Seeing the high-spirited war demon, Xu Fei's eyes lit up.

He was running away just now, and he still looked pitiful.

It's really hard to get interested.

He is still as high-spirited as now, which is pleasing to the eye.

The war demon smashed the metal ingot that was blocking him, and immediately rushed to get closer to Xu Fei.

But the next moment, more metal ingots appeared.

These metal ingots are either black or green, yellow or white.

The size is about ten feet wide and high.

And after the metal ingots gathered together, they formed a ring formation and surrounded the war demon.

Once the War Demon breaks a metal ingot, the following metal ingots will be replaced in sequence.

Compared with water vein spells, golden vein spells have fewer types of fundamental urging methods.

Xu Fei mastered 407 kinds.

Although Xu Fei usually does auditions, but now after a real battle, his understanding of the effects of various urging methods will be more intuitive.

I saw Xu Fei condensing his golden veins spell in an instant.

And it can also rise and die like this.

With each punch and metal ingot, the seemingly mighty War Demon became increasingly heavy-hearted.

The spell being cast like this was something he had never heard of!

Want to cast a spell after all.

1. Boost mana.

Second, change the nature of mana.

Third, spiritual thoughts are legal.

At the very least, you must go through these three steps before you can complete a spell.

But the guy in front of him doesn't have any of these processes when casting spells.

In other words, there was a process, but it was so short that it was difficult for him to notice.

The war demon had many thoughts in his mind.

But he kept punching.

Crush pieces of metal ingots.

And the red-eyed black dragon gloves he wore on both hands were gradually filled with black evil energy.

This is a sign that the war demon can no longer control its own magic power.

If a monk can control his own magic power freely, then the monk can do it without leaking any aura.

Of course, this situation does not mean that the war demon has reached the end of its strength.

It can only be said that War Demon has begun to use powers beyond his control.

For example, the black smelly magic bead suspended above his head.

Its effect is similar to Xu Fei's Five Colors and Five Spirits Formation, and it can also increase the magic power of the holder.

After a while, Xu Fei stopped activating the golden vein spell.

Seeing this, Zhan Mo had no intention of letting go of the opportunity.

He pounced directly at Xu Fei again.

He was determined to fight Xu Fei in close combat.

Seeing this, Xu Fei simply stopped obstructing his approach.

Amidst the shock of mana, the Heavenly Star War Technique, which combines thousands of war techniques, circulates mana throughout the body.

Then Xu Fei stretched out a finger and gently touched the red-eyed black dragon glove that the war demon blasted over.

"Pap~" an inconspicuous sound.

A crack appeared in Zhan Mo's glove that was touched by Xu Fei.

Then it shatters.

As long as it is not the highest level, or the material is particularly solid.

Once it is subjected to magic power that the holder cannot control freely, it cannot be said to be as fragile as paper, but it is also easily destroyed.

The war demon was shocked when he saw this, and quickly retreated.

Although he was running the Ten Thousand Blood Demonic Beads to increase his cultivation, it was difficult for him to control his own magic power freely.

When transporting a magic weapon, it is inevitable that the magic weapon will lack protection.

But the punch just now was the one in which he almost used all his strength.

Why did this kid smash his red-eyed black dragon so lightly? !

Could it be that this kid not only has wonderful spells, but his skills in conjoined cultivation have also reached an astonishing level? !

But how is this possible?

How many years has the other party been practicing?

Even those geniuses with the appearance of being relegated to immortals cannot be so exaggerated!

Watching the war demon, he was inexplicably shocked.

Xu Fei's heart was not as happy as before.

After all, I have experienced it once before.

"Senior, please don't try to fight me in close combat. I'm afraid I won't be able to control my strength," Xu Fei said.

Xu Fei is somewhat resistant to close combat.

This is also the reason why he will attack with all his strength after the war demon gets close.

Because after all, Xu Fei's combat experience is not rich, even pitiful.

Especially battles with opponents of similar strength.

Then Xu Fei is even more lacking.

Even strictly speaking, Xu Fei has never fought with an opponent of similar strength.

Therefore, although the monk's speed is as fast as lightning, even if he keeps a certain distance, he can reach him instantly, but he still has a little more reaction time.

Naturally, Zhan Mo also saw Xu Fei's problem.

But... so what?

He only had one red-eyed black dragon left, and it was already silently reminding him that the other party's physical training skills were equally formidable.

So it doesn’t work if it’s close, nor does it work if it’s far.

What should he do?

Even though he has practiced fighting demons for a long time and his character has been tempered to be quite tough, he still can't help but feel a little impatient.

Because War Demon now feels like a mosquito caught in a spider's web.

Being stuck firmly in the spider web, there was no hope of escape.

Xu Fei 'persuaded' the demon to retreat and did not choose to continue the attack.

The five elements of magic are metal, water, wood, fire and earth.

Now I only have auditions for Golden Veins and Water Veins.

There is also no practice for the three channels of wood, fire and earth spells.

Later, there were sword-control techniques, formations, talismans, etc.

After the war demon retreated, he stood there silently.

When his hands unconsciously clenched and relaxed, his right hand without the protection of the glove clearly reminded him of the gap between himself and his opponent.

In fact, his cultivation level is almost the same as that of Xu Fei.

All are 200,000 pots.

But the gap in strength was so big that Zhan Mo had no confidence in defeating Xu Fei.

Xu Fei saw that the war demon was silent and did not urge him.

There are not many people with such high skills as fighting demons in the manifest world anymore.

So Xu Fei always has to be more patient.

In the end, the war demon's eyes condensed, he no longer hesitated, and rushed towards Xu Fei again.

During this charge, the War Demon's aura contained some determination to fight to the death.

Xu Fei was noncommittal upon seeing this.

If the war demon didn't have murderous intentions for him during this encounter, then it would be okay even if Xu Fei let him go.

After all, there was no enmity between the two.

That was when Zhan Mo and Xu Fei had a fight.

But during this period, the War Demon did not tease, ridicule, or harbor murderous intentions.

Xu Fei also learned boxing style combat skills from Zhan Mo through this battle.

So in general, Xu Fei took advantage.

But even excluding this encounter, the War Demon attacked.

Later, when Xu Fei wanted to leave, the war demon actually activated the magic cultivation formation to cast down spirits and seal spells on Xu Fei.

There is no doubt that he wants to put Xu Fei to death.

So now it is naturally impossible for Xu Fei to let the other party go.

Even though his own strength is far superior to that of War Demon, Xu Fei doesn't want to let such a guy with a grudge and a very high level of cultivation live freely in the outside world.

After all, Xu Fei didn't just travel through time more than two thousand years ago.

There are still some soft-hearted thoughts.

A desperate charge against the war demon.

After Xu Fei thought about it, he activated the wood vein spell out of thin air.

Trees grew in the sky, their branches and leaves swaying, blocking the war demon.

War Demon lost one glove, but his momentum remained intact.

Punch out with all your strength!

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