War is exciting.

Life and death happen in a blink of an eye.

War is boring.

Because no one can predict when the next battle will begin, just like no one knows when they will be killed in a war.

It makes people anxious, anxious and depressed, and those with poor mental endurance may go crazy very quickly if they are exposed to war.

However, Xu Fei and the others relied on their own strength to gain a lot of benefits in this aquarium battle.

Although Xu Fei's accumulated achievements are still difficult to exchange for the two spiritual materials he needs, it will be almost there in a few more days.

"Hey~Fellow Daoist Wang~" A fish demon suddenly said, calling Xu Fei who was about to leave after receiving the credit.

This fish monster is called Shark Head.

Humanoid demon clan.

However, the shape is not precise enough, and there are many fish characteristics, including webbed fingers, gills behind the ears, etc.

And the reason why the fish demon Shartou knew Xu Fei.

A few months ago, when Xu Fei and his party went out occasionally, they encountered Shark Tou and his family of fish demons. They were besieged by the fish soldiers under the command of King Tianyang. They thought that they also belonged to the "King of Evil Tao" and came to rescue them.

So we got to know each other.

"Fellow Taoist Shark Head," Xu Fei said with a slight smile.

"Hehe, this is the fish paste brewed by our clan. Fellow Taoist, take it and try it." Shark Tou said, taking out a jar-like odd-shaped shell about a foot long from the storage bag at his waist.

As for fish paste, it is a drink from the sea.

Can survive contact with water.

So you can drink in the sea water.

As for comparing it with the fine wine on land... I can only say that everyone has their own preferences.

The shell jar given by Shark Tou can hold about twenty kilograms of fish paste.

Xu Fei didn't mind it, he accepted the gift from the other party, and then gave the other party a jar of wine in return.

Although if this wine is opened, it will be diluted by the sea water, but if the sea water is held up with magic power, it can still be drunk.

After exchanging gifts, Xu Fei, Yu Zhaoxin and Qi Kuan left the military supply point.

Now, four months have passed since Xu Fei and the others came to the deserted sea again, joined the demon king's command, and participated in the water tribe war.

A lot has happened in these four months.

As for the protagonists of this battle, King Tianyang and King Eitao, both sides also suffered casualties.

King Tianyang has lost seven sons.

King Etao lost nine sons.

There are countless shrimps, soldiers and crab generals.

However, there is still no end in sight for this war.

Even if Yan Xuanmei received the information that King Tianyang was relatively stronger, King Evil Tao might not be defeated.

All in all, there is still something to fight for.

Because they have been busy for more than a month recently, several people have not continued to devote themselves to the war.

After finding an uninhabited island and hunting some game, the group of people had a barbecue, treating it as a holiday for themselves.

Then the next day, he participated in the aquarium battle again and continued to gain merit.

However, when Xu Fei and others were collecting credits, they inevitably attracted the attention of King Tianyang.

A higher reward was offered.

Similarly, Yan Xuanmei and others are in a similar situation.

So Xu Fei and the others borrowed the help of Yan Xuanmei and the others to fake death and escape.

As for the reward obtained, it is divided equally.

They fought and killed like this for several years.

About 30% of the water tribe on both sides of King Tianyang and King Etao died, and their vitality was severely damaged.

The two demon kings finally couldn't hold it any longer and started fighting in person.

King Tianyang manifested his true form.

A giant fish monster measuring 1,700 feet tall.

The evil king is not to be outdone.

A giant shrimp monster over 1,200 feet tall.

Although King Eitao is smaller in size, his strength is greater.

Especially the pair of shrimp claws, which are about the same size as the body, are even more powerful.

Pinched back and forth in the sea water.

If King Tianyang is not careful, he may be cut in two.

But just as he was dodging, King Tianyang released a three-foot ball.

Suddenly the light spread out in the sea water.

King Eitao's carapace suddenly turned red when it caught the light.

Obviously, the light emitted by Tianyang King's light beads has extremely amazing heat.

The carapace of King Evil Tao was roasted directly.

After receiving this heavy blow, the evil king was not to be outdone and stretched out a pair of shrimp claws desperately.

King Tianyang didn't pay attention for a moment, and his tail was caught by a shrimp pincer.

The tail fin was immediately cut off in half.

The King Tianyang stirred the sea water in pain.

A tsunami suddenly appeared on the sea.

In the distance, Xu Fei watched the battle with great interest.

Although the battle between the two monsters is very rough, at their size, any movement can be earth-shattering.

So it's still quite impressive.

The battle lasted for almost half a month.

In the end, both demon kings were scarred.

No longer able to fight.

So the final result is probably that both sides will suffer losses.

After Xu Fei thought about it, he put down the melon seeds in his hand and flew away instead of becoming a fisherman.

The two demon kings started a fierce battle. This time they participated in the aquarium war and the practice of exchanging merit for rare treasures was almost over.

So everyone packed up and prepared to end the trip.

To avoid being affected by the battle between the two demon kings.

However, Xu Fei left temporarily on the pretext of collecting some of the previously hidden harvest.

Come and watch the battle between the two demon kings.

After reading it, Xu Fei had a somewhat incredible idea in his mind.

Can he dominate the wilderness?

Seize all kinds of rare treasures in the sea to help yourself practice?

After all, at the level of these two demon kings, Xu Fei was not bragging, and they basically couldn't block his sword.

It’s just that I was used to being cautious in my practice in the past.

So Xu Fei planned to consult the head of Juan Yi.

Just in case, after he takes action, an ancient monster suddenly pops out of the deserted sea and kills him casually.

Wouldn't that be embarrassing.

Return to Linglong Immortal Sect.

Xu Fei came to Tianzhu Peak and met with the head of Juan Yi.

"Master, my disciples traveled in the deserted sea and saw that the demon kings who occupied the sea area only had the cultivation level of more than 100,000 pots. Is there any hidden secret in this?" Xu Fei said.

Head Juan Yi glanced at Xu Fei.

I still don't know what this kid is up to.

"Although they have rarely appeared in recent years, there are five great demons in the wilderness."

"Dongji Yuejun, with a perfect cultivation level, is good at using ice vein spells."

"Xigao Tianjun, with a perfect cultivation level, is good at using fire vein spells."

"Nan Aolong Lord, with a perfect cultivation level, is good at using water vein spells."

"Sir Bei Hui, he has a perfect cultivation level and is good at earth vein magic."

"Mr. Fang Zhongling has a perfect cultivation level and is good at using divine vein spells."

"The five great demons have agreed with us that the water tribe will live and die by their fate when they come ashore, but we, the human monks, are not allowed to plot in the sea," said the leader of Juan Yi.

After hearing what the leader of Juan Yi said, Xu Fei immediately stopped.

At the same time, I was glad that I didn't act rashly.

"Compared with Zhong Tiansheng, which one is stronger?" Xu Fei asked again.

After hearing Xu Fei's inquiry, Master Juan Yi thought for a moment.

"If it's one-on-one, then none of the five great demons are Zhong Tiansheng's opponent, but they will not give Zhong Tiansheng a one-on-one chance." said the leader of Juan Yi.

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