Chapter 54: Both sons and daughters

After sending Zhou Yue back to her small courtyard, Xu Fei came to grandma's side.

Mrs. Zhang Fang beamed when she heard that another person had been added to her family.

"My dear grandson, don't be like your father. Your daughter is also a member of our Zhang family and must be loved."

"Yes, grandma." Xu Fei said with a smile.

Seeing her grandson's agreement, Zhang Fang nodded with satisfaction.

But there is still a difference after all.

When Ling Niang gave birth to a son, Zhang Fang asked her maid Chun Xing to send a lot of things to Ling Niang.

But now that Yuan Niang gave birth to a daughter, she didn't mention it at all.

Therefore, the idea of ​​not favoring sons over daughters does not mean that Xu Fei should treat his sons and daughters equally, but that he should not be too harsh on his daughters.

Xu Fei was somewhat helpless.

However, this concept was indeed based on the actual environment, so he didn't say much.

Return to Yuan Niang.

Xu Fei looked at the sleeping mother and daughter again and told the maid to watch over them carefully.

Then he came to the study and opened his panel.

Name: Xu Fei (Zhang Chuan)

master a skill:




Medical Skills【0/10】【49/49】


Sanhua Chapter【0/5】【18/18】

Crane Shape Breathing Method【0/10】【49/49】

Sitting Tiger Internal Strength【0/10】【49/49】

Sword Sutra【0/5】【17/17】

Iron shirt【0/10】【49/49】

Tiger Fist【0/10】【49/49】

Skillfully play eighteen moves【0/10】【49/49】

Tiger Sword Technique【0/10】【49/49】

Point Cloud Step【0/10】【49/49】

Proficiency value: 1871

In just two months, Xu Fei's various martial arts, driven by the Sanhua Chapter and the Sword Classic, saw their level caps soar as if they were on hormones.

However, none of the skills exceed the level limit of level 50.

This led Xu Fei to speculate that level 50 of advanced skills seemed to be their limit, and the only way to break through was to advance again.

It's just that the Crane Shape Breathing Technique reached level 49 a month and a half ago, and there has been no improvement since then, which inevitably gave Xu Fei a bad feeling.

Is it possible that the level limit of the skill is only this high? Can't continue to level up?

If it was true as he suspected, that would be terrible.

But it's not all bad news.

There is good news too.

With the help of the increasingly high-level Sanhua Chapter, Xu Fei's internal energy increased rapidly.

Taking Wuyong Men Fang as the unit, Xu Fei has gained almost two more 'squares' of internal energy in the past two months, which means that Xu Fei's current internal energy is equivalent to four 'squares'.

Therefore, with the support of the Point Cloud Step, which was up to advanced level 49, Xu Fei swept several feet away and jumped like flying.

No trace on the snow!

It can be called a handsome knight.

However, after possessing such profound inner strength, Xu Fei did not tell anyone.

He used some techniques his father-in-law said to conceal his own skills, and only showed the image of practicing martial arts to outsiders.

If he doesn't do it, outsiders won't even be able to tell that he has developed his inner strength.

All in all, Xu Fei's current strength is enhanced by various skills. Even if he doesn't have much experience in fighting with others, he can no longer be counted among the bunch.

The next day, Xu Fei came to the medical clinic.

Tell Master that you have a daughter.

Dr. Zhao was greatly relieved when he heard that Xu Fei had a daughter.

As an elder, what I want to see most is to have descendants.

After chatting a few more about medical skills, Xu Fei now deliberately explained his medical skills to the master.

Whether it is to make Master's ancient medical skills blossom and flourish, or to make the medical book that Master is currently revising reach a higher level.

This is Xu Fei's way of repaying his master for taking care of him.

Without saying much, Xu Fei came to the front hall and began to diagnose and treat patients.

Over time, people gradually became accustomed to the living environment where gangs and martial arts schools collected monthly money.

Although families who used to be able to cut some pork every few days and make dumplings for their children to improve their lives now cannot even afford pickles every day, people's adaptability is undoubtedly huge.

If you don’t have pickles, you can just eat steamed buns. If you can’t eat steamed buns, you can just drink porridge.

You must always try your best to live, because although it is painful now and it may be even more painful in the future, only by living, and only by living, can everything be possible.

Xu Fei diagnosed and treated several patients, and he was asked to visit again.

The several ways Xu Fei had thought about to develop financial resources had basically gone bankrupt.

The sales volume of Yiqi Pills and Five Flavor Soup Health Pills are all average.

In one month, Xu Fei will be able to receive three to five taels of silver.

Of course, if it were someone else, having such a large amount of income every month would make you laugh out of your dreams.

But this was a bit stretched for Xu Fei and his family.

Although there has been some progress in helping warriors recuperate their bodies, they basically come to the medical center for consultation and medicine, leaving Xu Fei little room for maneuver.

Fortunately, Xu Fei's medical skills are gradually being recognized in Gaoxian County, and there are still many wealthy families who ask him for medical treatment.

So there is no shortage of money.

Therefore, I gave up on the matter of developing financial resources that I had previously considered.

Xu Fei came to the home of the man who asked him to visit, diagnosed and treated his father, and after giving a prescription, Xu Fei left with the consultation fee of two taels of silver.

Now the fee for his home consultation is almost clearly marked.

Two taels of silver.

This is mainly to prevent everyone who comes to the medical clinic and asks for a visit from finding Xu Fei.

After all, there are other doctors in the hospital.

Always keep a rough idea of ​​fairness.

It was almost noon when I returned to the hospital.

Xu Fei had lunch with his master and discussed some medical issues with him.

After all, his current medical skill level has reached advanced level 49, covering all aspects.

If it weren't for the consideration of concealment, Xu Fei only showed his medical skills in prescribing prescriptions and medicines. Xu Fei was already very proficient in various treatment methods such as acupuncture and massage.

At most, when it is really used on patients, it may not be as skilled as those old masters.

But when it comes to theory.

Is it invincible?

After eating, while the waiter was clearing away the dishes, Xu Fei helped his master diagnose.

Well, the old man is in great health, so there is no need for him to worry about it.

Back home.

Xu Fei came to Yuanniang somewhat.

The daughter was sleeping soundly on the small bed.

Xu Fei didn't bother her at all. After observing for a while, he came to Yuan Niang's side.

Yuan Niang was very worried about giving birth to a daughter.


When Xu Fei saw this, he knew that this woman had a burden on her heart.

But to be honest, he likes both his son and daughter and doesn't have many thoughts.

At most, there may be a little more preference in the future because the child's talent in studying and practicing martial arts is relatively high, but it will never be to the extent of being very partial.

After seeing his daughter, Xu Fei went to see his son.

Who would have thought that he had only been in this world for a year and a half and already had a son and a daughter.

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