Chapter 62, County City

Since I started packing it up a few days ago, there is nothing extra to prepare.

After all, going to the county town is said to be a migration, but in fact it is an escape.

Apart from necessary clothing and some small items, I basically didn’t bring any other tables, chairs, benches, beds, bedding, etc.

In addition, women are inevitably panicked by the current situation.

After Xu Fei comforted them one by one, he rested at Ling Niang's side.

Xu Fei was very satisfied after seeing his son's outstanding advantages after nurturing him.

Yun Niang is beautiful, but the scale of her advantages is not enough.

The next morning, the family set off at dawn and came to the Dadao Club to meet up with the escort team.

After a certain handover with the escort team, the servants of the family led the mule cart and headed out of the county town.

Xu Fei did not ride in a mule cart, but rode a mule.

After walking more than a mile out of the county seat, he turned around and looked into the distance.

There used to be a valley flower building there.

This is the strange place where the predecessor died inexplicably after going there several times.

Xu Fei has not set foot outside the county town for more than a year, mostly because he is afraid of this place.

However, more than half a year ago, the flower house in the valley was abandoned, and all the flower sisters in it were missing.

This made Xu Fei even more convinced that the world might not be as simple as it seemed.

It's just unknown whether he can solve such troubles with his current strength.

While thinking deeply, Xu Fei gently held the mule under his crotch and sped up a few steps to catch up with his father-in-law.

"Don't worry, the escorts are familiar with this journey. There won't be any problems." Escort Zhou was also riding a mule. When he saw Xu Fei coming, he thought that it was his son-in-law's first trip away from home and he would inevitably be worried.

Xu Fei nodded after hearing this.

In the end, he still didn’t tell anyone about the weirdness of Hualou.

It has to be said that Dadaohui is quite famous as a bodyguard bureau spread throughout the Liang, Yong, and Qi kingdoms.

There are no surprises when walking on the road.

On the fourth day of peace and stability, Yongle County is in sight in the distance.

"Brother Zhou, we can only send you here." The leader of the Dadaohui escort team bowed his hands and saluted.

"Thank you, brother. Next time you come to Yongle, I'll treat you to a drink." Zhou Biaotou laughed.

The head escort also smiled heartily and left with the escort team.

After watching the escort team leave, Xu Fei and his father-in-law brought their mule team to Yongle City.

With the flow of people entering the city, the family entered the county after paying the city gate tax.

Compared to Gaoxian.

The walls of Yongle City are more than two feet high and are quite impressive.

Moreover, the city was very crowded and prosperous.

The women couldn't help but raise the curtains and watch.

Xu Fei didn't stop him after thinking about it. After all, coming from a small county town to a county town, curiosity is inevitable.

Soon, led by his father-in-law, the group arrived at the area under the jurisdiction of the Broadsword Association.

The main business of the Dadao Society is concentrated in the Liang Kingdom, so it is called the Jianghu power of the Liang Kingdom.

However, they usually don't pay much attention to Jianghu affairs and basically focus on their main business of escort transportation.

Xu Fei's family quickly found a place to live with Zhou Biaotou, a veteran of the society who returned from injury, as a guarantee.

But it's definitely a little more cramped than when I was in Gaoxian.

My parents and my grandmother lived in the same courtyard, and my master and my father-in-law lived in the same courtyard.

Xu Fei lived in two courtyards with his women and children.

And this house cost Xu Fei a full forty taels of silver.

Obviously compared to Gaoxian, Yongle City, as a county town, has more than a little bit higher housing prices.

But it's not that picky.

It took a few days to settle in.

Xu Fei thought for a while and prepared to find something to do.

On the one hand, it will be a waste of money, and if nothing happens, their family will not be short in the county.

Still need to get familiar with the city.

And since he was looking for a job, his own medical skills naturally became the most convenient choice.

Xu Fei made some inquiries and went straight to Jixiang Hall, the most famous medical center in the city.

At first, people in the medical clinic thought that the young Xu Fei came to apply for a doctor just to cause trouble.

But there was a steward who took a few exams and realized that the young man in front of him should not be underestimated.

However, it was finally determined that Xu Fei and Da Dao would be involved, so he successfully applied for the job and became a Grade C doctor in Jixiang Hall.

It is different from Master Medical Clinic which divides doctors into first, second and third grades.

The doctors in Jixiangtang are divided into four grades: A, B, C and D.

Grade A is the highest, with a monthly salary of 10 taels of silver, and the highest dividend on drug costs after prescribing is given, a full 20%.

As long as you are ruthless, you can easily earn dozens of taels of silver a month.

Class B is slightly worse, with a monthly salary of five taels of silver, which is half that of Class A, and the prescription bonus is also 10% of that.

Class C is even less, with a monthly salary of three taels of silver, and a prescription dividend of only six cents, or 6%.

Ding and others are doctors who have just started practicing, with a salary of one tael of silver per month and only two cents of prescription dividends.

Xu Feineng's rating of C is actually pretty good.

The only pity is that I have to work all day.

I no longer have the freedom I had in Master's hospital.

"You have to be more modest when you arrive at the hospital. After all, we are here for the first time. It is no better than at home, let alone your master's hospital. You must be more tolerant and take a step back to think about everything."

In the morning, when Xu Fei went to work on his first day after arriving in the county, Mrs. Liu explained with some worry.

Xu Fei listened to his mother's earnest instructions and nodded quickly.

Then he left with a bag containing several books.

As a hairless boy, the first few days of medical consultation were difficult to imagine, so Xu Fei did not expect to be able to treat many patients.

Simply bring some martial arts secrets to kill the boredom.

This also moved the study time at night to the day, and it would not be a waste to go back to practice martial arts at night.

When I arrived at the hospital, I sat down after receiving my medical records.

The hospital is open for business.

Everything was as Xu Fei expected.

When the patients saw such a young boy like Xu Fei, they all chose other doctors.

As a result, Xu Fei didn't have a single patient here.

Fortunately, Xu Fei was well prepared and took out a secret book and read it quietly.

Xu Fei's behavior was seen in the eyes of the other doctors who were treating him. Those who were more lenient would be indifferent, while those who were harsh would inevitably be a bit sarcastic.

After all, Xu Fei entered the medical clinic and was rated C grade.

I thought he was capable of something.

That's it?

He sat there until the afternoon, when other doctors were busy.

Finally, a patient who was impatient to wait came to Xu Fei.

After a simple diagnosis and treatment, Xu Fei prescribed a prescription.

Looking at the flimsy prescription in his hand, the patient hesitated.

But after seeing that there were many patients waiting for other doctors, I gritted my teeth and grabbed the medicine.

Xu Fei didn't pay attention and continued reading.

The medical manager looked at Xu Fei's prescription and then at Xu Fei.

He originally didn't want this young and over-the-top doctor.

But the other party has a father-in-law who is a former bodyguard.

So after much consideration and the fact that the medical clinic was busy, I accepted it.

But now it seems that the other party's medical skills are still very good.

Level C is somewhat low. After a while, if there is an opportunity, it will be improved to Level B.

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