Chapter 56, Land

Xu Fei was stunned when he heard this. Just now he was feeling pity for others, but now the trouble has found his own head?

Fifty taels of silver sounds like a lot.

But the actual value of the family's more than 100 acres of land is only about one-third.

Xu Fei thought for a moment.

"Dad, I'm going to find the coach of the Tiger Boxing Gym that I met before and ask what's going on."

Zhang Lian couldn't help but feel hope in his heart.

right! My son is a doctor with excellent medical skills.

Recently, when he meets old friends, he will be complimented for this, which is very honorable.

If the son goes to find acquaintances in the boxing gym, maybe he can prevent his family's foundation from being taken away at a low price?

"Okay, ask if you can not buy our land. By the way, don't go empty-handed." Zhang Lian said.

Seeing his father's dilemma, Xu Fei did not laugh at him.

His mental age was once over 30.

In addition, after having children during this period, I can somewhat understand the situation of a middle-aged father.

After all, the more than one hundred acres of land owned by my grandfather was a family property set up by my grandfather in order to make the old Zhang family prosperous and prosperous.

And at his current age, dad naturally thinks like grandpa.

But now I can't keep this family fortune.

This makes daddy not get angry in a hurry.

"Yes." Xu Fei responded, and then went to practice martial arts.

After all, Coach Qin has to teach boxing in the boxing gym during the day, and he can only visit him at night to ask for help.

Soon it was evening, Xu Fei went out after seeing his children and women.

Bringing two jars of good wine, Xu Fei came to the residence of Coach Qin, whom he had dealt with before to rescue his sister-in-law.

Knocking on the door, Xu Fei announced his identity and was soon taken to a hall by the Qin family's servants.

Coach Qin was sitting on the main seat. When he saw Xu Fei, he stood up and came over.

"Doctor Zhang comes to visit you at night, but what's the matter?"

Although the boy in front of him is not old, he does things calmly, especially his medical skills are quite extraordinary, so Teacher Qin naturally doesn't mind giving him some face.

"I take the liberty of coming to visit, and I ask for your forgiveness, senior. The main reason I came here today is to ask about the boxing gym's purchase of my family's land." Xu Fei stated his intention directly.

Hearing what Xu Fei said, Coach Qin frowned slightly and smiled bitterly, but he still asked Xu Fei to sit down first and sorted out his words after thinking.

"This is the result of discussions between the gym owner and the Dadao Association, Dilong Gang, and Haowu Hall. Even the land owned by the instructors and disciples in the boxing gym must be handed over. At most, there will be no discount on the price."

Hearing this, Xu Fei probably understood.

These gang martial arts gyms are no longer satisfied with just collecting monthly money, they also want to hold the land in their hands and continue to seize every drop of profit.

Therefore, Xu Fei did not mention whether he could not sell the land, and simply chatted with Coach Qin for a few words before leaving.

Coach Qin looked at Xu Fei's leaving figure and couldn't help scratching the short beard under his chin.

This guy is not very old, but he can tell that he may be a figure in the future.

After Xu Fei returned home, he came to his parents and told his father what he had learned.

After hearing that even the instructors and disciples in gang martial arts schools had to hand over their family land, Zhang Lian sighed helplessly.

The power of these four words "farming, reading and heirloom" is so powerful that many people in the modern environment are not able to understand it.

But let’s put it another way.

In modern times, there are several popular shops in the busiest commercial street in the city, but someone wants to buy it for one-third of the price, but cannot refuse. How does it feel when someone wants to buy it?

This is almost how Zhang Lian feels at the moment.

Xu Fei didn't know how to comfort his father when he saw this.

After all, who would have thought that the Liang Kingdom, which was relatively peaceful and peaceful before, would suddenly collapse in just a year or so.

"Okay, you don't have to worry, go and rest." Zhang Lianqiang calmly comforted his son.

Xu Fei nodded. With his current medical skills, as long as the order did not completely collapse, he basically didn't have to worry about eating.

Of course, if the situation gets worse, it may be difficult to support the family.

Back in his study, Xu Fei continued to read the Sanhua Chapter and the Sword Classic.

The levels of these two martial arts are extremely high.

Even with the help of proficiency points, which increased a lot of levels, Xu Fei still had some difficulty in reading and comprehending.

In the blink of an eye, it was 10 o'clock in the evening. Xu Fei put away the books and came to Yun Niang.

For some unknown reason, Yun Niang never became pregnant.

This made Xu Fei check Yun Niang's pulse more than once, but the results he got were that Yun Niang was healthy and there was no problem.

Regarding this situation, Xu Fei could only attribute it to his failure to aim.

The next day Xu Fei came to the hospital.

The forced purchase of land by gang martial arts schools has aroused a lot of discussion.

Those who have no land are gloating about their misfortune, while those who have land are sad.

All kinds of things in the world.

Xu Fei ignored these trivial matters and treated the patients calmly.

In fact, after his medical skills reached the bottleneck period of advanced level 49, Xu Fei also considered whether to stop coming to the medical clinic.

But on the one hand, it was the monthly salary, and on the other hand, he was thinking that maybe after seeing enough doctors, he might be able to break through the limitations of advanced medical skills and reach the third level of medical skills?

So I still come to the medical center to work every day, and I only come for half a day in the morning, so I don’t waste much time.

And after thinking about it, Xu Fei decided to call the skills that require 5 points of proficiency upgrade, which are the skills he just learned, first-level skills.

When a first-level skill reaches level 20, it will advance to a skill that requires 10 proficiency points to upgrade, and this is a second-level skill.

When medical skills break through the current level limit, there is a high probability that the proficiency required for upgrading will be further improved, and it will become a third-level skill.

After seeing a few patients, another one came out.

Xu Fei took the mule cart in the medical clinic and came to the patient's home.

The patient's condition was a bit serious, and Xu Fei had to go back to consult the master again before coming back to prescribe the medicine.

Xu Fei's approach not only maintained his low-key style, but also satisfied the patient's family.

Look, Dr. Zhang is serious and responsible, and even went back and asked the master for the prescription.

Of course, this is only if the disease can be cured after taking medicine.

If the disease cannot be cured by this operation, it will only get another set of opposite evaluations.

Taking the consultation fee given by the patient, Xu Fei returned to the hospital.

But when I was passing by the cattle market, I saw the livestock in the market. After thinking about it, I asked the clerk to stop the car and went to the market.

After walking around twice, Xu Fei bought two mules.

This does not mean that Xu Fei has nothing to do after he is full.

But the situation in Gaoxian County is already like this, so he has to leave a backup for his family.

If it feels like the momentum is not right, then if their whole family, including their father-in-law and master want to leave, they will need a lot of carriages and horses.

However, horses are often inferior to mules.

So first prepare a dozen mules, carriages, etc. It's okay if you don't need them, but if you don't have them when you actually need them, it's going to be blinding.

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