Cultivation Of Immortality: My Branching And Spreading System

Chapter 70, Something happened in Gao County

Chapter 70: Something happened in Gao County

And this once again proved the correctness of Xu Fei's study of medical skills.

His branching and spreading system will only increase his proficiency points after the child is born.

If the child is unlucky halfway, there is a high probability that he will not gain anything.

However, unless absolutely necessary, Xu Fei would not let such a situation happen.

After all, although he has so many women because he can bring him huge rewards through spreading his branches, it does not mean that Xu Fei is an emotionless pile driver.

In fact, after Xu Fei had some spare money, he planned to buy another house to give women and children a better living environment. It can be seen that he is a quite responsible husband and father.

After seeing the women and children, Xu Fei was ready to practice martial arts.

But he found that his father-in-law came back in a hurry, with a look of panic.

"Taishan, what's wrong?" Xu Fei asked.

Zhou Biaotou saw Xu Fei and calmed down a little.

"Gaoxian! Something happened in Gaoxian!" Captain Zhou said.

Xu Fei was stunned when he heard this, what happened?

After hearing a few more words, Xu Fei's expression showed fear.

Because my hometown, Gaoxian County, is just like Mi County before me.

In the middle of the night a few days ago, a group of strongmen suddenly came out and set fire to and looted everywhere.

And what's especially terrible is that all the gang martial arts gyms have been poisoned in advance!

There were heavy casualties before being attacked that night.

Let the situation become more and more out of control.

It is said that the fire that broke out in Gao County that night could be seen dozens of miles away.

So if the family is still in Gaoxian County, under such circumstances, no matter how high Xu Fei's martial arts is, how can he possibly protect his family.

This made Xu Fei extremely lucky that he moved his family to Yongle City.

Soon Zhang Lian also came.

Hearing what his in-laws said, his face turned pale.

At first, he didn't complain about his son's idea of ​​moving to the county town.

It’s just that I really can’t stay in Gaoxian.

After all, even their own land can only be sold at a low price.

Then he reluctantly agreed to move his son to the county town.

But what people never expected was that such drastic changes had taken place in Gao County!

A mixture of fear, joy, and worry about his old friend suddenly flooded Zhang Lian's heart.

After Xu Fei comforted his father with a few words, his heart couldn't help but move.

There seems to be something wrong?

Mi County was burned, killed and looted, and Gaoxian County was burned, killed and looted again?

If we include the burning of the county government office nearly a year ago.

That means there have been three troubles.

So were these three events caused by the same group of people?

Or is it one group of people who burned the county government office, and another group of people who later destroyed Mi County and Gaoxian County? Or are these three upheavals caused by different people?

There was too little information, and Xu Fei couldn't get any useful information except some speculation.

We can only wait and see if there is any other news later.

But at the same time, Xu Fei was also glad that he left Gaoxian County with his family and master.

"Don't tell your mother about this yet." Zhang Lian said.

Xu Fei nodded after hearing this.

I got some food and wine for my father-in-law and let them eat and drink to relax.

Xu Fei didn't worry too much about the disaster in Gao County.

After all, it was useless for him to dwell on it.

Picking up an unedged iron sword, Xu Fei began to practice martial arts.

I am going to upgrade these two exquisite skills, Sanhua Chapter and Sword Classic, to the second level.

But after all, they are high-quality skills. Practice alone can only make Xu Fei more proficient in mastering these two skills.

But it is difficult to break through the small bottleneck between level one and level two by practicing hard.

Of course, if Xu Fei has the patience to continue practicing for a few months, half a year, or even a year.

That would probably break the bottleneck between the first and second levels of the Sanhua Chapter and the Sword Classic.

It's a pity that Xu Fei is not willing to wait so long.

Besides, it's not like he couldn't help it.

Practice other martial arts.

If you want to increase the level limit of the Sanhua Chapter, you can practice more types of internal skills. If you want to continue to upgrade the level of the Sword Sutra, you can learn various martial arts.

There is always something to gain by drawing parallels.

And because of the particularity of the inner strength of this world.

An inappropriate metaphor.

Think of internal strength as strength. Various internal strength means exercising yourself in different ways, such as push-ups, dumbbells, and running.

No matter how you exercise, what you get is your own strength.

It is not the case that practicing various internal powers will result in internal energies that are incompatible, mutually incompatible, or cancel each other out.

I practiced the Swift Wind Sword Technique several times.

Xu Fei thought for a moment and learned all the martial arts he had purchased before.

Huiliu Sword Technique【0/5】【0/7】

Flying Goose Sword Technique【0/5】【0/4】

Practice Yang Jin【0/5】【0/5】

Purple Heart Method【0/5】【0/6】

Including the Swift Wind Sword Technique that he had already learned, after arriving in the county, Xu Fei learned all the five martial arts books he bought from the martial arts school this time.

After learning it, Xu Fei did not skimp on proficiency points and directly topped up the levels of these four skills.

Then start practicing one by one.

Of course, Xu Fei will not forget the spirit snake sleeping method that Doctor Yao gave him.

It can even be said that the Spiritual Snake Technique is what Xu Fei needs to practice more at the moment.

After all, with the cover of the Spiritual Snake Technique, Xu Fei's low-key and careful development approach can proceed better.

Otherwise, if someone turns around and notices his inner energy, wouldn’t that attract attention for nothing?

If this causes any trouble again.

Oh ho? So what's the point of Xu Fei enduring it again and again during this period?

Wouldn't it be a failure?

After practicing the Spiritual Snake Sleeping Breathing Technique several times, Xu Fei unexpectedly discovered that it had many similarities with the Crane Shape Breathing Technique.

Both are health-building skills.

Crane-shaped breathing method protects the internal organs.

The Spiritual Snake Sleeping Law can reduce some unnecessary consumption of the body.

It also has the effect of condensing one's own strength.

So if you practice the Spiritual Snake Technique to the second level 49, can the Crane Shape Technique and the Spiritual Snake Technique be combined into one like the Iron Shirt and the Golden Bell?

Thinking of this, Xu Fei scratched his chin.

I feel like I didn’t pay enough attention to the function of ‘skill fusion’ before.

After all, after the fusion of the iron cloth shirt and the golden bell cover, although the effect is not doubled, it also creates some complementarity.

Make the effects of new skills more applicable than the original ones.

However, the demand for proficiency points in doing so is somewhat overwhelming.

Upgrading a skill to level 2 49 requires a full 490 proficiency points.

Even if you fight twice a day with Yun Niang and Yu Niang, the two women who can give the most proficiency points, you will only get 480 points in a month.

In other words, Xu Fei can only upgrade one skill to level 2 49 in a month.

So a lot of fusion skills definitely won't work.

You can only find some unique or necessary skills to integrate.

That is to be selective.

Before I knew it, it was almost 10pm.

Xu Fei stopped practicing martial arts, washed up and came to Yu Niang's side.


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