Chapter 57, Mule

Zhang Lian couldn't help but frown when he saw his son coming back with two mules.

Large adult animals like mules are not cheap.

The current situation is so difficult.

Does your son still spend money randomly? !

Xu Fei saw his father's face full of confusion, but he didn't explain much.

After all, he was just trying to prevent possible situations, so why talk so much and make his father worried for nothing.

Take the mule to the family barn.

Two old servants quickly took over.

"Do you know anyone who can raise mules?" Xu Fei said.

An old servant quickly replied: "Back to you, young master, my nephew has raised mules for several years."

Xu Fei nodded when he heard this: "I wonder if he would be willing to come over and help me raise the mules?"

"Yes, I definitely am," the old servant replied quickly.

The Zhang family is kind to people, even the servants they bought are not treated harshly. Now that there is an opportunity to find a job for their nephew, they will not miss it.

"Well, let him come over later." Xu Fei said.

"Yes, yes, thank you, young master." The old servant thanked him profusely.

After returning to his place to have lunch, Xu Fei looked at his son and then at his daughter.

My son is three months old, but he still can't sit up.

The daughter is still ugly.

Xu Fei can only hope that he will be ugly now and be as beautiful as Yuan Niang in the future.

The next day, after Xu Fei had a consultation at the hospital, he came to his father-in-law again at noon.

"Taishan, there is something I want to ask you for help with," Xu Fei said.

"Tell me." Zhou Biaotou, who was eating chicken legs, said simply.

"That's right, I want to buy some mule carriage carriages." Xu Fei said.

When Zhou Biaotou heard what his son-in-law said, he turned around unexpectedly.


Immediately, Captain Zhou understood what his son-in-law meant.

Compared to Zhang Lian, who lives in a comfortable environment, Zhou Biaotou, who travels all over the world, is obviously more sensitive to the current situation.

Gangs, martial arts schools, and the government are constantly squeezing the people. They want to wipe out all the money and water, and sooner or later there will be trouble.

And if there are some mule carts by then, the escape will undoubtedly be faster than others.

Thinking of this, Captain Zhou looked at his son-in-law with a little more recognition in his eyes.

If my daughter has such an astute husband, her future life will probably be good.

"Okay." Zhou Biao agreed immediately.

Regarding finding the carriage, Xu Fei also thought about doing it himself, but after thinking about it, he decided to leave it to his father-in-law.

After all, my father-in-law used to be a bodyguard, so he knew what kind of carriage was more suitable for use and not eye-catching.

"Also, please ask your father-in-law to buy more mules." Xu Fei smiled and took out fifty taels of silver and handed it to his father-in-law.

Simply don't bother the two masters.

Seeing so much money, Zhou Biaotou was surprised and readily agreed again.

After discussing some more situations, Xu Fei left his father-in-law's house.

Watching his son-in-law leave, Biaotou Zhou had a smile on his face.

If he was still a little worried about his son-in-law before, he is completely relieved now.

After returning home, Zhang Lian hurriedly found his son.

Apparently he finally figured out why his son suddenly bought a mule.


Xu Fei chuckled and signaled his father not to tell these things.

Then he went to his study with his father.

"Dad, although there is no rebellion or civil unrest here, these gang martial arts schools can even do things like buying and selling by force. It is no longer optimistic." Xu Fei said.

Zhang Lian's expression was a little complicated when he heard this. He was dozens of years old, but he still couldn't understand it as well as his son.

"But, but the world is so big, where can we go?" Zhang Lian couldn't help but feel a little confused.

After all, the world has begun to become chaotic, and there is still old hometown in Gaoxian.

But what to do after leaving Gao County?

Xu Fei also scratched his head when he heard this.

Now there are only a few paths before their family.

1. Stay in Gaoxian. If there is a civil unrest in the future, try to escape. However, there are many variables in this choice. If it fails, the mob will take advantage of it, and the family will have no way to go to heaven or to go to earth.

2. Find a place with high mountains and far away water, similar to a paradise, and take shelter. Although doing this is good, it is undoubtedly the worst choice for Xu Fei. After all, he also wants to find more martial arts to promote the level of Sanhua Chapter and Sword Classic.

3. Go to county towns, provincial capitals, or even the capital. Although this is not the safest choice, as a doctor with excellent medical skills, as long as he doesn't cause any trouble, there will basically be no trouble.

In addition, going to a more prosperous place will also be helpful for Xu Fei to find more martial arts.

Each of these three options has pros and cons.

The first one is too passive, and the second one seems stable, but who knows where there is a safe paradise?

If you find a place and turn around and there are bandits and soldiers harassing you, that would be a disaster.

The third choice is also the most worrying among the three choices.

After all, the more prosperous the place, the more entanglements there are.

Various situations need to be handled carefully.

So Xu Fei would rather live quietly in a quiet and peaceful place and be a Shilipo Sword God.

It's a pity that the world is so unstoppable.

Xu Fei could only try his best to adapt.

After discussing some matters with his father, Xu Fei came to the backyard.

After thinking for a while, he found Yun Niang.

"Our family may move to a county town, a provincial capital or even the capital city next," Xu Fei said.

Yun Niang looked at Xu Fei and knew that this guy was worried that their sisters would be in trouble.

"We're fine." Yun Niang said calmly.

After the sisters came to the Liang, Yong, and Qi Three Kingdoms, they would no longer have any trouble.

Hearing Yun Niang's words, Xu Fei nodded and did not ask any further questions.

In fact, it can be seen from the Sanhua Chapter that Yun Niang gave him that these two sisters are not simple.

This is why Xu Fei came over to ask.

After dealing with these matters, Xu Fei came to the courtyard to practice martial arts.

The skill of the Sword Sutra far exceeds that of the Tiger Sword Technique.

In other words, the two are not at the same level of martial arts at all.

The Tiger Sword Technique is all about hacking, hacking, hacking, hacking, hacking, hacking, hacking, hacking, hacking, hacking, hacking, hacking, hacking, hacking, hacking.

Even if Xu Fei understands the importance of "leaving some room", the moves and intention of the Tiger Blade Technique are already here, and it's just that he can put some effort into its use.

The Sword Classic is teaching Xu Fei how to use a sword.

Facing the enemy's moves, what kind of counterattack should be adopted and how to break the move.

Xu Fei even felt that half of the reason for the slow upgrade of Jian Jing's skill level was because he had no experience in fighting with others to the death.

After all, it is not advisable to work behind closed doors.

However, Xu Fei still didn't dare to easily find someone to fight and risk danger, so he could only practice martial arts diligently and not slack off.

If you don't sharpen your gun quickly in front of the battlefield, it will be useless.

The next day Xu Fei came to the hospital and found his master after thinking about it.

He talked about his plan to move to the county town.

Dr. Zhao was a little surprised.

"Master, will you come with me?" Xu Fei said.

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