Chapter 82, practicing Taoism

At about 3 o'clock in the afternoon, Xu Fei went home leisurely.

Tomorrow is another day of rest, happily.

If Xu Fei's most useful skills were ranked, medical skills would definitely be on the list.

After all, Xu Fei basically got rid of most of the troubles in life by relying on his medical skills.

Passing by a jewelry store, Xu Fei thought for a moment and walked in, asking the shopkeeper to take some of the fashionable finely crafted jewelry from the store to his home tomorrow so that the women could choose some.

Since Zhou Yue and below, several women have been obedient, obedient and sensible to him.

So Xu Fei will naturally not be stingy.

If other women have it, my own women should have it too.

When he got home, Xu Fei went to change his clothes first, then washed up and ate something.

After seeing several sons and daughters, Xu Fei went to practice internal skills.

The Sword Scripture has reached the bottleneck period of Level 2 49. Although it is not yet known how to break through to Level 3, good results have been achieved by incorporating other martial arts skills into it.

Therefore, Xu Fei is still more inclined to practice the Sanhua chapter to level 49, the second level.

With careful practice, time flies by.

It seemed like it was 10pm in the blink of an eye.

Xu Fei stopped, then thought silently for a moment, sorted out today's gains, and then came to Yun Niang.

‘A very hard-working operation, proficiency +8’

‘A very hard-working operation, proficiency +8’

After being happy, Xu Fei was about to hold Yun Niang to rest, but saw Yun Niang staring at his face.

This made Xu Fei couldn't help but touch his cheek.

"What's wrong?" Xu Fei said.

"Are you... Li Feiyu?" Yun Niang said softly.

Hearing Yun Niang's words, Xu Fei shrank his eyes, put on his clothes and left the room. He walked around for a while and found nothing unusual before returning.

"Why do you say that?" Xu Fei said.

Although these words did not acknowledge his identity, his actions just now had silently answered Yun Niang's question.

When Yun Niang saw what Xu Fei did, she naturally understood that her suspicion had been confirmed.

But even so, Yun Niang still couldn't believe it.

In the past year, when Xu Fei stayed at her place for the night, he would occasionally leave in the middle of the night.

After leaving, rumors about Li Feiyu, who wrote a blood letter, would often appear the next day.

So even though she knew that this kind of thing was unbelievable, Yun Niang still had some guesses.

What happened last night just verified her guess again.

After a while, Yun Niang regained her composure.

"Haven't you always wanted to know where our sisters are from?"

"I can tell you now."

"We sisters are from the spiritual realm." Yun Niang said.

"Spiritual realm?" Xu Fei was stunned when he heard such a strange word.

"Actually, it's not quite accurate to say that we are in the spiritual realm, because when we lived before, we never called ourselves people from the spiritual realm. The reason why we said this was to be in harmony with this land, which is used to cultivate fairy seedlings with the ability to banish immortals. It just corresponds to the specially arranged spiritual place." Yun Niang said again.

Xu Fei suddenly heard such explosive news and was a little confused.

He always thought this world was a martial arts world.

Even if the power of inner energy is very fierce, even Xu Fei has occasionally made guesses.

But after it was confirmed that there was actually a Taoist practice here, my mood was inevitably a little agitated.

After a while, Xu Fei let out a sigh of relief and calmed down.

"So, can I practice Taoism?" Xu Fei said.

Yun Niang shook her head: "Except for the immortal seedlings who have the qualifications to banish immortals, everyone in the Lingjue Land has no Dao roots."

Xu Fei tried hard to remember the words Yun Niang said, such as spiritual realm, spiritual realm, talent for banishing immortals, and Tao roots, and tried to analyze them.

Although this is the first time Xu Fei has heard these words, he can guess some meanings just by guessing.

The spiritual realm is nothing more than an area where you can practice Taoism.

A spiritual place, an area without spiritual energy? Most likely so.

As for why the talent for banishing immortals needs to be cultivated in the Lingjue Land. People in the Lingjue Land have no Tao roots, so they cannot practice Taoism. Xu Fei is still unclear.

But fortunately, Yun Niang can help him solve his doubts.

And since Yun Niang is willing to talk about her origins today, she will naturally not be stingy with this information.

Whisper softly explained to Xu Fei.

As Xu Fei guessed, the spiritual domain is an area with spiritual intelligence.

However, most of the situations where spiritual machines are cut off in the land of spiritual end are not natural.

Instead, it was specially arranged by some powerful immortal sects.

The purpose is to cultivate immortal seedlings with the qualifications to banish immortals.

After all, as long as a person born in the land of spiritual end possesses Dao roots, they are qualified to be banished to immortality!

The cultivation of Taoism and practice has made rapid progress.

He is a rare and outstanding disciple.

As for all the living beings born in the Lingjue Land, except for those who have the talent to banish immortals, they all have no Tao roots.

It's as if a genius with the talent to banish an immortal has snatched away all the Dao roots of other people.

After hearing Yun Niang's explanation, Xu Fei couldn't help but be disappointed.

It's worse than not knowing that there are cultivators in this world.

After all, he doesn't seem to be worthy of being banished to immortality.

That is to say, without Tao roots, one cannot practice Taoism.

"Don't worry, although the world is limited, human talent is boundless."

"Although you must have Tao roots to practice Taoism, you can still practice Taoism if you practice martial arts to the innate realm." Yun Niang saw Xu Fei's depressed look and quickly comforted him.

In fact, if you didn't know that Xu Fei was Li Feiyu.

Yun Niang would never reveal even a single word of these messages to avoid causing trouble.

After all, the master himself has such strength now, and if he continues to work hard in the future, he may not be able to achieve innate cultivation and practice.

Hearing what Yun Niang said, Xu Fei's eyes couldn't help but light up.

"Can it still be like this?!" Xu Fei said.

Yun Niang nodded.

Xu Fei felt excited when he heard Yun Niang's confirmation.

Although he still doesn't know what an innate warrior is, but with the help of plug-ins, it is not impossible for him to achieve innate martial arts.

So that means he can practice Taoism in the future? !

Xu Fei couldn't help but yearn for it when he thought of being able to travel to Qingming in the future.

"But how can we achieve innate success?" Xu Fei couldn't help but ask.

Before, he actually didn't care much about whether he could advance to innate status.

After all, if you keep developing in a low-key and stable manner, you will be able to achieve innateness sooner or later.

But now I know that after achieving innate talent, you can cultivate!

Who can bear it!

After hearing Xu Fei's question, Yun Niang organized her words.

"Martial artist, inner strength warrior, innate warrior, these three stages are the link between past and future. However, after the inner strength warrior reaches a certain level, they can try to awaken the inner strength spirit, and then they can achieve the innate realm." Yun Niang said.

However, listening to Yun Niang's words, she didn't seem to know the specific situation, and only knew some general information.

Inner strength and spiritual meaning?

What's the meaning?

Can inner strength also produce intelligence?

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