Chapter 92, Yun Niang

Among the forces in front of us, even the seemingly weakest Han Fei in Tsing Yi.

Behind it is also the Han family that has been passed down for hundreds of years.

Therefore, among the so-called Seven Heroes in the World, except for the evil monk, the crazy monk, who has a slight relationship with ordinary people, the others all have extraordinary family backgrounds.

Thinking of this situation, Xu Fei sighed in his heart.

However, these people should basically know that one can achieve innate talent and practice Taoism.

Then I thought that even my father-in-law, who traveled all over the world, only heard about Xiantian by name and didn't know what was going on.

I have to say that these people are really good at blocking knowledge.

Therefore, when the other party was about to come out with some innate information, Xu Fei really couldn't remain indifferent.

Li Feiyu stopped leaving when he saw the blood book.

The Six Heroes couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

They wanted to recruit this rare master from the legendary realm, and they only had this innate information.

However, which force can successfully win over the other party in the end depends on their respective methods.

"Oh? What should I say?" Xu Fei said lightly.

"As long as Mr. Li is willing to join the Useless Sect, all the innate information we have collected will be open to you, Mr. Li." Fang Wei said quickly.

If Xu Fei hadn't easily defeated the evildoer, Fang Wei would never have been so anxious.

But there is no if.

With just a few ubiquitous chopsticks, he killed the most powerful evildoer among the Seven Heroes.

The opponent's strength is definitely that of a legend.

Maybe even stronger than grandpa.

And Fang Wei's grandfather was Fang Xibai, who killed three hundred heavy cavalry by himself decades ago.

Although the others were a little slow, they quickly vowed to give Xu Fei the best treatment.

But Xu Fei also heard the meaning of the other party's words.

That is, you must join one of their forces to get benefits.

Xu Fei thought about it for a moment, ignored these people, turned and left.

Although it is not impossible to join these forces, Xu Fei will not make a rash decision without knowing what will happen after joining and whether there will be any pitfalls.

After seeing the blood book, Li Feiyu left without saying a word.

The six heroes couldn't help but look at each other.

what happened?

"Master Li, how should we contact you?" Fang Wei asked again.

Compared with others, Fang Wei's response was quite astute and asked how to contact him in the future.

After all, we can't always do it like this.

And this also made Fang Wei couldn't help but wake up. Maybe this hero Li was quite cold towards them because he hated them for not stopping the evildoers in time?

Xu Fei still didn't answer anything, and his figure disappeared into the night.

From today's situation where the Six Heroes personally came forward to win over him, Xu Fei gradually understood that his strength might already be quite high.

This also inevitably made Xu Fei's mood a little strange.

When faced with bullying before, Xu Fei also considered whether to kill someone out of anger.

Just thinking about the women and children behind him, he could only endure this.

After all, to be honest, his martial arts experience was only gained through watching martial arts movies, TV series, and novels.

If retaliation is really carried out, mistakes may not be made.

What's more, facing bullying is very annoying, but the actual damage caused to Xu Fei is not very big.

Because my sister-in-law was blackmailed out of 20 taels of silver by the Tiger Boxing Gym, and later the land at home was forcibly purchased, resulting in a loss of about 100 taels of silver.

This totals one hundred and twenty taels of silver.

Xu Fei casually sold three prescriptions and got two hundred taels of silver.

Therefore, under the circumstances at that time, Xu Fei refrained from taking action. Although he was a little too cautious, it was not wrong.

Of course, if it were now, there would still be people who didn't know how to die.

Then Xu Fei doesn't mind assuming Li Feiyu's identity and teaching him what fairness means.

While thoughtful, Xu Fei came outside the city.

No one was found to be following.

However, the appearance of the Six Heroes this time still attracted Xu Fei's attention.

Although according to what Yun Niang said, there is basically no need to worry about Taoism and magic in the land of spiritual end, but it would be troublesome if the other party found his traces with other magic.

So after leaving a certain area of ​​Yongle City, Xu Fei first deodorized himself to avoid being contaminated by anything and exposing his whereabouts, and then followed what Yun Niang said, surrounding himself with inner energy.

After not noticing anything unusual for a while, Xu Fei breathed a sigh of relief and returned home.

By the time Xu Fei got home, it was already past 3 o'clock in the morning.

Yun Niang hugged the pillow and sat on the edge of the bed to take a nap.

Xu Fei couldn't help but smile when he saw this.

His fate with Yun Niang is quite strange.

The other party was born in the spiritual realm, and his family got into trouble a few years ago, so he and his sister had no choice but to escape into this spiritual place.

After all, after entering the Lingjue Land, you can get a certain degree of protection from the immortal sect to which the Lingjue Land belongs.

In the past few years, since Yun Niang and her sister-in-law followed him, they have been safe and without any trouble.

A few days ago, I was informed about some situations regarding innateness, cultivation, and the spiritual realm.

If it weren't for this part of the information, Xu Fei might not be able to withstand the efforts of the Six Heroes and the forces behind him.

"Rest." Xu Fei stepped forward and whispered.

After being woken up by Xu Fei, Yun Niang rubbed her eyes and found that this guy was safe and sound, with a big smile on her face.

Xu Fei was not polite when he saw this.

But after being happy, Xu Fei unexpectedly discovered that it didn't increase his proficiency points.

This made Xu Fei stunned.

So is Yun Niang finally pregnant?

"What's wrong?" Yun Niang noticed that Xu Fei seemed to be acting strangely.

Xu Fei chuckled lightly.


Yun Niang was still waiting for the second wave of happiness, but she found that the bad guy hugged her gently and was ready to rest.

This made Yun Niang a little strange, but it was getting late now, so she didn't care.

The next day.

The news that the crazy monk was killed by Li Feiyu spread throughout Yongle City.

Let the people in the city run around and tell each other, smiling happily.

Killing people at every turn.

And he also killed officials.

It was so vicious, but neither the government nor the gangs dared to come forward. This situation made the whole city silent.

But he didn't expect that after just one night, he would be killed by the hero Li for the people.

"This Hero Li is really awesome." Dr. Yao walked into the medical clinic while eating pork and green onion buns, and said with emotion when he came to Xu Fei.

After all, both Jixiangtang and other shops were frightened and closed in a hurry yesterday.

The once bustling streets were deserted.

This situation is truly alarming.

Xu Fei chuckled lightly.

"Yes." He agreed.

However, a few guys took down the door panel of the medical clinic and opened the door for business.

Dr. Yao could only return to his consulting table first.

As a doctor at Jixiangtang, although he has free time and a lot of conveniences, he still has some rules.

At least when there are patients, you have to maintain a stable image.

"Doctor Yao." Seeing that Dr. Yao was still eating meat buns, a steward couldn't help but remind him.

Doctor Yao quickly wrapped the buns in lotus leaves and stuffed them into the consultation table.

Just wait until there are no patients before eating.

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