Chapter 74, Adulthood

"Good tea." Fang Wei praised it after taking a sip.

Hu Qie laughed and seemed satisfied.

"I wonder why Fang Shaoxia is here?" Hu Qie asked.

"Of course it's because of the previous catastrophe in Mi County and Gao County." Fang Weidao.

Hu Qie paused when he heard this and looked at Fang Wei.

"According to my information, these two disasters are related to the gangster Ma Liu who I captured more than a year ago." Fang Wei added.

Hu Qie put down his teacup, thought for a moment and looked at Fang Wei again.

"Young Master Fang, please speak."

"They are a group of bandits called Pegasus Bandits. Before, I and Brother Hu from You County got clues and went to pursue them, but unfortunately we fell into a trap. Brother Hu met with misfortune while trying to save me, and after I recovered from my injuries, After constant pursuit, we finally found their traces," Fang Wei said.

"A few months ago, Gao County encountered a great disaster. Only three of the thirty-seven members of my Da Sword Club in Gao County are left. I also asked Fang Shaoxia to inform us of the whereabouts of this thief. I, Da Sword Club, will definitely feel deeply about this favor and record this favor. "Hearing Fang Wei's words, Hu Qie stood up suddenly and cupped his hands.

"Mr. Hu, you are very polite. I am here this time to seek help from you and to destroy this group of thieves together!" Fang Wei said.

Hu Qie had a smile on his face when he heard this.

"Thank you so much, Mr. Fang for your righteousness."

It's night time in a blink of an eye.

During the day, Wuyoumen Fang and his party, who sought help from the Broadsword Society, rested at an inn in Yongle City.

"Okay, let's take a rest for now. Tomorrow we will go to the Broadsword Club to discuss the elimination of the Pegasus bandits." There were six other people gathered in Fang Wei's room.

They are all determined avengers who have formed a blood feud with this Pegasus thief.

The six people nodded after hearing this and dispersed.

Soon, the lights in Fang Wei's room also went out.

The night is lonely.

In addition to the distant sound of the watchman banging his wooden clapper, accompanied by the reminder of ‘the sky is dry and things are dry, be careful of candles’, there are only two occasional dog barks.

And just under such a quiet night.

Several figures suddenly appeared!

"Can I ask more clearly?" Several figures were dressed in black and masked, but the one leading the way was fat and fat.

If there is anyone familiar with him, you can tell at a glance that he is Hu Qie, the chief bodyguard of Yongle City, the Dadao Club!

"Boss, don't worry when I do the work!" Another thin man replied with a hint of complacency.

Hu Qie glanced at the thin man and said nothing more.

Soon the group arrived at the inn where Fang Wei and others were resting.

He jumped up to the wall and stood still without making a sound.

Hu Qie looked at the thin man again.

The thin man took out a bamboo tube from his arms, then turned over and jumped into the courtyard, arriving outside Fang Wei's room in a few steps.

Insert the bamboo tube in his hand through the gap in the window, and the thin man puts his mouth close to the bamboo tube and blows air.

Wisps of smoke diffused into the room.

Judging from the skillful way he moves, he is obviously a habitual offender.

And the smoke he blew into the room was exactly mist.

After completing the action, the thin man went to several other rooms where his companions were and blew in the smoke one by one.

After a moment, the thin man nodded to his companions on the wall.

Hu Qie and others jumped from the wall into the courtyard.

The thin man took out a dagger from his boot and inserted it into the crack of the door, then pulled off the door latch.

He opened the door casually.

Through the moonlight, you can see that this series of actions did not wake up the figure on the bed.

Looking at Fang Wei on the bed, Hu Qie sighed.

"Young Master Fang, I really don't want to do it." He said it as if he had no choice but to raise the knife to chop the man's neck above the bed in the next moment without any sloppiness in his movements.

Obviously the action is to kill people.

Naturally, some of Hu Qie's accomplices went to harvest heads in other rooms.

Just when Hu Qie slashed down with his knife, he suddenly felt that something was wrong in his hand.

This isn't the first time he's had a sharp knife stabbed into his neck!

He raised his hand to lift the thin quilt on the bed.

It turned out that the humanoid figure lying on the bed turned out to be another set of bedding.

This made Hu Qie shocked and angry.

"Boss! No one is here!"


Low-pitched exclamations were heard one after another. It was obvious that the other people who went to kill Fang as his companions suffered the same fate as Hu Qie. They were still under the quilt.

At this moment, countless torches suddenly lit up outside the house.

All of a sudden the darkness of night is driven away.

"Hu Qi!" With this angry shout, the door of the inn's courtyard was pushed open from the outside.

A man with an angry face strode in.

"Hall Master!" Hu Qie looked horrified.

Why don't you understand that you have already exposed your whereabouts at some point?

Fang Wei from the Wuyoumen came to the door today, saying that he had found the traces of the Pegasus bandits and asking for his help in encircling and suppressing them. He was completely deceiving him!

At this time, Fang Wei also appeared from the other side and looked coldly at Hu Qi, who looked panicked.

As the chief bodyguard of the Great Sword Society, this person already had a comfortable life, but he still colluded with the Pegasus bandits who committed heinous crimes of burning, killing and looting. It was really hard to redeem him.


The next day, when Xu Fei came back from work, he heard his father-in-law mention what happened to the sword last night, and his expression was unavoidable with surprise.

After all, the thieves who committed two major cases of burning, killing and looting in Mi County and Gao County actually colluded with the chief escort of Dadaohui Yongle City?

This is really surprising.

"After this harm is eliminated, are we safe?" Zhang Lian said.

Hearing what his father said, Xu Fei was silent for a moment.

Now we have only arrested people who colluded with the bandits, but the bandits have not been eliminated. How can we say it is safe?

But Xu Fei didn't refute anything.

It's nothing to make dad worried.

Because judging from the current situation, this group of thieves seems to have been traced, so they should be wiped out soon, right?

Time passed so quickly.

More than a year has passed in the blink of an eye.

Xu Fei is twenty years old.

If it is a wealthy family, a crowning ceremony will be held to represent adulthood.

But Xu Fei had no intention of being extravagant.

Furthermore, he has no habit of celebrating birthdays specifically.

It's enough for the whole family to get together and have some fun, so there's no need to be extravagant.

Get away~

A little kid ran away from Xu Fei's legs.

The maid in the back looked anxious.

"Brother Xian~ Slow down~ Slow down~"

The boy who ran over just now was Xu Fei's two-year-old son Zhang Xian.

After the little guy ran over, he turned back, came to Xu Fei, raised his head and blinked.

"Dad, what are you doing?"

"Dad is practicing martial arts." Xu Fei chuckled.

"Then can I also practice martial arts?" Zhang Xian asked again.

Xu Fei laughed: "Of course I can practice, but it will take another two years."

Practicing martial arts too early for children is detrimental to physical development, so it is best to start some light exercise after the age of 4 or 5 to lay a foundation.

Then proceed step by step.

Although Zhang Xian was unwilling to hear this, he could only suppress his thoughts. Then he saw that the maid taking care of him was about to catch up, so he ran away with his two short legs.

Three-year-old children dislike dogs.

Zhang Xian is still a few months old, but he has already shown some results.

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