Chapter 83, Innate

This is the first time Xu Fei has come into contact with information about Xiantian.

In fact, Xu Fei, apart from getting stronger and stronger and not being able to stand those rubbish that bullies the people, has not accumulated some experience in fighting with others so that he can find ways to achieve innateness in the future.

After Xu Fei thought for a while, he asked a few questions about how to achieve innateness.

But Yun Niang is not clear about this.

"Some people get a good night's sleep and become innate the next day. Some people practice martial arts for decades and then naturally become innate. There are also people who develop their inner strength for a few years and then become innate."

"In short, everyone's innate achievements are different." Yun Niang herself was a little confused.

"Isn't it true that when one's inner strength reaches a certain level, one can achieve innateness?" Xu Fei asked curiously.

The reason why he has been immersed in training is also based on this speculation.

Now he has about 30 square meters of internal energy and still has not achieved innate ability, but where is 50 square meters?

So this is also the biggest driving force for Xu Fei to train hard.

I relied on hard work to achieve my innate talent and became the king of roll kings.

But now Yun Niang says that success depends on one's luck...

This is so fucked up.

After hearing this, Yun Niang thought for a moment and shook her head.

"As long as the inner strength reaches a certain level, there is a chance of becoming innate." Yun Niang said.

She and her sister came from a small family business of cultivating immortals in the spiritual realm.

After my grandfather became a Buddhist monk, he occupied a small piece of spiritual land and established a family.

But some time ago, the fourth uncle provoked another family, and because of a spiritual grass, the direct line of his family was abolished.

Although the fourth uncle managed to escape, the monk could not escape from the temple.

The family was invaded by the enemy, and she and her sister escaped into the land of spiritual destruction under the arrangement of their parents.

However, the old servant responsible for escorting the sisters also ran out of gas due to excessive wear and tear along the way.

She had no choice but to sell herself to Xu Fei.

Fortunately, she was lucky that this man had taken good care of her over the years.

There was no hardship.

And what surprised her most now was that the opponent's martial arts had reached a level far beyond what ordinary warriors could achieve.

And the most important thing is that a powerful warrior with unique talents like Xu Fei will be stronger than ordinary monks after he achieves innateness and starts practicing Taoism. Maybe one day in the future, his husband can avenge his family?

Thinking of this, Yun Niang shook her head in her heart, forget it, it's better not to bring trouble to her husband.

Xu Fei couldn't help scratching his chin when he heard this.

To use an inappropriate metaphor, achieving innate achievement seems to be similar to boiling water.

No matter how much water there is, if it is not heated, it will not boil.

He just doesn't know if his far superior inner strength will become an innate obstacle to his success?

This left Xu Fei speechless.

"Will having too much internal energy affect your innate achievements?" Xu Fei asked quickly.

After thinking about it for a while, Yun Niang shook her head again.

"I don't know." After all, she had never encountered Xu Fei's situation.

Although she didn't know how high Xu Fei's martial arts was at present, after removing some of the particularly outrageous things in the rumors, the rest was quite astonishing.

"Then how do we get to the spiritual realm from this extremely spiritual place?" Xu Fei thought after thinking.

"Isn't there a northern desert sand sea in the north of Yong Kingdom? Through the Thousand Miles of Sand Sea, you can go to the Spiritual Realm."

"But in the second half of the sand sea, because spiritual ideas are gradually spreading around the world, there will be some quite difficult monsters, snakes and insects."

"So it's best to be successful and have some ability to protect yourself before making plans." Yun Niang said.

Today she finally revealed some of the situation.

Xu Fei was quite moved.

"Yun Niang, you are really my lucky star." Xu Fei said emotionally.

Now he was especially grateful for the time when he had bought Yun Niang's self.

After all, if he hadn't bought Yun Niang back then, how would he have known this information?

Although it may not be impossible to know through other channels, what if he had to wait until he was seventy or eighty years old to find out that there was actually a practice of Taoism in this world? !

What a regret that would be!

Yun Niang noticed Xu Fei's little movement, and her expression suddenly changed.

She never thought that this guy would repay kindness with hatred!

"No, don't..."

But before Yun Niang could finish her words, Xu Fei had already blocked her mouth.

‘A very hard-working operation, proficiency +8’


The Yongle City Broadsword Club is stationed there.

The two stone lions in front of the door are majestic.

Viewed from the sky, the Dadao Society's headquarters in Yongle City occupies at least twenty acres.

Rows of houses are neatly arranged.

Most of the people living here are disciples of the Great Sword Society.

He is also the future backbone of the Broadsword Club.

Li Gongchang, the chief escort who had been in office for just over a year, took a lantern and took two of his men for a brief walk around the station.

"Okay, you guys should go and have a rest." Li Gongchang said.

Although night patrols do not need to trouble him, the chief escort, since he took office, Li Gongchang has never been absent regardless of wind or rain.

After dismissing his men, Li Gongchang returned to his small courtyard, extinguished the lights and put them away.

He walked towards his bedroom with his hands behind his back.

But halfway through, I noticed that the moonlight was pretty good tonight, so I turned around to look.

The moon in the sky is big and round, emitting a bright and clear light.

This reminded him of the blood book Li Feiyu.

The other person is like this bright moon.

High in the sky and out of reach.

After all, generally speaking, if one's inner strength reaches his level, he can already make a name for himself in the world.

When interacting with people, even if the other person does not know him, he can still afford to say "admiration" to him for a long time.

Of course, it can't be compared with the seven famous heroes in the world.

However, when watching the opponent's moves, he can somewhat see the gap between himself and the opponent.

For example, Han Fei in Tsing Yi, one of the Seven Heroes.

This Han Fei likes to wear green clothes, hence his nickname.

He was lucky enough to have watched the opponent fight against others.

It can be roughly judged that one and a half of them can probably defeat the other party.

Thinking of this, Li Gongchang gave a wry smile. It seemed that he was really old and would always think of these inexplicable things.

What did you think of just now?

By the way, the strength of Li Feiyu written in blood!

He has seen the opponent take action several times, but how high is the opponent's kung fu?

have no idea.

He couldn't see it at all.

He didn't have the slightest confidence to resist the opponent's chopsticks.

Based on the information he provided, several elders and guests in the meeting speculated that the opponent's strength had reached the level of legend.

As for why there is such a slightly dramatic title?

That's because masters at this level are enough to create legends.

Just like Fang Xibai decades ago, he destroyed the Three Hundred Iron Pagoda with one sword.

It is still talked about today.

And when the strength reaches such a level, so what if it is innate?

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