Didn't wander around the nine sect areas.

Xu Fei went directly to the outer domain.

Although he has not been around Fenglin yet, Xu Fei had just eradicated the war demon in Fenglin a few years ago and caused quite a stir, so he still wanted to avoid the limelight.

I randomly found a city named ‘Duxiu’.

This city is governed by a practicing sect named ‘Duxiumen’.

Among them, Duxiu Ancestor, who has the highest cultivation level, has a cultivation level of 140,000 pots.

But it does not come from hard work.

But it's about taking some tricks.

Therefore, the combat power is almost 80,000 or 90,000 pots of cultivation.

It can only be said that after reaching a certain level of cultivation, monks will do all kinds of things to improve their performance and gain more lifespan.

Many of them don't care much about their own combat prowess.

Xu Fei stayed in the city for two days.

After thinking about it, I came to the spiritual elixir shop run by Du Xiumen.

It means that he can refine a spiritual elixir suitable for monks with a cultivation level of 30,000 pots.

After passing some examinations, Xu Fei successfully became an alchemist of the Duxiu Sect.

Xu Fei and Lingdan Pu split the profits gained 28/28.

Xu Fei Er, eight elixir shops.

If Xu Fei hadn't been thinking about hiding his identity and finding an easy job for himself.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to accept such harsh exploitation.

After having such an identity, Xu Fei's life in Capital City became much smoother.

Basically you won't encounter any trouble.

But just when Xu Fei went to the Flower House at night to have fun, while practicing during the day, he completed his share of alchemy.

The appearance of a demon cultivator inevitably attracted Xu Fei's attention.

The opponent's cultivation level is quite good, with more than 50,000 pots.

But if you take into account the strange and ruthless magic skills of the demon cultivators, then its combat power should be as high as ten or twenty thousand pots.

Especially after this demonic cultivator came to Duxiu City, he seemed to have no problem, but he wandered around all day and made some arrangements in various places in the city.

A faint magic cultivation formation took shape.

Xu Fei checked the general situation and couldn't help but be surprised.

Because this formation turned out to be the most ruthless among the magic cultivation formations.

It's called the Blood Refining Formation.

It can refine the flesh and blood of all living beings within the formation, and supplement the cultivation of the person who activates the formation.

If this demonic cultivator could successfully refine the city's tens of thousands of ordinary people and tens of thousands of cultivators.

Then his cultivation level can probably increase to more than 150,000 pots.

Of course there are many dangers in doing so.

First, forget about the ordinary people who build the city, but the monks will definitely not be able to just let it be refined.

Secondly, even if it completed the formation, such a huge amount of flesh and blood essence was suddenly poured into its body.

Then this demon cultivator may not be able to bear it.

There is a high probability that the body will explode and die.

So why did this demon cultivator choose to do this?

In particular, even if the blood refining array is completed, it still requires many steps to be activated.

There is still enough time for the people in the blood refining array to escape.

Therefore, it is almost impossible for this blood refining array to succeed.

Your brain is full of water and it’s all in vain?

Or do you have another plan?

After Xu Fei thought about it, he made some adjustments on the blood refining array.

Then wait and see.

But what surprised Xu Fei was.

After completing the arrangement of the blood refining array, the demon cultivator who set up the formation left the capital city.

Never returned.

Seeing this, Xu Fei simply put it behind him for the time being.

"Alchemist Li, the red sleeves of Yunliang Pavilion are coming out tonight. Are you interested?" A middle-aged man in his thirties with a beard came to Xu Fei's alchemy room during his alchemy refining and said with a smile.

The other party's name was Miao Guan, and he was also the alchemist of Duxiu Sect.

Because he and Xu Fei met by chance several times in Hualou, the two gradually started to have some contact with each other.

"Red sleeves?" When Xu Fei heard this, he thought of the graceful dancing man.

Xu Fei wanted to order her to spend the night before.

However, Yunliangge knows some tricks of hype.

Women in the palace who are outstanding in color or have superb skills in poetry, dance, music, etc. will not leave the palace until they have a certain reputation.

Only when the right time comes, will the woman in the pavilion be pushed out through bidding.

Get maximum profits.

"If you want to come out on top, how many spirit stones will you need?" Xu Fei said.

"It's better to have fifty or one hundred spiritual stones." Miao Guan thought about it and said.

Unlike Xu Fei, who had just arrived, Miao Guan had been in Duxiu City for a long time.

He has a good understanding of the prices and customs of Duxiu City.

Hearing such a price, Xu Fei was stunned.

After all, an ordinary woman's first night can cost fifty spiritual stones, which is fifty thousand taels of silver, which can buy almost ten thousand acres of land.

How not to exaggerate?

"Hehe, this red sleeve is not the best. Half a year ago, when Ru Lan, another oiran from Yunliang Pavilion, came out of the pavilion, he sold it for a high price of 450 spirit stones." Miao Guan added.

Xu Fei acted appropriately surprised when he heard this.

Miao Guan poured himself a cup of tea while minding his own business.

He is good at refining medicines to enhance happiness, and the medicines are very effective.

Therefore, being at the Duxiumen Lingdan Shop is quite a bit respectable.

Even if you are lazy, no one will blame you for it.

"Later, I spent five spiritual stones to have sex with that orchid-like spring breeze. The taste was really good. My waist was as slender as one hand, and my legs were slender and attractive." Miao Guan said this with a look of regret.

"What?" Xu Fei asked in due course.

Because he is named Li Huayuan and loves women.

So Xu Fei didn't maintain much of an image.

He behaves like a lustful person on weekdays.

It is natural to ask about these romantic affairs.

"It's a pity that Ru Lan was accidentally killed by a rough guy after she had been receiving customers for more than two months," Miao Guan said.

Although Yunliang Pavilion is a good flower building in Duxiu City, it is not so luxurious as to use female cultivators as flower girls.

What's more, when you go to the Flower House, you're going to appreciate the colors and have fun.

Most of the female cultivators have rather average looks.

Therefore, most of these flower houses still regard ordinary women with outstanding beauty as flower girls.

Once you encounter some rough monks, you will die if you are not careful.

"How to deal with it afterwards?" Xu Fei asked.

"What can we do? That guy paid Yunliang Pavilion a sum of money." Miao Guandao.

Xu Fei sighed after hearing this.

The saying "life is as thin as paper" is really not just a lip service.

"Hey, don't talk about these things, how about we go to Yunliang Pavilion together tonight?" Miao Guan said.

Xu Fei thought for a moment and nodded.

"Okay, just follow Taoist friend." Xu Fei said.

Soon, it was afternoon.

Xu Fei and Miao Guan both completed their share of alchemy today.

Together they hurriedly left Lingdan Shop and headed to Yunliang Pavilion.

Because the flower girls in Yunliang Pavilion are of good quality, and today there is something about Hong Xiu coming out of the pavilion.

If you arrive late, you may not have a seat.

After arriving at Yunliang Pavilion, many people like Xu Fei and Miao Guan had this idea.

Only some of the tables at the back were left.

The seats close to the stage, where you can enjoy the oiran's display of skills up close, have all been taken.

Xu Fei and Miao Guan slightly reluctantly chose a table.

Miao Guan casually threw twenty taels of silver onto the table.

The enthusiastic Mr. Turtle came over, collected money and served refreshments.

While chatting, Miao Guan looked left and right.

After a while, when a woman in her thirties who still had charm came out, Miao Guan and Xu Fei exchanged words and hurriedly approached the woman.

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