Chapter 66, Golden Bell Cover

golden bell

Unable to reject the hospitality, Xu Fei followed Dr. Yao to his home.

Xu Fei couldn't help but be stunned when he saw the martial arts book that Doctor Yao found out from his messy room.

There are many martial arts schools in Yongle City, and they sell many types of martial arts, but none of them have the hard skills that Xu Fei has always longed for.

And according to the information Xu Fei learned, this hard skill is already considered a relatively rare martial skill.

Except for the military, there are not many people practicing in the martial arts world.

It can be seen that the golden bell is still somewhat precious.

"By the way, there are two more volumes of this set of martial arts. I'll look for them for you." Doctor Yao scratched his head and said.

Obviously, he didn't pay much attention to this set of martial arts skills that were quite precious to the outside world. Only one volume of a set of three volumes of martial arts secrets could be found.

If it were other martial arts that he had learned, or those sold by martial arts gangs, then Xu Fei would naturally not let Dr. Yao trouble him anymore.

But this is a golden bell!

So I still have to work hard for Dr. Yao.

Finally, at the foot of a table, Dr. Yao found two other volumes of the golden bell used to pad the table.

After dusting off the dust, Doctor Yao handed Xu Fei a set of three volumes of golden bell cover secrets.

Xu Fei wanted to refuse, but this was a golden bell.

"Doctor Yao, this set of martial arts is too precious and is worth a lot of money in the world." Although he said this, Xu Fei had already held the three golden bell cover secret books in his hands.

Doctor Yao couldn't help but smile when he saw that Xu Fei wanted this martial arts very much, but was a little worried about taking advantage of him.

This young man is quite polite.

"Then you go back and make a copy, and then return the martial arts skills." Doctor Yao said.

"Thank you." After hearing Doctor Yao's solution, Xu Fei cupped his hands and thanked him.

After a brief chat, Xu Fei left with the secret book of the Golden Bell Cover.

After returning home, Xu Fei came to the study and copied the martial arts skills.

At the same time, I also learned the golden bell cover.

Golden bell【0/5】【0/8】

Probably because Xu Fei has a second level 49 iron cloth shirt, but after copying the golden bell cover once, the skill level limit is already very high.

In addition, after learning the golden bell cover, Xu Fei was a little disappointed.

Before he learned it, Xu Fei had some suspicions about this Neijing martial arts.

I thought it could condense an invulnerable golden bell on the body surface as a protection like in some movies and TV shows.

But in fact it is just a special method of using inner strength.

At first, the inner strength can be gathered on the body surface to resist blunt blows from sticks.

It has about the same effect as the Iron Shirt.

Only after profound practice and condensing internal strength can one be able to withstand the slashing and thrusting of swords.

However, not all attacks can be resisted.

If the opponent's internal energy is stronger than one's own, or if the opponent uses a magical weapon that can infuse internal energy and increase sharpness, it will be impossible to resist.

Therefore, the hard skills of Golden Bell Cover are effective, but it does not mean that you will be invincible after learning them.

In fact, if the Golden Bell is as powerful and violent as the movies and TV shows, then Xu Fei feels that after practicing and mastering it, it is not impossible for him to go out and make a career in the world.

Look around at the scenery, meet some experts, and increase your understanding of the world.

And the most important thing is to find out what level your own strength is.

It's a pity that the effect of the golden bell cover is not satisfactory.

Fortunately, Xu Fei quickly adjusted his mood.

After maxing out the Golden Bell Cover skills, I went to the courtyard and practiced several times.

Unlike the iron shirt, the practice of the golden bell cover does not require being beaten or hit.

All you need to do is use your inner energy and become proficient in the skills of the Golden Bell Mask.

However, although the effect of the golden bell mask is not as good as Xu Fei expected, it is still quite a superb inner strength martial arts.

Soon with practice, the level of the golden bell rose to level 1 and level 12.

The Sanhua Chapter, which had not been seen for a long time, was also affected. The upper limit of level was quietly increased by 1, reaching level 19, which will soon become a second-level skill.

This made Xu Fei grin.

The remaining resentment about the poor effect of the golden bell also disappeared.

They are both good skills that can improve the level of Sanhua Chapter and Sword Classic skills.

The next day, Xu Fei came to the hospital and returned the original golden bell cover to Dr. Yao.

But I saw him put it into the drawer of the consultation table casually.

No attention at all.

This left Xu Fei speechless.

Although the final effect of the Golden Bell Cover martial arts was not as he imagined, it was still very precious after all.

The pearl casts a secret shadow.

However, this martial arts originally belonged to Dr. Yao, and Xu Fei had no control over what he wanted to do with it.

And with this relationship.

Xu Fei and Dr. Yao finally got to know each other better.

"What do you think about adding an extra buck to the curculigo in this medicine?" Doctor Yao even brought the prescription he had researched to discuss with Xu Fei.

Xu Fei looked at the prescription.

This medicine is for pleasure.

However, long-term use will damage the body, or the prescriptions of this kind of medicine are almost the same.

After all, it’s already not working anymore. If I have to take medicine and have to deal with it, will it be good for my health?

Therefore, if it fails, it is best to abstain from sex for a period of time and find some warm and tonic prescriptions to take good care of your body.

Rather than draining the lake to catch fish.

"I think it would be better to reduce the price by one penny." Xu Fei said.

"Really?" Dr. Yao was a little surprised when he heard this and continued to examine his prescription.

"And not only curculigo, but also other medicinal materials should be reduced as appropriate..." Xu Fei continued to express his opinions.

After all, Doctor Yao generously gave the golden bell cover to him, so Xu Fei didn't mind giving him something in return.

Seeing that the other party seems to be quite interested in these prescriptions, it would be appropriate to give some useful advice.

After hearing Xu Fei's words, Doctor Yao couldn't help but scratch his head.

Several other second-class doctors couldn't help but look at it.

It is easy to add medication but difficult to reduce it.

It means prescribing a bunch of medicinal materials in order to achieve the effect, which can be done by a doctor who is proficient in medical science. But if you can achieve similar effects after subtracting some medicinal materials, that would be really not easy.

So this new Dr. Zhang has very good medical skills at such a young age?

On the one hand, his martial arts skills have reached a certain level, and on the other hand, his good medical skills will help his future personality, not to mention that he has to repay Dr. Yao.

Only then did Xu Fei improve his medical skills a little bit again, reaching around level 20 of the second level.

There is still a long way to go before Xu Fei's real second-order level 49 medical skills.

Although he has not yet come into contact with the only two first-class doctors in the medical clinic, judging from some of the prescriptions they prescribe, Xu Fei feels that their medical skills are about the same as level 25.

Of course, this cannot rule out that the other party did not go all out when prescribing these medicines.

Perhaps because they recognized Xu Fei's medical skills, the attitude of several second-class doctors towards Xu Fei was no longer as cold as before.

This made Dr. Yao anxious.

He would take the initiative to make friends with Xu Fei regardless of his young age, just to make more friends in the medical clinic.

Fortunately, Xu Fei did not alienate Dr. Yao when dealing with others, which made him feel relieved.

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