"You don't even have two million spirit stones, do you?" Xu Fei said speechlessly.

Yu Zhaoxin nodded pitifully.

"After all, you are also a master of Menggu. Why are you so miserable?" Xu Fei asked curiously.

"In the past, I received favors from my family and elders, and I always needed to repay them." Yuzhao thought to himself.

Xu Fei glanced at Yu Zhaoxin when he heard this.

He has cheats, whether it is alchemy, weapon refining, talisman making, array formation, etc., all skills are quite superb, but he has to be cruel and can only help his children to a certain extent.

When it comes to the children and grandchildren after the grandchildren, Xu Fei does not have much support.

This is of course the reason why Xu Fei doesn't pay much attention to his descendants, but even if Xu Fei has cheats, he and his descendants are like two ends of a seesaw.

If you want to improve your own cultivation, you have to ignore your descendants.

If you value your descendants, then your own cultivation will definitely not reach the current level.

Because even with Xu Fei's current cultivation level, his day still only has twelve hours.

After deducting daily expenses, you can only have five or six hours at your disposal every day.

Within this limited time, there was a natural conflict between whether to practice oneself or to teach one's descendants.

"So how many spirit stones do you have?" Xu Fei said while restraining his thoughts.

Yu Zhaoxin took out her storage bag and checked it.

"Including the harvest this time, there are almost 700,000 spirit stones." Yu Zhao thought to himself.

"Then I'll give you 700,000 spiritual stones to repair the Yunfa Pearl." Xu Fei said.

"Ah?" Yu Zhaoxin looked a little reluctant.

"You're not thinking about asking me to buy spiritual materials for you, are you?" Xu Fei raised his eyebrows.

Yu Zhao felt a little embarrassed, but judging from her expression, it was obvious that this was her intention.

"We will go to the deserted sea and participate in the battle of the water tribe. Then I will have something to gain. How about I return the money to you?" Yuzhao thought to himself.

Although Yu Zhaoxin seemed to be just borrowing it temporarily, Xu Fei felt that this woman was thinking about a white wolf with empty gloves.

However, during the six months of experience in the wilderness with Yan Xuanmei and his party, Yu Zhaoxin was indeed very helpful to him.

Logically speaking, even if these benefits are given, it doesn't matter.

But Xu Fei didn't want to seem like he was taken advantage of.

"Either I help you repair the magic weapon, or I buy spiritual materials for you, choose one of the two." Xu Fei said.

Hearing Xu Fei's words, Yu Zhao couldn't help but be startled.

This choice sounds like it makes Xu Fei feel cheaper when buying spiritual materials.

After all, there are more than two million spiritual stones.

But Yu Zhaoxin vaguely felt that it would be more appropriate to let Xu Fei help repair the magic weapon.

Tangled up for a moment.

Xu Fei ignored Yu Zhaoxin's entanglement. After returning to Linglong Immortal Sect, he handed over the control of the Shopkin Boat to Yu Zhaoxin.

Although this shrimp skin boat was refined by Xu Fei himself and could fly 30,000 to 40,000 miles an hour, but compared to Xu Fei's current cultivation level, the speed of 90,000 miles an hour was still much slower.

At most, in terms of mana consumption, for the same distance, it only consumes one-thirtieth of the amount consumed by flying.

But with the improvement of his cultivation, Xu Fei's current flying escape consumes less mana than he can recover.

Therefore, this advantage is not valued very much.

Yu Zhaoxin took the shrimp boat and turned to look at Xu Fei's back.

His expression was still confused.

Xu Fei returned to the mountain gate and dealt with the harvest in Huanghai.

The total price is 317,251 spiritual stones.

With such a harvest in more than half a year, even with such a current level of cultivation, it is actually barely enough.

However, compared to the huge profits Xu Fei made from Xiling with high-quality elixirs, it was still not enough.

After dealing with the harvest, Xu Fei returned home.

Yingwei reported what happened at home during this period.

Xu Fei listened and looked at some family records.

The census of Xu Fei's descendants in previous years is no longer carried out.

Because Xu Fei's descendants have been distributed to the nine major sects and even the outer regions.

Some don't even know that they are Xu Fei's descendants.

After all, more than two thousand years have passed.

Although Xu Fei is still the same as in the past, for ordinary people, it has been a long time of vicissitudes of life.

In fact, when the census of descendants could no longer be carried out, Xu Fei thought about increasing some expenditures and continuing the statistics.

But then I thought about it, what’s the point of persisting like this?

Even if he knew the number of his descendants, even if his descendants knew their origins, Xu Fei, as the ancestor, could not give them any benefit.

Instead, impose more restrictions.

It's better to just cut it off and it will be over.

This is good for Xu Fei and his descendants.

I learned about the children and grandchildren who have been in contact with me recently.

Xu Fei calmed down and didn't mention rest.

The next day, Xu Fei went to Tianzhu Peak to meet with the head of Juan Yi.

After being out for a period of time, Xu Fei would add greetings as soon as possible to show the courtesy of a junior.

Although there is no problem with greeting or not, Xu Fei has always maintained this approach.

After paying homage to his elders, Xu Fei went to the alchemy room to replenish the supply of elixirs for Xialing.

Then nothing happened.

But in fact, it cannot be said that nothing happened.

Because whether he continues to study various skills or hone his cultivation, Xu Fei will never have nothing to do.

But when his cultivation reached Xu Fei's level, he no longer needed to be so anxious.

Without suitable elixirs, the speed of improvement in cultivation becomes slower and slower.

Only one pot of cultivation can be increased in a year.

Xu Fei suddenly felt at ease.

As for Yan Xuanmei and the others' decision to participate in the battle with the water monsters, to inquire about information.

Xu Fei was not interested.

After thinking about it, Xu Fei simply walked out of the study, glanced at the sky, and flew up.

Three thousand feet.

Five thousand feet.

Ten thousand feet.

One hundred thousand feet.

Three hundred thousand feet.

Three thousand miles.

Ten thousand miles.

One hundred thousand miles.

As the air became thinner and thinner, Xu Fei reached the high altitude of the manifest world.

However, entering space physically did not put any pressure on Xu Fei.

But even if he flew a hundred thousand miles high in the sky, it was still difficult for Xu Fei to see the entire world clearly.

This allowed Xu Fei to continue flying outward.

Two hundred thousand miles!

Three hundred thousand miles!

Five hundred thousand miles!

Until a distance of nearly 600,000 miles.

Xu Fei finally saw the 'big ball' in front of him.

Although he could only see half of what was in front of him, Xu Fei was still very happy.

Because such a novel experience could never have been experienced in the previous life.

Xu Fei turned around and looked at the sun, which seemed to be a little closer.

Sun, moon, stars, earth.

Even though the two worlds are different, and the 'earth' here is much larger than in the previous life, many things are still similar.

After playing for a moment in space with no air and no gravity, Xu Fei activated his magic power and returned to the manifest world.

Perhaps due to the influence of the gravity of the manifest world, Xu Fei's speed became faster and faster when returning.

It even broke through the limit of ninety thousand miles in one hour that Xu Fei could reach.

However, under the protection of magic power, Xu Fei did not experience too much excitement.

After thinking for a while, Xu Fei released some magic protection.

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