Chapter 73, Internal Sword Skills

In fact, with Xu Fei's temper, the house across the street from his current house would be more expensive. Who would let his family need that?

Including Yu Niang, he now has six women.

There are also five children.

Not having enough houses to live in is not an option.

So you should buy it anyway.

But my father was stubborn.

We must not suffer this loss.

Xu Fei could only helplessly let his father handle it.

But on the second day.

The homeowner across the street came to the house in person and expressed his willingness to lower the price.

After asking for a while, I found out that the other party agreed to reduce the price because Dr. Cheng said please.

This made Xu Fei grateful.

In the end, he bought the other party's house covering an area of ​​more than three acres for ninety-five taels of silver.

Although this price is much more expensive than in Gaoxian, even when I lived and worked in peace and contentment before, after all, the same house in Gaoxian would only cost about fifty taels at most, but this is a county town.

Moreover, with the two major disasters in Mi County and Gaoxian County, more and more people moved to the county.

After all, no one is stupid.

As the situation becomes worse and worse, going to larger cities to escape disaster has become the choice of many wealthy households.

In fact, the other party will not be willing to sell the house at a low price. They have also seen this wave of demand and are waiting to sell the house at a higher price.

So the favor Doctor Cheng gave me this time was not small.

Xu Fei thought things through and then started to move with the women.

He, six women, five children, and maids lived in two homes with a total of eight rooms...

Oh My God!

The experience was really bad.

In other words, the women were completely devoted to Xu Fei, otherwise they would have been in trouble long ago.

And when they heard that they could move, the women were naturally quite happy.

However, after Xu Fei's family of more than a dozen moved out, neither grandma, father-in-law, nor master were willing to move into the two vacated yards.

Grandma feels closer than before because she lives with her parents.

The father-in-law and the master were more quarrelsome, and they thought it was okay to live in the same courtyard, so there was no need to bother.

This left Xu Fei speechless.

After thinking about it, I simply let the elders arrange it.

The next day Xu Fei came to the hospital.

Doctor Yao took out a thick stack of books.

"There are seven sets of sword techniques and nine sets of internal skills." Doctor Yao said calmly.

Hearing Doctor Yao say this, Xu Fei's eyes bulged.

Yesterday, he just had the mentality of hitting two shots with or without dates. Who would have thought that Dr. Yao would give him such a big surprise? !

Seven sets of sword techniques? ?

Nine sets of internal strength? ?

Xu Fei quickly looked through it, and there was no set that was the same as the martial arts sold in the martial arts gym.

This surprised Xu Fei even more.

With so many internal sword skills, can his Sanhua Chapter and Sword Classic be improved by many levels again?

"Thank you very much." Xu Fei grinned.

"Why are we brothers so polite?" Doctor Yao said with a generous look when he saw that Xu Fei was very satisfied.

This person's character is weird but not evil.

His interactions with Xu Fei brought him many benefits.

So Xu Fei recognized this brother.

At least if the other party borrows money from him, one hundred and eighty taels of silver will definitely not be a problem.

After work, Xu Fei went home with a total of sixteen sets of swordsmanship and internal skills.

Go through them all and display the skills on the panel.

Some are higher in level and have a level limit of 7 or 8 just after reading the cheats, while others are lower and can only reach level 3 or 4 after reading the cheats.

But Xu Fei didn't have any dissatisfaction.

With a smile on his face, he topped up all these martial arts skills and practiced them again.

The level cap of each skill has been increased.

It made Xu Fei's already happy mood even happier.

Very overjoyed.

If he had known that Dr. Yao had such connections, he would have spoken out long ago!

But fortunately it's not too late.

After practicing martial arts, Xu Fei came to Yun Niang.

Not long after Zhou Yue's birth was born, Ling Niang had a second child.

Yuniang was pregnant in July, and Yuanniang was pregnant with her second child a few days ago.

So it can be seen from these situations that Xu Fei is still working very hard.

I just don’t know why, Xu Fei worked equally hard with Yun Niang, but she just didn’t get pregnant.

After the branching and scattering of leaves was over, Yun Niang saw Xu Fei's doubts and hesitated slightly.

"It's not easy for me to get pregnant," Yun Niang said.

Xu Fei was stunned when he heard this. His medical skills were level 2 and level 49. Even he didn't see the problem? !

So what exactly is going on?

When Yun Niang saw this, she could only sigh.

No further explanation was given.

Xu Fei couldn't help but scratch his head.

Yun Niang would occasionally help Zhou Yueling and the other girls take care of their children.

This is not easy for the cold-tempered Yun Niang.

Therefore, it can be seen that Yun Niang also likes children quite a lot.

I just didn't expect that there would be such a problem?

After Xu Fei thought for a while, he didn't ask any more questions and could only let it take its course.

Xu Fei went to work the next day.

On the way, I unexpectedly saw Wuyoumen Fangwei, whom I had met once before in Gaoxian County!

At this moment, he was riding a horse and hurriedly passed by with several other Jianghu people holding swords.

This made Xu Fei's heart suddenly jump.

The appearance of this person before led to the burning of the Gaoxian county government office. If he appears in the county town this time, he will also cause some trouble, right?

However, compared to the high-spirited young knight before, this time Fang Wei looked much calmer.

After Xu Fei thought about it, he decided not to scare himself and came to the hospital for a consultation.

the other side.

Wuyongmen Fangwei rode horseback and went straight to the county sword club with his companions.

Compared to the inconspicuous Broadsword Club station in Gaoxian County.

The sword association in the county town is much more impressive.

The two stone lions at the door, the painted red door and other decorations are obviously over the top, but who dares to care?

"Welcome to the useless gate." After arriving in front of the Dadao Club's station, Fang Wei got off his horse and said to the gatekeeper of the Dadao Club.

Hearing the name of the useless door, several concierges did not dare to neglect and reported quickly.

After a while, a fat man in his forties who looked like a wealthy man came out holding two iron bladders, which were actually exercise balls.

After seeing Fang Wei, his face was full of smiles.

"Oh my, my, when I got up early this morning, there were two magpies chirping on the tree outside the window. I asked what was going on, and it turned out that it was Fang Shaoxia who came to the door." The man's name was Hu Qie.

The chief bodyguard of Dadaohui Yongle City.

"Mr. Hu, escort chief, is so polite. How dare you accept such praise?" Fang Wei said politely.

"You're welcome, Fang Shaoxia can afford it," Hu Qie said.

The two of them were polite, and Hu Qie welcomed Fang and his entourage into the main hall of the meeting. The guests and hosts sat down, and their own servants served tea, and it was good tea.

The best tea Xu Fei had ever drunk, Gu Zhu Zi Bamboo Tea, was two grades worse than it.

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