A war demon is a war demon after all.

Even though he has realized that it is almost impossible for him to escape from Xu Fei.

But he quickly gathered his thoughts and took the initiative to launch an attack.

Although you can't continue to live, you still have to have backbone and momentum when you die!


A powerful punch.

The trees that Xu Fei condensed completely collapsed.

After a large amount of wood chips flew to Xu Fei's side, they disintegrated into inspiration.

But the next big tree was already blocking the battle demon.

The Five Elements Spells have various basic methods of promoting movement.

The nature of the spells activated by various urging methods is also fundamentally different.

Some are tough, some are light, some are quick, and some are slow.

Furthermore, the spells activated by different activation methods will also be different.

This is why Xu Fei did not directly take action to kill the war demon, but continued to fight with it.

Even after repaying what happened back then, I can become more familiar with my various techniques.

Although I feel sorry for the war demon,... this can be regarded as a way of utilizing waste.

In the blink of an eye, the war demon punched 4,913 times in a row.

Some of the big trees that Xu Fei activated were shattered by one punch, some were only broken, and some were only partially shattered.

Obviously, the difference between the basic urging methods of Mu Vein Spell is quite big.

After trying out the Wood Vein spell, Xu Fei tried out the Fire Vein and Earth Vein spells one by one.

With Zhan Mo as his excellent sparring partner, Xu Fei's understanding of the Five Elements spells he mastered has improved to a higher level.

Xu Fei then collected the storage bag from his waist and took out some talisman paper and spiritual ink.

After writing some talismans on the spot, he urged him to attack the war demon.

Determine the specific effects of these talismans.

After almost half an hour, Xu Fei paused.

After this trial, Xu Fei was basically sure that if he didn't want to spend money, the talismans he wrote and painted could only deal with monks with a cultivation level of less than 100,000 pots.

Once it exceeds 150,000 pots, his talismans will basically have no good effect.

After all, what the talisman seals is the spells cast by the person who made the talisman.

Even though Xu Fei was very powerful and his skills in making talismans were quite exquisite, after being transformed and damaged, the power of the spells released again was greatly reduced.

If there are some spells that are not suitable for being sealed in talismans, their power will even be reduced by more than 80%.

Of course, this was also due to the fact that Xu Fei did not have suitable talisman paper or spiritual ink on hand.

After trying out the talisman, Xu Fei began to arrange various formations.

Because of his strength, Xu Fei has only used the Ten Thousand Woods Thunder Formation, the Five Colors and Five Spirits Formation, and the Four to Two Thousand Jin Formation so far.

However, the formations Xu Fei mastered were far more than that.

With Xu Fei's current cultivation level, there are a total of 176 formations that can help him.

Of course, today it is definitely not possible to use War Demon as a sparring partner to audition one by one.

But Xu Fei still chose several representative formations to lay out and let the war demons decipher them.

Overall, it is quite good.

After testing many of his own methods, Xu Fei finally took out the Tianlong Sword.

Although Xu Fei refined it and added many spiritual materials, the Tianlong Sword was still an ordinary wooden sword during these years of cultivation.

handle, grid, body, blade, etc.

Not as sharp as other golden swords.

It's just an ordinary wooden sword.

After taking out the Tianlong Sword, Xu Fei held the sword in his right hand and stroked the sword body with his left hand.

Then he turned to look at the war demon.

The war demon seemed to feel something.

Knowing that the junior in front of him had tortured him for several days, he had to take action seriously.

Thinking of this, War Demon took a long breath. The foul-smelling magic beads suspended above his head immediately collapsed.

The demonic energy flowed down from it and was injected into the body from the halogen gate on the head of the war demon.

Then, visible to the naked eye, black lines appeared on the surface of the War Demon.

Like raised blood vessels.

And these lines are still increasing rapidly.

In the end, the war demon's eyes were bloodshot and his whole body was filled with demonic aura.

The only remaining red-eyed black dragon glove originally worn on his left hand also collapsed after a crisp sound.


After the demonic energy stored in the magic bead entered his body, the war demon quickly lost his mind.

My heart is occupied by various thoughts.

But in the end, the desire to kill temporarily took over.

So when the possessed and demented War Demon saw Xu Fei, he rushed over directly.

"Senior, have a good trip." Xu Fei sighed imperceptibly.

Then release your right hand.

The Tianlong Sword, which was filled with nearly 80,000 pots of mana, instantly glowed with cyan sword light and transformed into a dragon.

Then he pounced directly on the war demon.

Dragon-shaped sword light.

Fighting the devil after being possessed.

Hit each other hard.

"Boom~~~~~~" there was a loud sound.

The violent impact force scattered in all directions from the impact location.

Even the water vein rain curtain formation that Xu Fei used to trap the war demon was blown apart by the impact.

Everyone in the distance was watching this scene with their own thoughts, and the monks watching were shocked.

Each protects itself from being affected.

After a while, everything became quiet.

I saw a large pit dozens of miles wide and unknown depth appeared on the scene.

The trees, flowers, birds, and low mountains that were supposed to be there no longer exist.


There is another person suspended in mid-air!

Many monks raised their heads and stared.

I found that the person standing there turned out to be Xu Fei, a disciple of Linglong Immortal Sect!

This made many monks who thought that the war demon could win this battle couldn't help but be stunned and shocked.

How many years has this man been practicing?

Can actually fight and kill the war demon? !

Xu Fei stood on the spot, he did not avoid the violent impact just now.

After all, this is also the last for the senior Zhan Mo.

But even so, he was not injured at all.

Not even the clothes were dirty.

After observing for a moment and finding no residual or suspicious traces, Xu Fei flew away.

And after this battle.

Xu Fei, a disciple of Linglong Immortal Sect, once again became famous all over the world.

Because of what happened, Xu Fei stopped traveling.

Returned to the sect.

But a few days later, the wives and concubines looked at her with curious eyes, and there was an endless stream of guests coming to visit her.

Xu Fei was speechless.

He simply came to the old peak master Du Yanhui of Amaterasu Peak.

Drinking tea and playing Go.

Xu Fei's mood finally calmed down a bit.

Master Du Laofeng looked at Xu Fei, then paused, then raised his head to look at Xu Fei again.

His expression was full of surprise.

He had to be surprised and surprised.

The war demons can escape with their lives after the leader takes action.

Although I don’t know how much strength the leader used at that time, through this incident, I can get a glimpse of how this demon is not simple.

But now this powerful demon cultivator was killed in the hands of a junior named Xu Fei.

Xu Fei was a little scratched by the sight of Master Du.

"Old Peak Master, if you don't take it seriously, I will win this game of chess." Xu Fei said.

"If you win, just win." Du Laofeng said.

The game of chess in front of him obviously made him more curious than Xu Fei.

This made Xu Fei helpless and wanted to leave.

Only then did Old Peak Master Du quickly stop him and began to make serious moves.

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