Those with 60% to 100% are top-grade magical instruments.

As for the best magic weapon, it needs to be special.

For example, the Tianlong Sword can turn the sword light into a dragon shadow.

The clouds and smoke caused by thousands of miles of clouds and smoke can change according to your wishes.

And above these levels of magical weapons, there are also top-level magical weapons.

It's just that it's almost a legend to that extent.

Xu Fei couldn't accurately determine whether Wanli Yunyan was the best level or the top level.

After all, he thinks so, but others may not think so.

In short, the criteria for judging this level of magic weapon are just like when Xu Fei was in his previous life, he discussed which car was easier to drive and which female star was the most beautiful.

Only after the actual performance has been recognized by everyone can it be accurate.

It's not who says which magic weapon is the top magic weapon, it is it.

What's more, so far, Xu Fei has encountered few magical weapons of the highest level.

Insufficient vision and experience.

Yu Zhaoxin pondered for a moment after listening to Xu Fei's pros and cons analysis.

"Well...then I will choose to repair my bead." Yuzhao thought to himself.

She has no talent in alchemy or weapon refining.

Although it is possible to refine some ordinary magical weapons and elixirs through time and effort, it is impossible to be as proficient as Xu Fei.

Hearing that Yu Zhaoxin chose to repair the magic bead.

Xu Fei chuckled lightly.

Once again, I had to look at the Dharma Pearl for a moment.

I took out pen and paper and planned some more.

Then he made a list of the spiritual materials needed and gave it to Yu Zhaoxin.

"Find the spiritual materials on the list, and I will give you this bead with the effect of helping you restore your mana." Xu Fei said.

Hearing Xu Fei say this, Yu Zhaoxin's eyes lit up.

Suddenly I felt that the time spent carefully serving Xu Fei was really worth it.

But after reading the list given by Xu Fei, his little face wrinkled up again.

Because the spiritual materials used on the list are worth more than two million spiritual stones.

And even after selling the gains from this outing, she was still short of money.

Yu Zhaoxin couldn't help but look at Xu Fei pitifully again.

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