Chapter 71, son

After all, Xu Fei still cared a lot about Yu Niang after he had just succeeded.

In addition, I have to say that Yu Niang is worthy of being a clean worker who has experienced professional studies. Although her technical level is a bit rusty because she just practiced it once yesterday, she is still quite good in theory.

He knows a little bit about playing, playing and singing.

Just wait for Xu Fei to teach slowly.

"How much is your ransom money?" Xu Fei asked after being happy for once.

"One thousand five hundred taels." Yu Niang said timidly.

Xu Fei was surprised when he heard such an astronomical figure.

After all, based on the calculation that three hundred taels is approximately equal to 1 million to 1.5 million, Yu Niang's 'worth' is as high as more than 5 million.

So he bought Yun Niang for only seventy taels, didn't he get a big advantage?

After Xu Fei thought for a while, adhering to the spirit of frugality, he branched out again.

After all, with such a high price, wouldn’t it be a loss if it wasn’t used more often?

The next day Xu Fei came to the hospital.

I heard many people discussing things in Gao County.

"Brother, aren't you from Gaoxian County?" Dr. Yao said while eating pork and green onion buns.

This old man is old, loves women, but is alone.


"Yes." Xu Fei said.

"Then you are really lucky." Doctor Yao said happily.

After all, the more news comes, the more detailed people will know about the situation in Gao County.

Very miserable.

The bandits burned, killed and looted, causing some restless gangsters to follow suit.

The gang martial arts gym that was supposed to play a suppressive role was poisoned, causing heavy casualties.

There is absolutely no way to intervene.

As a result, the turmoil got worse and worse. According to people who escaped from Gaoxian County, it was already a hell on earth.

In a rather prosperous county town with more than 10,000 households and more than 70,000 people, there may be less than half survivors.

It was even more cruel than the disaster in Mi County.

Xu Fei was speechless for a moment after hearing the more detailed and powerful message.

Although he speculated that there might be civil unrest in Gao County through the forced land seizure by gang martial arts schools, it was not a disaster of this level.

After all, even if ordinary people are oppressed to the point of being unable to survive, the destructive power after a riot may not reach such an extent.

Seeing Xu Fei's silence, Dr. Yao realized that Gao County was the other party's hometown. The situation in which he was chatting while eating was a little inappropriate, so he went back to his consulting table and sat down in embarrassment.

Xu Fei was silent for a moment, then simply went to ask the manager to take a day off and go home.

After returning home, Xu Fei discovered that his grandma and mother also knew about this.

His expression was inevitably frightened.

After all, if their family had not migrated from Gaoxian County, the consequences would have been unpredictable.

Xu Fei comforted his grandma and mother for a few words. It was rare that he didn't practice martial arts today, so he stayed here with them.

With Xu Fei's company, Zhang Fang and Liu recovered relatively quickly.

In fact, Xu Fei also understood the panic of his grandmother and mother.

On the one hand, I am afraid, and on the other hand, I am worried about my relatives and friends in Gaoxian County.

But there was nothing we could do.

All we can do is be anxious.

The next day Xu Fei came to the hospital.

The steward came over and expressed some concern.

There was a riot in Mi County before, and now there is another chaos. I don’t know what is going on in the world today.

Xu Fei thanked the steward for his concern and began to diagnose and treat the patient.

As the largest and best medical clinic in Yongle City, Jixiang Tang's business is still very good.

Most people are willing to come to Jixiang Tang for diagnosis and treatment when they get sick.

So after Xu Fei's medical skills were recognized, he gradually became busy.

There is less time to read books and improve the upper limit of skills.

Fortunately, the second-class doctors are quite free. They can work for two days and have one day off. In addition, they only need to spend about six hours in the hospital every day, so Xu Fei's martial arts practice is not delayed.

A few days passed like this.

Zhou Yue is about to give birth.

With Xu Fei taking care of his body, even though Zhou Yue's physical condition was a little bad due to his demanding martial arts training and lack of adequate nutritional supplements, nothing went wrong.

The baby was delivered safely.

‘Succeeding in having a child, proficiency value +700. ’

He is Xu Fei's second son.

The increase in proficiency points by a full 700 points made Xu Fei quite satisfied.

This also confirms Xu Fei's previous guess about the amount of proficiency points that will increase after having children.

It is one hundred times the proficiency value obtained by having an affair with the child's mother.

After the midwife and maids cleaned up the delivery room, Xu Fei came to the delivery room and saw Zhou Yue, who was already asleep, and his second son on the small bed on one side. He couldn't help but smile on his face.

Although his plug-in did not make him directly invincible, Xu Fei was very satisfied with this small and mediocre happiness.

Xu Fei came out without staying in the delivery room.

"How is the child? How is Xiaoyue?" Zhou Biaotou asked eagerly.

"Everything is fine, mother and son are safe." Xu Fei said with a smile.

Hearing Xu Fei's answer, Zhou Biaotou also smiled happily.

The family has always been a little depressed because of the disaster that occurred in Gaoxian County.

This little guy arrived just in time.

"But have you given a name?" Zhou Biaotou asked again.

"How about calling me Zhang Pingan?" Xu Fei thought for a moment and then said one of the names he had envisioned for his child.

"Zhang Ping'an? Ping'an An'an? That's a good name." Head Guard Zhou nodded in approval.

When Zhang Lian and Mrs. Liu heard this name, they thought it was a bit ordinary at first, but when they heard the explanation from their in-laws, they immediately agreed.

Being rich, noble, high-ranking, and distinguished is not as good as peace and tranquility.

After a brief chat, Xu Fei went with his parents to tell his grandma the happy event.

Although Xu Fei himself didn't pay much attention to it, his second son Zhang Ping'an was the eldest son of the Zhang family.

Represents the future of the Zhang family.

So it's still very important.

This can be seen from the fact that after Zhang Fang learned that his grandson's wife had given birth to a son, he sent all kinds of gold and jade jewelry in his cabinet to Zhou Yue like water.

Two days later, probably due to the influence of Zhou Yue, the lotus flowers, which were not unusual at first, also started producing.

What surprised Xu Fei especially was that He Huahua's twins turned out to be twins.

Two sons.

‘Successfully has two children, proficiency value +1200. ’

What slightly disappointed Xu Fei was that the proficiency given by the twins was simply added together, with no increase.

But Xu Fei was content.

When I bought Lotus, my original intention was for her to be a maid and serve the women in the family.

But later on, the women became pregnant one after another, and the proficiency points were no longer given if they bloomed again, so Xu Fei took her into his room.

Because she's not pretty enough, and she doesn't have the friendship with Xu Fei like Ling Niang did.

So the sense of presence has never been high.

But he didn't expect that she would give him such a big surprise.

After all, these are twins.

In fact, Xu Fei had already noticed something when he checked Lotus's pulse, but now that it was confirmed, he was still very happy.

In just a few days, three great-grandchildren were born.

Let Zhang Fang escape from the impact of the disaster in his hometown.

This is not to say that grandma is indifferent and ignores the suffering of others, but that even if she has been indulging in it, nothing can be done about it.

Everything can only be looked forward to.

Moreover, the Zhang family's spread of branches and leaves is indeed not something that makes a person like her, who is buried up to her neck in loess, happy.

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