Chapter 67, visiting the doctor

Relying on outstanding medical skills and thoughtful handling of affairs, Xu Fei gradually stabilized his position in Jixiangtang.

Especially when it comes to Yiqi Pills and Wuwei Tang Health Pills, these three medicines began to be sold together in medical clinics.

It's not exactly hot, but it's still pretty good.

I can earn almost a few taels of silver a month.

Everything is going well.

But everything is not going well with Dad.

Firstly, my father Zhang Lian is already nearly fifty years old. Secondly, although my father has some abilities, what can I say about abilities?

As long as they are not particularly outstanding or outstanding, they can be roughly regarded as incompetent.

In short, it is quite difficult for Zhang Lian to find a job in the county.

That's why he was quite depressed.

Seeing that her husband was unable to continue like this, Mrs. Liu thought about it and had no choice but to come over and ask her son for help.

Xu Fei couldn't help but feel happy when he heard his mother mention his father's worries.

He is already at an age where he should be enjoying his old age, but he still wants to do things. Dad is a bit too strong.

But since the father has such an idea, he, as a son, can only think about helping.

"Mom, I don't have any ideas at the moment. Can you let me think about it?" Xu Fei said.

Mrs. Liu nodded quickly when she heard this.

She was just worried that her husband would fall ill due to depression, so as for finding a job, she didn't care that much.

After all, my son can now make money to support the family.

Xu Fei has no complaints about having to raise a large family by himself.

Because this is the current social environment.

Unless the family cannot survive, the female family members are basically not allowed to appear in public.

Of course Xu Fei is responsible for supporting the family, but his wife, concubines, and maids also need to respect Xu Fei as if he were a god.

Xu Fei calmed down his distracting thoughts and began to think about what kind of job his father could find.

I just thought about it for a long time but got nothing.

After all, my father is not young anymore, and Xu Fei definitely cannot let his father do hard errands.

This creates many limitations.

So according to Xu Fei's idea, dad can just drink tea at home and take care of his grandchildren.

But I didn't expect the old man to be so strong.

The next day Xu Fei came to the hospital.

Soon someone pointed out Dr. Yao's visit.

Xu Fei didn't pay attention at first, but found that Doctor Yao came over to ask him for help.

This surprised Xu Fei.

"Brother, this one is really difficult to deal with." Doctor Yao looked embarrassed.

After listening to a few more words, Xu Fei realized that the doctor named Yao, who was only proficient in men's medicine in Jixiang Hall, was the general judge of Yongle City.

To put it simply, it is similar to the deputy persimmon chief.

This woman is very sexual and has no control over her temperament.

Even Dr. Yao didn't have any good ideas for it.

Yesterday, Xu Fei was able to change his prescription, which made Dr. Yao feel that his medical skills were good, so he asked for help.

After Xu Fei thought for a while, he followed Dr. Yao and took a look.

The other person is a man in his forties, slightly fat, with no obvious abnormality in his complexion. His surname is Fang.

However, after Xu Fei observed it, he judged that the other party had been addicted to women all year round. However, with the help of various tonics and the help of an expert in male medicine such as Dr. Yao, he did not look haggard.

But if I want to continue struggling, I feel powerless.

Fang Tongpan glanced at Xu Fei and didn't care. He just thought that Xu Fei was Doctor Yao's apprentice.

"Doctor Yao, please save me." After seeing Dr. Yao, the general judge of Yongle County asked for help in a distressed manner.

Doctor Yao couldn't help but feel embarrassed when he saw this, but the other person was someone that even the medical clinic couldn't offend.

We can only bite the bullet and make a diagnosis.

After a while, Doctor Yao turned to look at Xu Fei and asked him to take a look too.

Xu Fei thought for a while and then stepped forward to check his pulse.

Only then did Fang Tongpan look at Xu Fei.

Then he looked at Dr. Yao with a hint of inquiry.

"Doctor Zhang is our new doctor at Jixiang Hall, Grade B." Dr. Yao said.

When he heard that Xu Fei was also a second-class doctor at Jixiang Hall, the judge looked slightly surprised. After thinking about it for a while, he asked Xu Fei to take his pulse with great anticipation.

After a while, Xu Fei got the diagnosis result.

Can be cured.

Moreover, after taking the medicine for a few times, it can also supplement the other person's health.

However, it is not very appropriate to cure the other party's disease so simply.

After all, wouldn't it make Dr. Yao look incompetent if he did this?

"This... Sir, I still need to go back and discuss the medication with Master." Xu Fei said.

Hearing what Xu Fei said, Fang Tongpan's expression showed surprise.

He just loves women. If he doesn't have women, what's the point of living?

Therefore, in addition to his wife, the general magistrate of Yongle County had seventeen concubines and dozens of maids.

Indulge in happiness every day.

But a person’s inventory of bullets is limited.

Even though Fang Tongpan had paid great attention to supplements and had Doctor Yao to help him, he was still mortal after all.

I couldn't be happier this morning!

This frightened Fang Tongpan, and he hurriedly went to ask for Dr. Yao.

What makes Fang Tongpan a little helpless is that it seems that even Dr. Yao can't do anything.

However, the situation is over, and another doctor from Jixiangtang who came with Dr. Yao seems to have a solution!

"Please, Doctor Zhang, please feel free to do so," Fang Tongpan said quickly.

Xu Fei bowed his hands, took the carriage from the hospital back home, and told his master about the situation and the prescription given by the judge below.

Dr. Zhao is naturally aware of the fact that his apprentice often takes advantage of him.

But this is also welcome.

The trees that are beautiful in the forest will be destroyed by the wind.

It's also good that my old bones can alleviate the attention of some apprentices.

But he also lacked some fame.

After all, Xu Fei always comes back to discuss with him before prescribing a prescription when he encounters some "tricky" situations, which inevitably makes people think that his medical skills are very good.

After a while, Xu Fei went back to write a prescription for Fang Tongpuan.

Looking at some commonly used medicinal materials on the prescription, there are only two kinds of expensive and good medicines.

Fang Tongpan looked a little embarrassed. Is this useful?

But when Xu Fei went back to seek help from his master, Dr. Yao made it clear that he had no choice, so Fang Tongpian could only put his hope in taking this ordinary prescription.

A few days passed in the blink of an eye.

Zhang Lian came back with a smile on his face and said that he had found a job. He was the shopkeeper of a cloth shop and he was the right professional.

This made Xu Fei very happy. It seemed like he didn't need his help?

Not long after my father came back, he heard from his servants that a visitor was coming.

Xu Fei went over to receive him, and the other party admitted that he was Fang Tongpan's butler.

Under the command of the housekeeper, several people carried a sedan and entered Zhang's house.

Then a woman whose appearance rivaled that of Yun Niang timidly got off the sedan.

"Doctor Zhang, this lady is the shepherd who was specially redeemed by our master to thank you for your diagnosis and treatment." After saying that, without waiting for Xu Fei to refuse, the housekeeper left in a sedan chair.

Highlight a clean and crisp look.

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