Chapter 55, Limit

This is a son and a daughter. When he saw a son and a daughter in his friend's house before, he was not just envious, but very envious.

But now there is no need, because he has also achieved it.

After seeing the children and women, Xu Fei went to practice martial arts.

Xu Fei was seen standing in the courtyard holding a sharp iron sword, breathing evenly.

The next moment, Xu Fei stabbed out with his sword.

Light and airy without any hint of fireworks.

It seems that he is not practicing swordsmanship, but playing.

But this sword is not that simple.

Because there will be a full thirty-seven changes in the follow-up.

Treating Ma Liu, the ruthless bandit from more than a year ago, as an imaginary enemy, Xu Fei chose a change and chased the sword out.

This is also the situation when Xu Fei is practicing martial arts recently.

After all, Zhou Yue is pregnant and her physical condition is not very good. It is impossible for her to spar with Xu Fei anymore, so this is all he can do when practicing martial arts.

As for whether it is useful or not...

It feels like it should be of some use.

Either using Ma Liu as an imaginary enemy, or using Fang Wei as an imaginary enemy, Xu Fei practiced his sword skills.

After all, among the warriors Xu Fei has encountered so far, these are the only two who can be called masters.

At the same time, Xu Fei also did not forget to use the exercises in the Sanhua Chapter to promote his swordsmanship.

Warriors, inner strength warriors, innate warriors.

They are the three levels of warriors.

As long as you are willing to practice hard and have the guidance of masters and elders, after you have achieved some success in martial arts practice, you can be called a martial artist even if five or seven people can't get close to you.

The inner strength warrior is a warrior who goes one step further and develops inner strength with a strong body.

Naturally, a warrior who first enters the inner strength will not be very strong, but as the inner strength gradually increases, the strength of the inner strength warrior will become terrifying.

According to what my father-in-law said, there was once a swordsman named Fang Xibai who single-handedly killed three hundred heavy cavalry!

That's heavy cavalry! Also known as the Iron Buddha!

Although he disappeared after creating such an exaggerated record, and this Fang Xibai cannot actually be regarded as an ordinary internal strength warrior, this can also be seen from this to some extent how powerful the internal strength warrior is.

As for the innate warrior, my father-in-law had only heard of his name and had never seen him before.

There aren't even any achievements circulated.

Basically already a legendary figure, the dragon has never seen its end.

After Xu Fei replenished his food and water, he calmed down his distracting thoughts and continued to practice martial arts.

Practicing swordsmanship with internal strength will have better effects, but it will also consume more of Xu Fei.

However, after feeling the slight increase in internal energy, Xu Fei no longer felt dissatisfied.

Because it is precisely because of this that he has grown further day by day and reached his current level.

And if you want to achieve more growth, naturally you can't slack off.

When he stopped practicing martial arts at night, Xu Fei opened his panel and took a look.

I found that the level caps of Sanhua Chapter and Sword Classic were still unchanged.

This made Xu Fei quite helpless.

In fact, the reason why Sanhua Chapter and Sword Classic could be upgraded to the current level is not because of his good understanding.

Instead, it is affected by other skills after they are upgraded.

Otherwise, Xu Fei will judge based on his own feelings.

In two months, it would be good if he could upgrade these two obviously extraordinary skills, Sanhua Chapter and Sword Scripture, to around level 10.

Thinking of this, Xu Fei felt that he had to continue to find some other martial arts.

By upgrading the levels of these martial arts, the skill levels of the Sanhua Chapter and Sword Sutra can be raised.

Otherwise, if he only relied on his own understanding, he would not know if he would be able to upgrade the two skills of Sanhua Chapter and Sword Classic to the current extreme level of Advanced Level 49 in the Year of the Monkey.

The next day, Xu Fei came to the medical clinic.

Suddenly I heard that there was a rebellion in his land!

Although it was still far away from Gaoxian County and was quickly put down, this was a rebellion!

Of course, one or two rebellions are nothing, but when rebellions continue one after another and are difficult to quell, then the world will be in chaos.

Thinking of this, Xu Fei inevitably felt a little heavy.

He just wants to live a good life and survive well.

It is best to be able to ensure that you have good strength. At that time, it is better to find a place to live a leisurely life, or to pretend to be a wave in various places and create something like Fang Xibai with one enemy against three hundred heavy cavalry. feat.

That's all flattering.

But now his strength is still not enough to face the troops forming a formation.

However, there are signs of turmoil in the world.

Trouble, it’s really too much trouble.

Xu Fei inevitably frowned.

Even the master noticed it and couldn't help but be concerned.

Xu Fei could only cover it up by saying that he had mixed feelings after hearing the news about the rebellion.

Hearing that his apprentice was so compassionate, Doctor Zhao nodded with satisfaction.

As a doctor, you should have the heart of a parent.

In layman’s terms, patients should be treated as their own ‘children’.

And we must treat everyone equally. We cannot flatter some patients just because they have money, nor should we show no concern for some patients just because they cannot afford consultation fees and medicines.

As his apprentice, he obviously performed very well.

Xu Fei didn't expect that the explanation he used to cover up would actually be praised by his master.

This is a bit embarrassing.

Rather than continue to embarrass himself in front of the master, Xu Fei returned to the front hall to treat the patients.

At noon, Xu Fei came to his father-in-law with two jars of bamboo leaf green wine.

This time, my father-in-law was at home. He took the wine from Xu Fei and opened a jar with a smile. After smelling the aroma of the wine, he was very satisfied.

My son-in-law is really very filial.

"Taishan, I heard there was a rebellion recently?" Xu Fei poured the bamboo leaf green wine opened by his father-in-law into the jug, and then filled the wine glass in front of his father-in-law.

Zhou Biaotou heard this and nodded.

"That's right, there is a commotion over there in Xiao County. It is said that the gangs and the government have squeezed the people too much, and people can't survive, so they simply turned against them."

Obviously, compared to Xu Fei's hearsay, the news from Zhou Biaotou's side was clearer and more detailed.

Xu Fei was speechless when he heard that the government and gangs were exploiting ordinary people.

What kind of people can do these things! ?

Even describing him as a beast is not enough to describe his cruelty.

After all, when there were only gangs, ordinary people could still survive, but when the government joined the gluttonous feast, it was over.

Just like if one leg is broken, you can still walk if you pull it, but if both legs are broken together, you can only crawl. Although this statement sounds a bit connotative of his father-in-law, that's pretty much what happened.

Xu Fei couldn't help but shudder when he thought of this.


In other words, after Liang Guo, an official, released the evil beast of the gang martial arts school in order to consolidate his imperial power, a nightmare that could be called despair for ordinary people began.

Xu Fei sighed, not knowing how to comment.

I can only pour wine for my father-in-law again.

After eating and drinking, Xu Fei went home.

I noticed that my father had a gloomy look on his face.

"Dad, what's wrong?" Xu Fei said.

Zhang Lian's expression became even more ugly when he saw his son coming back smelling of alcohol, but his son was also a father, and he could no longer vent his anger on him in any family way.

"The Tiger Boxing Gym came to our door today and planned to buy all the land at home with fifty taels of silver." As he said this, Zhang Lian seemed to have aged a few years in an instant.

Even the cloth shop is closed due to poor business.

Zhang Lian would not be like this.

But when more than 100 acres of land, considered the foundation of the Zhang family, was forcibly bought, but he had no way to do anything, Zhang Lian was really discouraged.

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