Chapter 61, turmoil

This is also the reason why Xu Fei, a young man who is only seventeen years old, can charge two taels of silver for a single visit.

Xu Fei returned the gift, then came and sat down next to his father.

Generally speaking, a young boy like him is not qualified to participate in such things.

But being a doctor with superb medical skills is different.

No one would care about these little things with him.

The man hesitated slightly when he saw Xu Fei sitting next to his father.

"Then I'll add another three taels of silver. Brother Zhang, we really can't take more."

After hearing the price, Zhang Lian was still not satisfied, but he could only agree.

Compared with two years ago, the income from selling shops and houses has lost more than half.

This damn world.

After sending the other party away, Xu Fei comforted his father.

After all, his father suffered such a big loss because of his decision to move to the county town. If he didn't comfort him, he might not use family methods against him.

He is also a father, and it would be a bit embarrassing if he was still being lectured by his own father.

Zhang Lian smiled helplessly when he heard his son's comfort.

Even facing the current situation, he would definitely not be able to think of moving to the county town.

But he could also understand that what his son did was right.

The world is in chaos.

After appeasing his father, Xu Fei thought about it and gathered the women to Yuan Niang's side.

"Now that things have happened, I can tell you the truth."

"Our family is moving to the county town." Xu Fei finally told the women about the current situation.

Hearing Xu Fei's words, Ling Niang, who was holding her son, blinked.

I don’t know why Xu Fei did this.

Yuan Niang was also a little surprised, Zhou Yue looked at it, and He Hua was a little confused.

Only the old God Yun Niang, who had known the situation for a long time, was there.

Xu Fei didn't explain any more about this. After all, he said too much, which would inevitably make the women panic.

After letting the women disperse, Xu Fei began to think about the follow-up arrangements.

The next day, Xu Fei came to the hospital early.

Although the master has sold the medical clinic, Xu Fei has no intention of being lazy during these times. He still has to sit in the clinic when he should, and he still has to go to the clinic when he should.

Make money, not shabby.

But just when Xu Fei was sitting in the clinic, he saw a large number of people entering the county.

And Gaoxian County quickly closed the city gates to prevent more people from entering the city.

This made Xu Fei wonder.

What's wrong?

After asking around for a while, Xu Fei's expression changed drastically.

More than forty miles east of Gaoxian County, there is Mi County.

The number of households is similar to that in Gaoxian County.

Just yesterday something suddenly changed.

A group of strongmen came from nowhere and rushed into the county town, burning, killing and looting.

Then the ruffians in the county town became agitated.

Suddenly, the entire Mi County fell into out-of-control disorder.

And these people escaped from Misian County.

After Xu Fei learned the news, his heart sank.

What are you afraid of?

Now his martial arts skills can be considered quite good.

Even if you encounter a military disaster, rebellion, etc., as long as you don't hit it directly, you can basically escape.

But what about his family?

Xu Fei couldn't get around this.

Otherwise, Xu Fei would not have been able to just practice martial arts by himself without thinking about revenge when he was threatened by the Dilong Gang and the Tiger Boxing Gym bought land.

It’s really okay to be a little angry. On the contrary, it can motivate yourself to work harder.

If he takes revenge because he is unhappy, once the disharmony is exposed, it will undoubtedly be a disaster for his family.

No longer caring about the diagnosis and treatment of the patients, Xu Fei hurried back home.

After selling the cloth shop, Zhang Lian basically stayed at home and began to pack his clothes.

He also paid attention to the commotion just now, and after learning about the turmoil in Mi County, he suddenly took a breath of cold air.

There is only one thought in my mind: leave quickly!

"Dad, I'm going to find my father-in-law. I'll listen to his opinion on everything." Xu Fei said.

Zhang Lian calmed down after hearing this and nodded.

Xu Fei went to find his father-in-law, and then drove a mule cart to the medical center.

Pack up all the medical books compiled by Master and take them home together.

Now that we are going to the county town, we need to gather the whole family together so that we can move easily.

But now I can't just leave without thinking.

After all, if you encounter rioters outside, it will be a problem.

"In a few days, there will be a escort leaving at the meeting. We can follow him." Escort Zhou took a puff of dry cigarette and said.

Zhang Lian's eyes lit up when he heard this.

"My dear, you are really helpful."

He would choose to marry Zhou Biaotou in the first place, just to find a powerful daughter-in-law and to restrain his son.

But I didn't expect it to be able to play such a role now.

Xu Fei was not surprised by this.

After all, when I discussed with my father-in-law how to get to the county town, it was one of the best choices to go with the escort team of the Broadsword Association.

"But it's not advisable to move lightly now. We have to look at the situation first." Zhou Biaotou said again.

Mi County is too close to Gao County.

It's more than forty miles away and can be reached in one day.

If the bandits who caused trouble in Mi County are not satisfied, it is possible that they will come and attack Gaoxian County again.

And if they leave the county now and run into someone, that will be trouble.

Doctor Zhao stroked his beard on the side.

Now he had to admit that his apprentice was too smart and decisive.

It was actually possible to predict that there would be turmoil.

Xu Fei was scratching his head.

He can sense the undercurrent, and perhaps there will be chaos in the world in the future.

But who would have thought that trouble would come right now? !

If they had known about the turmoil, the shop and house that were selling for nothing would have escaped long ago with the whole family and master.

After all, whether it’s a house or a shop, how much money can you have?

With his current medical skills, he might not be able to make any money.

But now I can only stay in the county town.

A few days passed in the blink of an eye.

Fortunately, the worst situation did not happen. Even the unrest in Mi County was suppressed and everything became calm again.

However, many people in Gao County are preparing to leave and go to the county town.

After all, once the world becomes chaotic, the city will always be a little more stable.

As for even the big city being swept away...

Who can be spared from this wave of changing the world?

It just depends on luck.

"The escort team in the meeting will leave early tomorrow morning, let's go together!" Escort Leader Zhou came back from outside.

"Okay." Zhang Lian finally breathed a sigh of relief.

After Xu Fei thought for a while, he summoned his servants.

Anyone who is willing to follow him to the county seat will be welcomed by him. If he is unwilling to follow, he will return his body deed and be free to come and go.

Although the Zhang family treated people quite generously, only half of them decided to follow them to the county town.

Xu Fei was not surprised by this result.

Return the body deed to the servants who are unwilling to follow him to the county town, and then give one tael of silver to each of the servants who are willing to follow.

This has been their salary for half a year, or even a year, and they are grateful to Xu Fei.

After winning over a group of people, Xu Fei returned to his yard.

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