The strong wind directly blew Xu Fei's bun away.

Xu Fei released his magic power and retrieved the hairpin that had been used for many years.

Then I felt a rapid falling sensation.

Maybe there is a speed of 100,000 miles per hour. If calculated together, it is 7,000 meters per second.

The feeling of falling after taking back the magic protection is particularly strong.

But it’s also very cool.

However, Xu Fei made a bit of noise.

On the ground, many monks who felt something could not help but look up.

Although the distance was too far, many people could not tell who made the noise, but some were disdainful, and some speculated what might have happened.

To name a few.

Xu Fei didn't know and didn't pay attention to it.

Continue to descend rapidly.

When he was almost close to the ground, Xu Fei slowed down.

In the distance, Master Juan Yi looked back.

This kid doesn't know what he is playing at.

Xu Fei changed his clothes.

Although he used his magic power to protect him, he restrained himself because he wanted to experience the excitement of falling rapidly.

So Xu Fei's clothes were already a little out of shape.

Shi Shiran returned home.

Yan Xuanmei came to visit.

"You are..." Yan Xuan said with an eyebrow.

"Oh, go outside and see the scenery." Xu Fei said.

Yan Xuanmei was speechless upon hearing this.

"I got some information."

"The demon Tianyang has several powerful magical weapons, and his strength is even stronger than that of Evil Tao."

"In addition, Tianyang is a fish demon, and Er Tao is a shrimp demon." Yan Xuan said with an eyebrow.

I heard the information shared by Yan Xuanmei.

Xu Fei thought and looked at Yan Xuanmei.

"What is Peak Master Yan's opinion?" Xu Fei said.

"I plan to divide us into two groups and join the demon clans on both sides respectively to exchange knowledge." Yan Xuan said with an eyebrow.

And if he didn't say it directly, it would be more convenient to reap the benefits.

After all, only by knowing yourself and your enemy can you gain more profits.

Xu Fei had no objection to this.

It doesn't even matter whether he participates in this water monster war or not.

Because even if some benefits are obtained from this battle, it will basically be of no use to Xu Fei.

But what if?

Who would have thought that when Xu Fei went out for training, he could easily obtain the Tianlong Wood and Gengjin Meteorites.

So your cultivation has reached a certain level.

Going out for experience is always more likely to encounter something than sitting at home.

What's more, Xu Fei is now under a strange curse.

The probability of encountering something special is greater.

Yan Xuanmei noticed Xu Fei's attitude and said nothing more.

Then he asked about Yu Zhaoxin.

Knowing that Yu Zhaoxin asked Xu Fei to help repair the magic weapon, Yan Xuanmei didn't say much.

After all, Yu Zhaoxin would ask Yan Xuanmei to invite Xu Fei, and that's what she was thinking about.

Otherwise, why would he be so eager to climb into Xu Fei's tent.

"Although we are all on the same path, Xu Fei, you also need to pay attention to avoid suffering a disadvantage." Yan Xuanmei said.

Xu Fei was a little surprised when he heard this, but nodded and said he would note it down.

Send Yan Xuanmei away.

Xu Fei returned to the study and began to sort out his various strengths.

Although he has many magic weapons, he rarely uses them.

On the one hand, Xu Fei doesn't fight many times, and once a fight occurs, either Xu Fei tries his best and cannot win, or Xu Fei can easily kill his opponent.

Basically, there has never been such a close match.

But generally speaking, what Xu Fei currently uses more often is formations.

The five-color and five-spirit formation helps Xu Fei fight against the demons and escape from Zhong Tiansheng.

It can be said that taking credit is the most important thing.

The second is magic.

Even if it is used casually without the blessing of a magic weapon, Xu Fei's spells are far more powerful than ordinary ones.

This also resulted in other means such as talismans being almost never used in actual combat by Xu Fei.

Now that I have some free time, let me think about it.

Combine all aspects of yourself.

And after thinking about it for a moment.

Xu Fei felt that he still had to pay attention to the magic weapon.

Although the past battles with War Demon and Zhong Tiansheng made Xu Fei worried that the magic weapon might be damaged, so he did not use it.

It makes the magic weapon seem quite redundant.

But magical weapons are very important in battles with opponents of the same level.

Although the Tianlong Sword does not have any impressive results, if Xu Fei holds the Tianlong Sword, he can deal with "himself" without the Tianlong Sword.

Then except for the victory of the side with the Tianlong Sword, there is basically no second outcome.

After all, when manipulating the Tianlong Sword, which turns the sword light into a dragon shadow, Xu Fei's one mana can increase three or four additional powers.

Because even though the Tianlong Sword is not as good as Wanli Yunyan, it is still among the best magical weapons after all.

The second thing that needs more attention is the formation.

Needless to say, the excellent performance of the Five Colors and Five Spirits Formation, but for Xu Fei now, it has some shortcomings.

So Xu Fei thought about adding some effects to help restore mana into the five-color and five-spirit formation.

When Xu Fei consumes 100,000 pots of mana, he can recover quickly.

And can only quickly recover the consumption of 20,000 pots of mana.

The two are not a concept at all.

If it were the former, Xu Fei would have the guts to have a chance encounter with Zhong Tiansheng.

In the case of the latter, the most Xu Fei can do is give in to the war demon.

However, it is not easy to strengthen the current five-color and five-spirit formation.

On the one hand, Xu Fei is not willing to make do with it, and on the other hand, he can tolerate it. The spiritual materials that Xu Fei can activate under his current cultivation level are not easy to find.

However, Xu Fei also had the idea of ​​temporarily strengthening the five-color array.

It can help him regain his mana a little bit.

Thinking of this, Xu Fei took out a pen and paper and wrote down his thoughts.

After a while, the recording was completed.

Xu Fei continued to think about his situation.

Magical weapons, formations, and then spells.

Xu Fei had a green sword to use before.

Although this sword is too perfect, and its functions such as sharpness, magic holding, and consecration are considered good, it is not as good as a magic weapon with a single function.

And as Xu Fei's cultivation level improved, it became increasingly difficult for Qingjian to strengthen Xu Fei.

Now Xu Fei uses the green sword to activate the spell, and he can only get an increase of about 30% at most.

In other words, the originally good Qingjian was only a low-grade or mid-grade magical weapon for Xu Fei.

So it's time to change to a more practical weapon that can enhance spells.

In addition, it is a talisman that has never been used by Xu Fei.

The talisman can seal the spell, and it doesn't take much mana to activate it.

Seems like a lot of convenience.

However, the power of the sealed spells will be reduced, and it is also greatly affected by the talisman paper and spiritual ink used in making the talismans.

If it is high-quality talisman paper and spiritual ink, the sealed spells can be preserved for a longer period of time.

The power can also be reduced with less damage.

But it would be embarrassing if the talisman paper and spiritual ink used were not of high quality.

Not only is there a high chance that the talisman will fail during production, but the power of the spell will also be greatly reduced.

It may even happen that a spell triggered by 10,000 pots of mana is sealed, but when it is used, only 3,000 pots of power are left.

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