Chapter 9, Level 10 Medical Skills

Dr. Zhao was not surprised to hear that Xu Fei had taught himself medical skills.

After all, the young man in front of him had been seriously ill, and it was not sudden that he wanted to learn some medical skills.

"Oh? What's the question?" Dr. Zhao said.

Facing Dr. Zhao's generous agreement to give advice, Xu Fei quickly bowed and then asked a few questions that would be troublesome for people with a third or fourth level of medical skills.

In the eyes of outsiders, he had only 'read' medical books for a few days. To be able to achieve such a level of medical skills was almost considered a genius.

After Dr. Zhao heard Xu Fei's question, his eyes showed surprise.

Is this really a question that someone who has read medical books for a few days can ask?

When he faced these problems, he had already been studying medicine for several years, right?

Although he was surprised, Doctor Zhao quickly answered Xu Fei's question.

At the same time, I couldn't help but feel regretful that I couldn't accept the young man in front of me as my disciple.

After all, although the Zhang family is not luxurious, it is still wealthy, and it is basically impossible for the remaining male to study medicine.

Otherwise, who will inherit the family business?

After receiving Doctor Zhao's answer, Xu Fei's expression was full of enlightenment.

The acting is spot on.

"Thank you, Dr. Zhao, for clarifying my doubts." Xu Fei bowed again and thanked him sincerely.

Doctor Zhao waved his hand, indicating that it was all a trivial matter, and then ignored Xu Fei.

Because another patient has come.

Xu Fei said goodbye and left.

Today I have the impression that I am a little genius with medical skills. I will do it a few times later, and then showing my medical skills will alleviate the sudden feeling.

When we arrived at the school, it was lunch time.

Some bring their own, and some eat at home.

Xu Fei usually either went home or had a meal at a stall outside, but now he can go to Ling Niang's place.

It was quite satisfying to be served like an uncle for lunch.

After lunch, Xu Fei read medical books for a while and then came to the school to continue his afternoon lectures.

Recently, he always reads medical books in class.

After Guan Fuzi found out, he didn't correct him and completely let it go.

Although it seems that Master Guan is incompetent for his job, he is just right for Xu Fei.

After all, the most time in a day is spent in school.

If you can't use it to brush up your medical skill level, you won't have enough time for other tasks.

Seeing Medical Skills When school was over, Xu Fei looked at the panel and found that the medical skill level was still level 19.

And because the upper limit is already full, proficiency points cannot be added.

Obviously, if there is no way to continue to increase the upper limit of medical skill level, then the medical skill level will be stuck here.

Maybe this applies to other skills as well?

Thinking of this, Xu Fei was thoughtful.

After going home and having dinner, Xu Fei continued his liver medicine skills and medicine books.

Although it’s useless to watch it all day long, watching it several times can deepen your impression.

And maybe with a few more days of training, the upper limit of the level of medical skills can be raised.

The next day, Xu Fei went to Zhao Ji Medical Clinic and asked Dr. Zhao a few questions.

Dr. Zhao once again regretted that he could not accept Xu Fei as his disciple.

After just a few days of maintaining his sense of presence, Doctor Zhao finally agreed to let him diagnose and treat patients in person at Xu Fei's request.

The other party was a teenager, only two years younger than Xu Fei.

Seeing the person of the same age in front of me helping him diagnose and treat him, it was inevitable that he looked a little confused.

Fortunately, Dr. Zhao was standing by, so the father who brought his son over for treatment didn't say much.

Soon, Xu Fei completed the diagnosis and treatment.

This patient has some diarrhea.

After spending some time thinking about it, Xu Fei wrote a prescription and gave it to Dr. Zhao for review.

Feeling the pulse is not an easy task. Doctor Zhao originally thought that Xu Fei would have to work hard during diagnosis and treatment, but what he didn't expect was that the doctor could find out the cause of the disease in one go and prescribe a good prescription.

Although he was much worse than him, among the several doctors in the medical clinic, he was still in the middle of the pack!

But as far as Dr. Zhao knew, the young man in front of him had only been studying medical skills for more than twenty days!

This is really amazing.

What Xu Fei showed was only about level 10 medical skills, but he didn't expect that Doctor Zhao would be so surprised.

"Okay, this prescription is good. Take the medicine according to the prescription." Doctor Zhao handed the prescription to the apprentice behind the counter and said at the same time.

With Doctor Zhao's approval, the medicine-preparing apprentice naturally quickly started dispensing the medicine.

At the same time, the father of the boy with diarrhea also complimented Xu Fei for his young and promising achievements.

He treated more than a dozen patients in the morning, and occasionally he needed Dr. Zhao's help to prescribe prescriptions. Generally speaking, Xu Fei felt that his performance was quite satisfactory.

But in fact, his performance has attracted the attention of the other three doctors in Zhao Ji Medical Clinic.

Is this kid really just reading medical books for more than 20 days? !

He treated diseases in the morning and went back to study liver medicine in the afternoon.

Finally, Xu Fei's medical skill level exceeded level 20.

But just when Xu Fei was celebrating that his medical skill level exceeded level 20, his panel changed again.

master a skill:




Medical Skills【5/10】【9/10】

Proficiency value: 52

The medical skill was supposed to be raised from level 19 to level 20, but unexpectedly it was raised back to level 10, and the proficiency points required to upgrade the skill were also increased to 10 points.

But Xu Fei made a calculation in his mind.

9×10, this is 90 proficiency points, plus the extra 5 points, it is exactly 95 proficiency points, which corresponds to the proficiency value used in the previous level 19 skills.

So in that case, it was he who triggered the advancement of medical skills?

But what are the benefits of advancing?

Xu Fei felt it silently for a moment, but didn't notice any changes.

This left him speechless.

Could it be that the skills that require 5 proficiency points to upgrade are all ordinary skills, while the skills that need to be upgraded to 10 proficiency points are proficient skills recognized by the system?

So will there be changes in the future where 50 points are proficiency points and 100 points are proficiency points?

Xu Fei couldn't help but think.

However, Xu Fei quickly stopped his distracting thoughts and topped up his medical skills again, raising them to level 10.

When the medical skill reached level 10 with 10 proficiency points, Xu Fei suddenly felt a special feeling in his heart.

There is a feeling of sincerity.

In the past, Xu Fei treated people. After diagnosing and treating the disease, he would inevitably have to think carefully before prescribing the medicine. But now Xu Fei feels that after learning about the patient's condition, as long as it is a disease that he can cure, he can prescribe it in the blink of an eye. Prescriptions are more appropriate and easier to use than before.

It feels a bit like reaching a state of mastery in medical skills.

This also gave Xu Fei some understanding of why his skills changed like this.

Obviously, this level 10 medical skill with 10 points of proficiency should be considered a bottleneck?

Also, is this only true for medical skills, or does it also apply to other skills?

It's just that the current data is too little, and Xu Fei is not sure.

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