Chapter 8, Medical Skills

Zhang Lian looked at his son and felt a little bit big-headed.

When the eldest son wanted to learn martial arts, he was determined.

But who would have thought that that kid would learn martial arts for a few years and then just follow others to make his way in the world and never come back.

How dare Zhang Lian let his second son learn martial arts again.

But he was also worried that what he did would hurt the relationship between father and son, and he was very entangled.

"Dad, Mom, I've eaten." Xu Fei didn't care.

After all, he is an adult. Although he usually needs to play the role of being a son, he will not go to extremes to achieve his own goals.

There were some cases where people went on hunger strikes just to learn martial arts.

Xu Fei found it embarrassing.

"Well, what lessons have you learned in school recently?" Zhang Lian asked.

"I've learned a few pieces of advice." Xu Fei responded.

Zhang Lian nodded when he heard this, admonishing people to learn well and make progress.

Without saying anything else, Xu Fei returned to his yard.

When he was about to take a rest, his mother Liu came over again.

Obviously he was still worried about what Xu Fei said about wanting to practice martial arts.

This inevitably touched Xu Fei.

Although the care and love of his two parents was not for him, but for his predecessor, he also inherited all of it.

So no matter what, at least the two elders must be supported.

Xu Fei secretly made a decision in his heart.

Mrs. Liu saw that her son was careless and seemed to have no obsession with practicing martial arts.

Feeling a little more relieved, he didn't worry too much and let Xu Fei rest.

The next day, Xu Fei went to Ling Niang's place as usual.

Name: Xu Fei (Zhang Chuan)

master a skill:




Proficiency value: 18

With six points of proficiency easily obtained, Xu Fei hurried to the school, slipped out again at noon, and went to the bookstore.

I bought several medical books, medicine books, etc.

Then he hurried back to the school.

When the master started giving lectures in the afternoon, Xu Fei was reading his medical books below.

After almost reading through a medical book.

Xu Fei has added medical skills on his panel.

Name: Xu Fei (Zhang Chuan)

master a skill:




Medical Skills【0/5】【0/4】

Proficiency value: 18

The upper limit of level four was not high, and the upgrade requirement of five points of proficiency made Xu Fei relieved.

If each level up of a medical skill required a proficiency score of 1,000 or 800 points, where would he get it?

After adding level 3 medical skills first, Xu Fei continued reading.

Probably due to the addition of medical skills, Xu Fei didn't know anything about medical skills. When he read medical books again, he gained more insights and waited until school was over in the evening.

master a skill:




Medical Skills【0/5】【3/7】

Proficiency: 3

The upper limit of Xu Fei's medical skills has been increased by three levels, reaching level seven.

If you read all the medical books on hand, maybe you can reach level 20 or above?

Xu Fei was very satisfied with this.

If it really takes a year and a half to improve the level of medical skills, then Xu Feike will have a headache. After all, if medical skills are very difficult, then martial arts is probably not easy either. Fortunately, it is not like this.

In addition, with the third-level medical skills behind him, Xu Fei consciously had no problem in helping people diagnose and treat common ailments such as headaches and fever.

Xu Fei couldn't help but marvel at the magic of proficiency value.

After passing by Ling Niang and taking a look, Xu Fei went home. After dinner, he went back to his room to continue his liver medicine.

In fact, if you really want to talk about it, Xu Fei should save his proficiency points, and after learning martial arts, he can quickly increase his martial arts to the highest level.

But Xu Fei also wanted to see the specific effect of proficiency value.

What's more, after gaining proficiency in medical skills, practicing martial arts on your own can help you understand your own condition more clearly, which is somewhat helpful.

In the blink of an eye, less than half a month has passed. Xu Fei has grown a lot, and his skill panel has also changed.

master a skill:




Medical Skills【0/5】【19/19】

Proficiency: 4

The level of medical skills has improved rapidly. According to Xu Fei's own feeling, he is already comparable to an old doctor who has been practicing medicine for decades.

However, it is not easy to continue to increase the upper limit of medical skills.

I only read medical books, and the upper limit of first-level medical skills has not been increased these days.

This made Xu Fei vaguely aware that if he wanted to continue to increase the upper limit of his medical skill level, he would probably have to actually treat patients and increase his practice.

After thinking about it, Xu Fei came to Zhao Ji Medical Center the next day.

"Second Young Master Zhang." The apprentices in the medical center knew Xu Fei and came up to him.

Xu Fei just nodded and walked over after seeing Dr. Zhao who was treating the patient.

Dr. Zhao's medical skills are superb. It stands to reason that he only needs to stay comfortably in the back hall and wait for wealthy people to come to seek medical advice. There is no need to work hard in the lobby for consultation, but this man is not arrogant. , still diagnose and treat patients every day, and when encountering patients from poor family backgrounds, they often waive part of the consultation fee and medication.

It can be said that he has a benevolent heart and a benevolent skill, and he hangs the pot to help the world.

Seeing Xu Fei coming over, Dr. Zhao nodded slightly and did not stop taking the pulse of the patient in front of him.

After almost ten minutes, Doctor Zhao frowned slightly.

"You have gall disease. I'm not sure, so I can only make some adjustments." Dr. Zhao said.

The patient was a woman in her thirties, with a sallow complexion and sweat on her forehead. The man next to her was probably her husband.

The couple looked disappointed when they heard that even Dr. Zhao could not help.

"Then, let's ask Dr. Zhao to help make a prescription." The husband said.

The woman tugged on her husband's clothes, as if to say that since there was no cure, why waste money.

But the husband just patted the back of his wife's hand and smiled comfortingly.

Dr. Zhao pondered for a moment after hearing the words and then prescribed the medicine.

Xu Fei watched from the side without making a sound.

The gall disease Dr. Zhao mentioned is actually hyperthyroidism.

It is difficult to cure with medicinal stones.

Even though Xu Fei's medical skill level is now as high as level 19, there is still nothing he can do.

Soon, Dr. Zhao wrote a prescription for conditioning.

Then Doctor Zhao still ignored Xu Fei and continued to treat the patient.

After treating the remaining dozen patients, Doctor Zhao turned to look at Xu Fei.

"What's the matter with Mr. Zhang?" Doctor Zhao asked.

The other party stood aside and watched him treat patients for more than an hour. Something must have happened.

"Dr. Zhao, I have been reading some medical books these days, and I can't help but understand some things. I wonder if I can ask you for advice?" Xu Fei said.

Although his current medical skills are probably on par with Dr. Zhao's, it is not appropriate to reveal them.

After all, Xu Fei has neither a teacher nor any special training, but suddenly possesses amazing medical skills. This will inevitably make people think there is something wrong.

If a thoughtful person digs deeper, he may not be able to find his problem.

So Xu Fei should still be patient.

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