Yan Xuanmei just changed her appearance to cover up her cultivation.

Others are the same width, otherwise they are similar.

When it was Yu Zhaoxin's turn, she thought for a moment and transformed into a coquettish nun who had her own success with Jing Yan.

Then he entangled Xu Fei.

Judging from his behavior, it is obvious that he plans to go with Xu Fei.

After receiving Xu Fei's repaired New Yun Fa Bead, the original resentment and complaints that Yu Zhaoxin had because of Xu Fei's "stinginess" all disappeared, as if they never existed.

And it seems that he is even more obsessed with Xu Fei.

"How do you plan to group up?" Yan Xuanmei looked at the crowd and asked.

After Jing Yan thought about it, he winked at Xu Fei.

"Brother Wang Lin, how about joining me?" Jing Yan said.

Although the other person's appearance is very beautiful, coquettish and charming, when I think about it, there is actually a man under the skin.

Xu Fei was very grateful and grateful.

Jing Yan realized that Xu Fei disliked him very much, so he couldn't help but feel discouraged, and then came to Yan Xuanmei.

Yan Xuanmei looked at Fu Ming and Qi Kuan.

There are six of them in total, and it stands to reason that it would be a more reasonable distribution for each group of three to join the two water monsters, Tianyang and Etao respectively.

Qi Kuan thought for a while and walked out.

"Then how about I go with Fellow Daoist Xu and Fellow Daoist Yu?" Qi Kuan said.

A few people thought briefly and agreed to this allocation method.

Then the two sides separated and went to the two water monsters of Tianyang and Etao.

A few days later.

Xu Fei and his party came to the sea area occupied by King Etao.

There is a water demon under Evil Tao who is responsible for guiding him.

Because Xu Fei and the three of them all showed a cultivation level of about 50,000 pots, they were highly valued.

Even King Etao personally received the three of them.

"The three of us have devoted ourselves here to help the king." Qi Kuan said.

King Etao smiled happily when he heard this.

Although it is a shrimp demon, it already has some human form.

All hands and feet.

Wearing a bright golden helmet and a yellow helmet, he looked quite heroic.

"Thank you three!" King Evil Tao said.

After chatting for a while, Qi Kuan asked about the reward.

Although King Etao was dissatisfied when he heard this, these human monks were really all about money!

But he also understands that if there are not all kinds of rare treasures, there will be several people and demons who will come to fight for it life and death.

So I immediately started to tell a few people about the various rewards that would be obtained in this battle.

Generally speaking, rewards are divided into two categories.

One is to join the water demon army under King Evil Tao and obey the deployment.

After doing this, you will get the same treatment as the water demons under the command of King Evil Tao.

You can even be promoted to a higher position by accumulating merit.

As long as he survives the continuous wars, he may not be able to gain some official positions and status from King Etao.

The other one is more free.

King Etao will offer rewards to some powerful demon clans from King Tianyang.

As long as you kill the target, you can get the reward.

Each has its own pros and cons.

However, after thinking about it, Xu Fei and the other two unanimously chose the latter.

King Etao was not surprised by this either.

Although it hopes that the monks of all races who join it will become its generals, it also understands that this is impossible.

Moreover, the three human monks in front of them are quite powerful, so it is normal for them to choose to accept the reward.

He was polite again.

King Etao made certain arrangements for the three of them, sent some handsome male demons and beautiful female demons to serve them, and then went about his own business.

Xu Fei and the other three are quite powerful and worthy of King Eitao's efforts to win over them, but they will not always entertain the three of them personally.

There are also other affairs such as the monks from various races who have joined in, which requires King Etao to be busy.

Yu Zhaoxin drove away all seven handsome male demons.

Then he pestered Xu Fei and asked him to drive away the seven-headed beautiful banshee.

However, Xu Fei looked at the several aquatic banshees in front of him, each with their own style, and thought it would be a good idea to stop and have some fun.

No matter how hard it is, you can help him wash his clothes.

It's just that if you're in the sea, the chance of your clothes getting dirty is low.

After getting familiar with the situation at King Etao's place, Xu Fei and the others did not stay at King Etao's place for too long.

We surfaced and found an island to stay on.

"What do you two fellow Taoists think?" Qi Kuan asked.

Hearing this, Yu Zhaoxin turned to look at Xu Fei, with an attitude of following Xu Fei's lead.

Xu Fei thought for a moment.

"Among the rewards given by this evil king, there are a few that I value quite a lot." Xu Fei said.

It can only be said that he is worthy of being the demon king of the water tribe who occupies thousands of miles of sea.

King Etao brought out some rare treasures as rewards for this war.

Two of them are the spiritual materials Xu Fei needs to prepare for refining the best spiritual stones.

Xu Fei was inevitably a little anxious.

Qi Kuan was thoughtful after hearing this.

After discussing some more details, they went to rest without mentioning it.

Although the war has not officially started yet, the intersection of the sea area controlled by the two demon kings of the water tribe is already bustling with activity.

Some creatures of various races who did not belong to both sides fled for their lives, while others chose to join forces, hoping to carve out a life for themselves in this war.

Each one is different.

Xu Fei and the others used the excuse of being familiar with geography and came into contact with Yan Xuanmei and others while traveling around.

Some preliminary information was exchanged.

The situation in the two demon king forces is almost the same.

As for the reason for starting the war, it is simple.

There is a fishing ground in the waters of Sky Ocean King.

Many fish species were cultivated, but due to the carelessness of the guards, the fish species escaped into the waters of King Etao.

King Tianyang's request failed, so he simply went to war.

And the reason for starting a war is not too hasty.

Let’s just say it’s certainly not the most sloppy.

After all, the two sides have been grudges for a long time, and now they are just taking the opportunity to cause trouble.

After waiting quietly for two months.

The war begins.

Suddenly, the sea water turned turbid and dark.

Hit from top to bottom in sea water.

Fierce fighting everywhere.

There were tens of millions of aquatic monsters on both sides, like two tsunamis, colliding together.

The fishy smell overflowed.

Outside the battlefield, Xu Fei and the other three were wandering and observing.

This was the first time Xu Fei had seen such a battle before him.

It's much more exciting than the war scenes in movies and TV series.

A group of Tianyang King's fish soldiers, probably knocked unconscious, came towards Xu Fei and the others.

Xu Fei raised his hand and turned the seawater into arrows, killing the group of fish soldiers.

At the same time, they took something that could be used as a certificate of their respective races and prepared to go back to exchange for rewards.

Qi Kuan and Yu Zhaoxin also showed no mercy.

They all went on a killing spree.

This is the cruelty of war.

As long as you are in it, killing or being killed seems to be a matter of course.

After realizing this, Xu Fei's eyes narrowed slightly.

The intensity of the war is very strong.

Just the first day.

Tianyang and Etao each suffered hundreds of thousands of casualties.

Among these casualties, there were both Shui tribe troops on both sides, as well as monks from various tribes who had devoted themselves to both sides.

And if these monks who rashly participated in this war for some spiritual stones and spiritual materials can still think about it after their death, I wonder if they will regret their original choice.

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