However, in addition to various flaws and problems, talismans also have some advantages.

First of all, the spells sealed in the talisman can be stored for a longer period of time because of the support, that is, the talisman paper.

With Xu Fei's current cultivation level and talisman-making skills.

If you make a talisman, if it takes the longest time, it may even be preserved for more than ten thousand years.

Although after a certain period of time, the power of the talisman will gradually weaken with the passage of time, this time has far exceeded the life span of an average monk.

In addition, after making the talisman, it only requires a little mana to activate it.

To be honest, just these two advantages are enough for many monks to prepare a few talismans in case of emergencies.

It's a pity that Xu Fei's cultivation level is growing too fast.

If he wanted to use the talisman to help him, the talisman paper and spiritual ink used to make the talisman were already quite precious.

Although Xu Fei can now make some reusable talismans, there is still a certain number of times.

All in all, the talisman is good, but it doesn't quite fit Xu Fei's situation.

Just prepare some talismans for later use.

While I was thinking about it, it was time to take a rest.

Xu Fei came to the master and apprentice of the Yang Vein Cultivator, Chisu and Setsuna.

Although Xu Fei and Guixiu are happy, even Yang Vein Guixiu cannot get the reward of spreading branches and leaves, but the feeling is extraordinary.

Therefore, the number of times Xu Fei came to their master and apprentice was quite diligent.

In the blink of an eye, more than two months have passed.

Xu Fei went to Tianxuan Peak again and met with Yan Xuanmei and others.

Yu Zhaoxin walked over directly and took out a storage bag.

"Help me repair the magic bead~" Yuzhao thought to himself, with a rather resentful look on his face.

I have carefully served Xu Fei for more than half a year, but I didn't expect that this man would not buy spiritual materials for cultivating magic tools, and would not give him magic tools for cultivating spiritual materials. He was so stingy.

Xu Fei took the storage bag and looked at the spiritual materials inside.

The spiritual materials in the list he originally listed were basically complete, and even if there were some that were not useful, it didn't hurt.

Ignoring Yu Zhaoxin's resentment.

Xu Fei raised his hand to activate his magic power, and pushed Yu Zhaoxin's purple magic bead into the air and held it there.

Then the spiritual materials in the storage bag at hand flew out one by one.

Under the processing of Xu Fei's magic power, the unsuitable parts of the spiritual materials seemed to have disintegrated and separated from the spiritual materials.

Then a huge number of spiritual machines were gathered by Xu Fei.

He tempered these spiritual materials quite roughly.

If ordinary weapon masters refine spiritual materials in this way, they will basically destroy the spiritual materials.

But for Xu Fei, it was just right.

The simple and crude method allows the spiritual materials that take a long time to be refined to be quickly completed.

can be used.

Then these refined spiritual materials are transformed into gaseous, liquid, or no shape changes in an orderly manner, and are directly integrated into Yuzhaoxin's purple magic beads.

As the spiritual materials were integrated, the size of the magic bead gradually increased, but as Xu Fei began to cooperate with his own magic power, infuse spiritual intelligence and refine it.

The size of the magic bead sometimes increases and sometimes shrinks.

Until Xu Fei used almost all the spiritual materials found by Yu Zhaoxin.

The originally purple, egg-sized, perfectly round Yun Dharma Bead turned into a colorless, transparent, oval-shaped Dharma Bead slightly larger than an egg.

Yu Zhaoxin watched Xu Fei refining the magic weapon. He was a little worried at first, but later he couldn't help but be impressed by Xu Fei's skills.

She had never heard of such superb weapon refining skills.

So what else could she worry about.

Even Yan Xuanmei and others on the side looked a little surprised.

They didn't expect that Xu Fei, who followed everyone like a follower during his previous training, would have such advanced weapon refining skills.

"It's done." Xu Fei said to Yuzhao after briefly observing the repaired Yunfa Pearl in front of him.

Yu Zhaoxin nodded belatedly and quickly stepped forward to put away the Yunfa Pearl.

However, after taking this new magic bead into his body and briefly sensing its efficacy, Yu Zhaoxin looked at Xu Fei with surprise on his face.

No wonder this person dared to give her the option of using more than two million spiritual stones and repairing the magic weapon.

Fortunately, she chose to let the other party help repair the magic weapon.

Her Yunfa Pearl can now not only store 10% more mana for her, but also speed up the recovery of mana by 30 to 50% depending on her own condition.

With her magic bead repaired and strengthened, Yu Zhaoxin ignored the presence of others and threw herself directly into Xu Fei's arms, kissing Xu Fei's cheek repeatedly to express her excitement and gratitude.

Xu Fei felt a little disgusted and pushed Yu Zhaoxin aside.

However, Yu Zhaoxin was not dissatisfied with this and was still smiling.

After all, it's nothing to store 10% more mana. Although her accumulating magic beads couldn't reach this level before, it was almost the same.

The most important thing is to help her restore her mana.

Instantaneous bursts are very important in battle, but that doesn't mean battery life isn't important.

With this new magic bead in his possession, Yu Zhaoxin felt that his strength could be increased by several percent!

Moreover, this is the new magic bead that has such effect without being warmed and nourished.

If the warming and curing is completed later, the efficacy will probably increase to a certain extent.

Make money, make money! Make big money!

Yu Zhaoxin was overjoyed.

Others knew from Yu Zhaoxin's performance and the process of Xu Fei repairing the magic bead just now that Yu Zhaoxin's magic bead had probably achieved very good results.

After all, Yan Xuanmei and others are partners who have always cooperated.

Everyone knows about Yuzhaoxin's discord with Yunfa Pearl.

This made several people ponder in their hearts.

It only took more than two hours to repair the magic weapon for Yu Zhaoxin.

After finishing, everyone set off.

Head to the deserted sea again.

But this time everyone is no longer traveling.

Instead, he was preparing to join the war between the water tribes.

And he also plans to take Yan Xuanmei's suggestion of joining both sides to gain more benefits.

Therefore, the whole group needs to change their appearance.

The most important thing is not to reveal the methods you usually use, so as not to reveal your identity.

After Xu Fei thought for a moment, his body shape and appearance changed.

He became a young man with an arrogant look and stern eyes.

"I will change my name to Wang Lin." Xu Fei said to Yan Xuanmei and others.

Seeing Xu Fei's skillful transformation of appearance, Yan Xuanmei and the others were not to be outdone.

Among them, San Xiu Jing Yan was so unexpected that his gender was changed.

She became a female cultivator with stunning appearance, hot body and eight-treasure red gold fan.

"Little girl Jing Xiu, I've met all of you." Jing Yanyu joked with everyone with a sweet smile.

Yu Zhaoxin saw Jing Yan acting like this and quickly turned around to block Xu Fei's gaze.

After all, Jing Yan's clothes are very light now.

People can see her bellyband and small clothes, even the bellyband can't cover those two things!

Although his eyes were covered by Yu Zhaoxin, Xu Fei couldn't help but be amazed when he saw Jing Yan being so good at playing.

Bull coins!

The incarnations of other people are quite satisfactory.

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