Chapter 91, Six Heroes

While Xu Fei stopped, Wan Duxing suddenly waved his left hand.

A ball of lime was thrown towards Xu Fei's head and face.

It looks like his movements are skillful and sophisticated, and he obviously does this kind of thing frequently.

Xu Fei frowned slightly when he saw this, took a half step back and used his inner strength to bring up a strong wind and blow away the lime.

Just after blowing away the lime, Wan Duxing's follow-up trick came again.

A large number of embroidery needles were fired from a machine in her hand like flowers.

Judging from the purple color of the needle tip, it is obviously quenched with poison!

If it were before, Xu Fei's Sanhua Chapter and Sword Classic skills were not very high.

So in the face of such a sneak attack, he may not be angry.

After all, this kind of serial sneak attack happens one after another.

If you block the move in front of you, you won't be able to block the next move.

But now...

Xu Fei once again held a chopstick in his hand that popped out of his sleeve with skillful force.

While dodging, he held the chopsticks in his hands and kept pushing away some poisonous needles that were difficult to avoid.

"Ding ding~" there was a soft sound.

The poisonous needles flying across the sky were either dodged by Xu Fei or knocked down by him.

Not the slightest threat.

Seeing Xu Fei blocking his tried and tested sneak attack method so lightly.

Wan Duxing knelt down on his knees and kowtowed suddenly.

"Master Li, please spare your life!"

But as he knelt down on the ground, a thick tube on the back of Wan Duxing's neck was also exposed.

An arrow suddenly flew out from it.

It's a pity that such dirty tricks are useless against Xu Fei.

He stretched out his chopsticks and tapped the arrow that flew towards him. The arrow was knocked aside like a poisonous needle.

Realizing that even his last resort could not pose a threat to Xu Fei, Wan Duxing stood up and ran away quite neatly in the inconvenient kneeling position.

And the speed is surprisingly good.

It's comparable to what Xu Fei's Point Cloud Step looked like when he reached level 20 or so.

When Xu Fei saw this, he would not let him go.

The chopsticks that first blocked the poisonous needles and then the flying arrows were blocked in his hands.

Wan Duxing, who had escaped several feet away, was keenly aware of the movements behind him.

He could only look bitter and turn around to block again.

At the same time, he felt extremely regretful. How dare he be so arrogant as to provoke such a powerful master? !

The other party didn't even make a move, just a few fluttering chopsticks, and it was already overwhelming for him.

Xu Fei didn't hold back this time. Before the first chopstick hit, the next chopstick flew out again.

In a blink of an eye, it was time for the seventh chopstick.

"Spare your life! Master Li, spare your life!" Wan Duxing said desperately.

From Wan Duxing's previous attempt to step on the blood-written Li Feiyu's body to make his reputation even higher, to now being on the verge of death and filled with regret and fear.

It lasted only a moment, no more than ten seconds.

But in the face of Wan Duxing's begging for mercy, Xu Fei showed no mercy. The next moment, a chopstick penetrated Wan Duxing's throat.

Eradicate all his arrogance, viciousness, regret, and despair.

Only a body slowly fell to the ground.

He is one of the seven heroes in the world. He is also the strongest among the seven heroes. He is already one of the top masters here.

After all, after the age of forty, even a master of internal energy will start to decline in his physical skills.

Unless there are some special circumstances, after the peak period of forty years old, the strength of a warrior will become weaker and weaker.

Wan Duxing, who was around thirty-five years old, was undoubtedly at the moment when he was gradually approaching the peak of his life.

But it still couldn't stop the few chopsticks that could be seen everywhere in Xu Fei's hand.

For four years, Xu Fei kept a low profile and tried his best to calm down troubles whenever he encountered them.

Let him go through the relatively dangerous early development stage.

Now I finally have a try.

The onlookers naturally saw the brief moment of fighting between Xu Fei and Wan Duxing.

Although it was difficult to see clearly because of the darkness and the distance of some people, it was clear that Wan Duxing had died on the spot.

Damosi Fatong, who was seriously injured by Wan Duxing's palm, couldn't help but crush a rosary.

He had deliberately tried to embarrass himself before and had some agenda.

But Wan Duxing was killed so easily, making all his plans come to nothing and leaving him with nothing but humiliation.

"I've seen Hero Li, and I'm watching Xiao Yu, the King of Heaven." Xiao Yu, dressed in purple, walked out slowly and greeted Xu Fei.

Seeing this, Xu Fei held a chopstick in his hand again.

"Please don't get me wrong, Master Li. I'm here this time just to make friends with you, Master Li, for me." Xiao Yu was startled when he saw this and explained quickly.

Xu Fei was noncommittal upon hearing this.

When he was about to turn around and leave, the other people who had been hiding in the darkness appeared one by one.

And among these people there were actually old acquaintances of Xu Fei.

There is no use for it.

"Han Fei in green, I have met Hero Li." Among the people who were spied on by Xu Fei just now, one of them, a young man in his thirties, cupped his fists and saluted.

The pride he had just now was completely gone from his expression, only admiration remained.

But Xu Fei couldn't tell if there was some truth or falsehood in it.

"I'm here at Dharma Temple."

"There is no use for me."

"Xuanwu Sword Sect Yan Jing."

"The big sword meets the Qin sword."

Together with the evildoers on earth, the seven heroes in the world actually gathered in Yongle City.

Look at the people in front of you and the followers of these people in the distance.

A flash of enlightenment flashed in Xu Fei's heart.

So these people are all here to find him?

So this crazy monk on the ground just heard Xiao Yu call him Mr. Wan, so he is an evildoer Wan Duxing?

After Xu Fei eliminated harm for the people, he realized who he had killed.

But even if he knew that the person in front of him was one of the Seven Elites in the World, Xu Fei didn't have the slightest fondness for him.

Although he didn't know when these people came to Yongle City, they allowed the evildoers to kill them at will.

Obviously they are not good things.

So Xu Fei ignored these people and turned around to leave.

After seeing the bloody letter, Li Feiyu paid no attention to them.

The Six Heroes, who usually rely on themselves and the forces behind them, can basically achieve success, are a little confused.

"Master Li, don't you want to move up a level?" Wuyongmen Fangwei said quickly.

Since the top master in front of them ignored them, they could only use the aspects that the other party was interested in to temporarily maintain their communication.

Only then can we act according to circumstances.

Hearing this, Xu Fei paused.

That idiot Yun Niang's previous life was that of a carefree young lady.

Because one cannot practice Taoism without Taoist roots, even if the family has passed down the rather exquisite Sanhua Pian of internal skills, one can still embark on the Taoism after practicing to the innate realm.

Instead, he spent three days fishing and two days drying nets.

After all, even within the spiritual realm, various elixirs grow due to the spiritual intelligence permeating the world, which can assist in improving the inner strength.

But in the end, the proportion of those who can achieve innate success is not much higher than in Lingjue Land.

As for the reason, Xu Fei is not sure yet.

We can only guess that maybe the mortal body cannot bear the nourishment of the elixir, which has brought about the impact?

So in general, Yun Niang knows some about the situation in the spiritual realm and the spiritual realm, but she doesn't have much understanding of how inner strength warriors become innate.

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