Unfortunately, no matter how Xu Fei provoked him, War Demon remained unmoved and continued to run away.

Seeing this, Xu Fei felt helpless.

If he just wanted to kill the war demon, there were eighteen ways to do it in the blink of an eye.

The simplest and most effective one is to activate the Heavenly Dragon Sword.

The sword light transformed into a dragon shape and rushed forward to crush it into pieces.

What's the point of just doing this?

As Xu Fei's cultivation level gets higher and higher, the number of people who can be his opponents also decreases.

And this war demon is clearly an excellent sparring partner.

Xu Fei was originally thinking about trying out various skills such as spells, formations, and talismans to see the effect.

Who would have expected that the war demon would be so disappointing.

But because of this, Xu Fei felt a little proud.

You were indifferent to me more than a thousand years ago, but now I can't take advantage of you at will!

After flying away for a moment, Xu Fei's eyes lit up.

The beckoning room.

A distant rain cloud turned into dharma water.

A curtain of rain fell directly, blocking the battle demon.

When the war demon saw this, he didn't dare to stop at all, and fled along the rain curtain.

Just the next moment, the rain curtain curled up.

It became like a city wall, surrounding the war demon.

The war demon hurriedly changed direction and fled upwards.

Want to cross the rain curtain.

But the top of the rain curtain also began to extend, closing before the war demon was about to escape.

Instead of waiting for the war demon to choose to go down and continue to escape.

The lower part of the rain curtain also closed up.

The cage made of magic water finally trapped the war demon.

Xu Feishi came closer.

The rain curtain automatically opened a corner for Xu Fei to enter.

After Xu Fei enters it, it will automatically close.

"Senior, why don't you fight with this junior, maybe you can win?" Xu Fei said.

Back then, when Xu Fei cultivated the Hundred Thousand Pots, he summoned the five-color and five-spirit formations to bless himself, but he was unable to resist the war demon.

Of course, there is magic power accumulated by the five-color array, which is difficult for Xu Fei to control freely.

There is no way for him to activate various skills that are a mixture of many techniques.

But it is undeniable that the war demon itself is also quite powerful.

However, as Xu Fei's cultivation continued to improve, he reached the current level of 200,000 pots.

Xu Fei's strength is like an engine that could only get a little bit of gasoline to run, but finally has unlimited fuel.

Full of motivation.

War Demon looked at the junior in front of him.

There was some regret in his expression.

Why did I not kill him because of my worries back then? !

When he encountered the war demon before, Xu Fei had no killing intention.

The most I can do is to think about returning the depression I suffered in the past.

But the war demon seemed to have caught the opportunity and was about to kill him.

Under such circumstances, Xu Fei was too polite.

No more nonsense, Xu Fei used his left hand.

The rain curtain that formed the prison suddenly dispersed a large amount of water droplets.

Like bullets, it shoots at war demons.


The water droplets, which were like raindrops, made a slight sound when they rubbed against the air, and shot directly at the war demon.

The war demon immediately stirred up the magic beads above his head to activate his magic power, forming a black mist barrier to protect himself.

Raindrops hit the black fog.

Little stars disappeared like falling into rivers, lakes and seas.

Xu Fei was not surprised either.

But he activated his mana more urgently.

The raindrops are getting denser and denser.

Ten drops a second, a hundred drops a second, a thousand drops a second!

Even tens of thousands of bullet-like water droplets hit the black mist barrier urged by the war demon in one second.

The black mist barrier was struck with endless tremors.

With the improvement of his cultivation, Xu Fei has gradually become more and more free in the Five Elements spells.

Golden light, water droplets, trees, flames, dust.

As long as Xu Fei has a rough idea in his mind, he can mobilize his magic power and activate spells with corresponding effects.

Quite an exaggeration.

Finally, the war demon's black smoke barrier was defeated by thousands of water droplets.

The war demon had no choice but to send out a series of stinking fists.

To resist water droplets.

But even so, there were still many water droplets hitting the War Demon's body.

In the blink of an eye, his clothes were completely destroyed.

At the same time, the War Demon's body turned red after being hit by some raindrops that broke through its protection. Some parts of the body that were not protected by magic were even bruised and bloody.

Although it can't be said to be a serious injury, it was still injured.

The rain curtain trapped the war demon.

But it doesn't block the view.

So when the monks in the distance saw Xu Fei gaining the upper hand so easily, their expressions were full of disbelief.

How many years has this man been practicing?

How many years has War Demon been famous?

Xu Fei frowned when he saw this.

The rain curtain separated into several layers, blocking the outside view.

This is not to say that Xu Fei wants to leave a trace of face for the fighting demon, but he does not want his fighting skills to be exposed to others.

After a while, Xu Fei finished trying out the water technique and stopped performing it.

Although Xu Fei had just used water techniques and only attacked with 'water droplets', Xu Fei had already used 539 different techniques for triggering the attack.

The water method can be used in different ways such as light and heavy, fast and slow, big and small.

Different stimulation techniques will naturally lead to different water vein spells.

Even if the same emphasis is placed on lightness, the mana consumed and the specific effects will be different when using different activation techniques.

Xu Fei showed off his skills to the fullest today.

Feel the changes.

After withstanding Xu Fei's wave of water spells, the war demon was in a state of embarrassment.

There was no trace of rebelliousness in his expression.

"Fellow Taoist Xu, this was all a misunderstanding. Please spare my life, Taoist friend." War Demon begged for mercy in a flexible manner.

Xu Fei chuckled lightly when he heard this.

In the ruins before, whether it was when they met or when he took the initiative to retreat, the war demon had murderous intentions towards him.

If Xu Fei had a soft heart and let the beast go.

Not only would the war demon not be grateful at all, but he would think Xu Fei was an idiot.

It may not lay the seeds of trouble for the future.

Therefore, it is almost impossible for Xu Fei to let go of the war demon.

Seeing Xu Fei's expression, Zhan Mo knew that he was in danger today.

After all, he is a long-standing demon.

The war demon took off his disguise, and his panicked expression calmed down in an instant.

Coupled with the blood stains all over his body, he actually looked quite brave.

"Since fellow Taoist won't give me a way to survive, it depends on who will die in the end." War Demon said.

Although Zhan Mo previously called Xu Fei a junior, he had to change his title after realizing his strength.

Seeing that Zhan Mo finally became serious.

Xu Fei was also prepared.

"Please." Xu Fei said.

Take the initiative to give up the initiative and wait for the war demon to make its move.

Seeing this, the war demon took a long breath.

Then he rushed directly towards Xu Fei.

The boxing style combat technique is just one type of combat method mastered by the War Demon.

When it came time to fight to the death, War Demon still only believed in his own pair of iron fists.

See the war demon rushing towards you.

Xu Fei made a stroke with one hand.

A cube-shaped metal ingot suddenly appeared.

Get in front of you.

I tried out the water vein spell just now, so next I will use the gold vein spell.

Seeing the metal ingot blocking the way, War Demon's expression remained unchanged and he simply punched it out.

The metal ingot suddenly shattered.

The war demon continued to charge forward.

After no longer performing to gain sympathy and showing his strength, the war demon's bravery was finally revealed.

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