Leaving Tianzhu Peak, Xu Fei returned to his residence.

However, he saw that among the many wives and concubines who were welcomed out, Yu Zhaoxin was among them.

This left Xu Fei speechless.

He just looked at the maid who was following him and his daughter in his arms.

I can only hold my nose and admit it.

If you are relied on, then be relied on.

While listening to Yingwei's report, she dealt with household matters.

Xu Fei came to the study room.

Write down the names of the five great demons of the wilderness one by one.

Then he wrote down the names Zhong Tiansheng and Zhan Mo.

Although they are by no means the only powerful people in the manifest world, these are the only ones Xu Fei has come into contact with at present.

After practicing at Shanmen for several years, Xu Fei went out again.

Go to Fenglin.

Xu Fei encountered the ancient tree treacherous outside the wind forest before, but this time Xu Fei simply fell into the wind forest.

Compared to the hundreds of thousands of miles of swamps and the boundless mountains, Fenglin is just an endless forest.

Some trees are thousands of feet high.

Like a mountain.

Some trees stretch for miles, forming a forest from one tree.

Very special.

And this also creates the diversity of various creatures in the wind forest.

Just after entering the wind forest for a moment, Xu Fei saw three kinds of monkeys.

One has white face and red butt, one has black hair, and one has brown hair.

As for other bugs, snakes and pythons, birds, flowers and plants, there are countless others.

various kinds.

And just when Xu Feifei was walking in the wind forest.

The straight-line distance from Xu Fei is almost two thousand miles.

A group of monks sneaked into a cave.

But a moment later, a shrill scream came from the cave.

Then a frightened man stumbled out of the cave and ran for his life into the distance.

However, before it could escape very far, a vine suddenly tripped it, wrapped it up, and brought it back to the cave.

Xu Fei strolled in the wind forest, stopping from time to time to collect some flowers, grass, tree bark, etc.

Going back to test the medicinal properties.

Of course, this does not mean that Xu Fei expects to use these ordinary flowers and plants to refine elixirs that are effective for him.

But if you discover any new medicinal herbs that can cure diseases and save lives, that is also a meritorious deed.

Although Xu Fei rarely treats illnesses and saves people these days, he is still considered a doctor.

Just walking like this.

Two days later, Xu Fei arrived at the cave.

Smelling the faint smell of blood lingering around.

Xu Fei frowned slightly.

Because this bloody smell is undoubtedly human.

Xu Fei looked around and quickly determined that the problem was probably in a cave not far away.

After thinking for a while, he released the big puppet head.

Instruct him to go into the cave.

A moment after Datou entered the cave, he was attacked by a bat.

Creatures like bats like to live in darkness. Even if they develop spiritual wisdom and become monsters, they will still inherit this habit.

Da Tou killed the bat casually and continued to move deeper into the cave.

After a while, we reached the bottom of the cave.

However, in front of the stone wall at the bottom of the cave, there is a cave that collapsed.

It's pitch black.

After Xu Fei saw this situation through Datou's vision, he couldn't help but become interested.

Although this crypt might be just an ordinary passage leading underground, Xu Fei still had some interest in exploring it.

Soon, Xu Fei entered the cave.

Come to the big head.

Looking at the crypt in front of me in person is a little different from looking through the big head's field of vision.

However, as his spiritual thoughts swept through, there were quite a lot of twists and turns in this crypt.

After almost a few dozen feet deep, there were actually man-made traces.

This made Xu Fei even more interested.

He released his green sword and cleared away the collapsed earth and rocks in the cave.

Then Xu Fei jumped down.

Soon Xu Fei fell to the bottom of the cave.

Take out a luminous pearl, raise your eyes and look in all directions.

The man-made traces in the crypt look like a passage.

After observing it for a while, I realized that it was not too deep.

It's almost two hundred or three hundred feet.

As for the other end, it has also been buried by earth and rocks.

After Xu Fei thought for a while, he simply explored this end first.

But Xu Fei didn't go too far.

I saw pools of blood on the ground.

Apparently someone had died here before.

Xu Fei put his guard up and continued to move forward.

Although his cultivation level is already good, he cannot be careless.

But just as Xu Fei was moving forward, a vine suddenly appeared on the stone slab under his feet and whipped Xu Fei directly.

Xu Fei couldn't help but be surprised.

Because before the rattan appeared, he didn't find anything.

Therefore, the protective array arranged in this passage is quite impressive.

Xu Fei's thoughts changed, and the big head of the puppet following him stretched out his hand to grab the whipped cane.

But after the cane was caught, another cane appeared.

Xu Fei once again controlled the big head to catch it.

And as the second cane was caught, thousands of canes suddenly appeared one after another, either whipping or coiling.

The momentum is amazing.

But as Xu Fei released his magic power, not even half a vine could enter within a foot of his body.

But Teng Tiao did not give up there.

Instead, it was directly wrapped outside Xu Fei's magic protection.

From the outside, it looks like a sepak takraw ball.

Immediately, Xu Fei raised his eyebrows unexpectedly.

Because these vines are actually absorbing his magic power!

At the same time, the intensity on the rattan is also increasing.

Obviously, it has the unique effect of absorbing the enemy's mana and replenishing itself.

Thinking of this, Xu Fei flicked his left hand.

Little bits of flames flew up and fell into the vines.

Set the vines that activate these channel formations on fire.

Only the black smoke released by the burning rattan rose.

Xu Fei was a little surprised again.

Because the black smoke is actually poisonous.

And the toxicity is not weak.

If Xu Fei only had the cultivation level of 20,000 to 30,000 pots, he would be poisoned in the blink of an eye.

This made Xu Fei more curious about the situation at the end of the passage.

He condensed the water method to protect his body and squeezed in forcefully.

But countless rattans gathered in the passage again, either whipping or coiling, preventing Xu Fei from moving.

Eventually even the entire passage was filled with canes.

Xu Fei had nowhere to go.

Xu Fei was not surprised when he saw this. He raised his hand and released the green sword, using the green sword to activate a sword energy, cutting off the cane and clearing most of it.

Then take a few steps forward.

But the rattan suddenly filled the passage again.

Xu Fei activated his sword energy again.

Just a few steps and a pause.

Xu Fei finally reached the end of the passage.

A hall hundreds of feet deep.

Xu Fei raised his eyes and looked around.

There is little decoration in the hall.

It's just paved with stone slabs.

The walls were chipped and leveled.

But just in the back half of the hall, there is a pool.

Xu Fei walked over and took a look and found a lot of blood in it.

After observing for a while, Xu Fei determined that this pool was the energy pool that supplied the formation in the channel to activate the rattan.

Led by blood.

Xu Fei was disgusted.

It was just that the channel formation was able to escape his perception, and he was not aware of the concealing effect until the manifestation vines were activated, which made Xu Fei still a little curious.

So after observing for a while, Xu Fei destroyed the energy pool and the formation in the channel.

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