It takes almost a cup of tea, which is about fifteen minutes.

Miao Guan went and came back.

Judging from the cheerful look on his face, he was obviously very happy.

"Hey, that woman is my old sweetheart." Miao Guan explained simply.

Xu Fei didn't mind at all.

After all, the eldest brother does not laugh at the second brother.

Although Xu Fei is not as wanton and indulgent as Miao Guan, he is quite fond of women.

Otherwise, after only building the city in this city for more than half a month, the locations of several high-quality flower buildings in the city would already be known.

Yunliang Pavilion naturally had plans for the current situation.

Didn't keep many guests waiting in vain.

From time to time, flower girls with outstanding looks, enchanting dancing, and proficiency in musical instruments perform on the stage.

It was quite lively.

Unconsciously, the sky darkened.

As the lights light up.

Yunliang Pavilion is brightly lit.

After all, it is one of the most beautiful buildings in the city, and even a table in the back row costs 20 taels for tea.

As for the table in the front row, it often costs several hundred taels, and you even need spiritual stones to sit down.

For ordinary casual cultivators, it is almost equivalent to a sky-high price.

After all, after sitting down, you can't just sit there, you have to ask for some snacks or something.

Although the dim sum at Yunliang Pavilion is considered delicious, the price is ten to a hundred times higher than outside.

Xu Fei cracked melon seeds.

Two flower girls with red makeup and shy faces slowly walked onto the stage.

One person is holding a pipa and the other is holding a harp.

The two women bowed to the audience, then sat down and started playing.

The tinkling sound is actually pleasant to the ear.

After a while, the two women finished playing and stood up carefully.

A mature woman who was elegantly dressed and looked nothing like a madam walked onto the stage.

Introduce the situation of the two women.

On the first night of this auction, of course it was impossible for Hong Xiu to be the only one.

Because Hongxiu is almost the most famous and outstanding oiran in Yunliang Pavilion in recent times.

It's going to be the finale.

Although the second girl's performance is good, her appearance is only 80 points+.

Beauty is beautiful, but it is just ordinary beauty.

Therefore, after the madam’s introduction, there were not many bidders for the two of them.

In the end, it was bought together by an old man in his fifties for the price of fifteen spirit stones.

Then the old man happily took the two girls into his arms and went to the backyard of Yunliang Pavilion.

After completing the auction of the two girls, the madam began to introduce the next flower girl to be auctioned.

Following the music played by the actor next to her, the flower girl danced seductively.

Probably because of this woman's long legs, the auction was a little more lively.

Even Miao Guan made several bids.

It's a pity that it was photographed by someone else in the end.

After several flower girls were auctioned in succession.

And here comes tonight’s theme.

Bidding for Oiran's Red Sleeves.

Compared to the flower girls who performed dancing songs before.

Hongxiu just hugged a pipa, half-hiding her face, and bowed.

Then he stood there quietly, saying nothing.

Obviously, he is quite resentful about what he is about to encounter.

But it was Gu Ying's self-pitying attitude that made Yunliang Pavilion lively.

"Ten spirit stones!"

"Fifteen spirit stones!"

"Twenty-five spirit stones!"

"Thirty or forty spirit stones!"

The bidding price of red sleeves has been rising.

Xu Fei came here tonight just for this girl.

But he didn't rush to bid, waiting until the bidding momentum slowed down.

"Sixty spirit stones." Xu Fei said lightly.

Hearing such an offer suddenly surprised the madam on the stage.

Especially when the quotation comes from the table at the back.

Although the front and back of the table do not accurately reflect the financial resources of the person sitting there, why would wealthy people sit in the back or in the corner?

After hearing the price of sixty spirit stones, Hongxiu, who was originally depressed, couldn't help but look up.

Although she could only get one-tenth of her own money from the auction, six spiritual stones were also a good income.

"Eighty." But he didn't wait for anyone else's reaction.

Another young master sitting in the front row said calmly.

At the same time, he shook the folding fan in his hand with a sound of "Wow~".

"Oh~ It's Mr. Fang."

"Who is this?"

"The newly promoted inner disciple of Duxiu Sect!"

Someone who knew Young Master explained to his companions.

"One hundred." Xu Fei said.

It wasn't because of grudges or anything like that, but because he had already taken a liking to Hongxiu and was thinking of buying her.

It's just that Yunliang Pavilion had to wait until the bidding was over before they would let him go.

So Xu Fei will naturally not give up easily now.

I heard that Xu Fei was still bidding.

Many people were surprised.

The young master couldn't help but turn his head and glance at Xu Fei.

"One hundred and twenty spirit stones." Fang Cong said.

Although he has become an inner disciple of the Duxiu Sect, Fang Cong's financial resources are not yet substantial.

One hundred and twenty spirit stones are already almost one-tenth of his existing spirit stones.

"One hundred and forty spirit stones." Xu Fei did not give up.

Although he is now experiencing the life of an ordinary monk under the name 'Li Huayuan', he will not give up on the woman he wants just because of such a little trouble.

"Fellow Daoist Li, it's better for us not to offend Mr. Fang Cong." Miao Guan on the side saw Xu Fei's stubbornness and hurriedly persuaded him.

Although they are alchemists dedicated to Duxiumen Lingdan Shop, their identities are still much different from each other.

After all, the other party is an inner disciple of the Duxiu Sect. Although he is not as qualified as the true successor to inherit the position of head, he is already the backbone of the Duxiu Sect.

It's far beyond what wage earners like them can compare with.

Xu Fei chuckled, but still didn't intend to give up Hongxiu.

Not to mention being angry for a beauty, but even the ancestor of Duxiu is not qualified enough to make him give in.

Fang Cong thought for a moment, glanced at Xu Fei and did not continue to increase the price.

Although Hongxiu is quite outstanding and is good at music and dance, buying a hundred spiritual stones for her first night is already a huge deal.

The current price is undoubtedly a bit high.

The madam on the stage couldn't help but smile when she saw that Hongxiu's first night had fetched such a high price.

Make arrangements quickly.

As for Fang Cong, although others are afraid of him, Yunliang Pavilion is not without background.

Arrive at a quiet room in Yunliang Pavilion.

The madam brought Hongxiu over.

Xu Fei took out one hundred and forty spirit stones, but had no intention of handing them over to the other party.

"I want to redeem myself for the girl with red sleeves." Xu Fei said.

The madam hesitated when he heard this.

The red sleeves were sold at such a price today, which is obviously a topic and a hot topic.

If you publicize it later, you may not be able to become the second Rulan.

Although Ru Lan only became popular for more than two months before she died, it really made Yunliang Pavilion a huge profit.

"This... please don't embarrass me, my benefactor." The old bustard was confused.

When a woman reaches thirty, she is already a MILF, claiming that there is nothing wrong with her old age.

Xu Fei just piled up the one hundred and forty spirit stones he took out.

Ignore the madam.

Seeing Xu Fei's attitude, the Madam also knew what Xu Fei meant.

After a moment of hesitation, he said: "As long as the guest takes out another 360 spirit stones to make up for the 500, Hongxiu will let you redeem yourself, how about it?"

Xu Fei glanced at the old bustard who opened his mouth, but didn't care so much.

He directly took out some spiritual stones.

Then he took Hongxiu's redemption deed and left Yunliang Pavilion.

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