Chapter ninety-four, fierce man

In addition, Xu Fei also thought about finding a matchmaker to find him a room for concubines.

However, after thinking about it for a while, Xu Fei gave up the idea.

As a second-class doctor of Jixiangtang, Xu Fei cannot be said to be rich and powerful, but his life is also very good.

It's really easy to find a concubine.

But what happens after finding a concubine through these means?

Is there just one more kind of relative?

It would be fine if the other party stayed on their own, but if it was the kind of person who stirred up trouble, it would be troublesome if Xu Fei was implicated.

So just spend some money and buy peace of mind.

After all, the woman who was sold has lost contact with her original family.

Even if the original family was exterminated for major crimes such as rebellion, it would not be involved here.

Take Lan Niang home.

Zhou Yue was unavoidably surprised, but she didn't ask any more questions and instructed the maid to clean up the house for him.

Xu Fei scratched his head when he saw this.

Although as the head of the family, he should have the final say on everything, but Zhou Yue has helped him manage the house smoothly in the past few years, and even gave birth to a son for him, not to mention she is still pregnant.

But he was lucky enough to buy another woman back after a disagreement.

This made Xu Fei a little embarrassed.

"Sister Yue." Xu Fei gently hugged Zhou Yue and said.

Zhou Yue smiled helplessly when she saw this.

Although she was somewhat dissatisfied with her husband's actions, she could not show it.

Jealousy is an emotion that a wife cannot have.

Otherwise, it may be difficult to have peace at home.

Xu Fei breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that Zhou Yue was not angry, at least he didn't show any anger.

After a brief chat, Xu Fei came to Lan Niang.

So far, Xu Fei's several women are older than him.

The eldest, Ling Niang and Zhou Yue, are three or four years older than him.

In fact, this is also the main reason why Zhou Yuehui tolerates Xu Fei again and again.

It's like a sister who tolerates her noisy younger brother over and over again.

Lan Niang is the first woman who is younger than him.

However, although Lan Niang looked a little embarrassed, she saw Xu Fei coming in.

He bowed down quite respectfully.


I feel pity for his small appearance.

Xu Fei cleared his throat and asked the maids to go out.

‘A branching operation that opens up the way forward, proficiency value +70’

Now that everyone has been bought back, Xu Fei won't be polite, and the business that needs to be done will naturally not be left behind.

After being happy, Xu Fei went to play with the children and then started practicing martial arts.

Xu Fei almost never stopped practicing martial arts for two to three hours a day.

However, after practicing for a while, although the two newly acquired internal skills have raised the upper limit of the level, the second level 48 Sanhua chapter remains unchanged.

This made Xu Fei smack his lips.

Judging from the experience of level 48 to level 49 of the second level of Sword Classic, if you want to upgrade to the last level of the Sanhua Chapter, it will probably take about a month.

Judging from the situation when I reached level 48 half a month ago in the Sanhua Chapter, I should be able to grind up this last level in about half a month.

So Xu Fei was not anxious at all.

The next day, Xu Fei came to the medical clinic.

After diagnosing and treating the patients as usual, a doctor came in soon.

Dr. Yao is proficient in andrology, and the other doctors are all older.

So if the other party specifies that they want a second-class doctor, they basically need Xu Fei to go.

Later, Xu Fei discussed with his employer and raised the consultation fees for second-class doctors, so that he could continue to fish.

Otherwise, he might have to be either at the clinic or on the way to the clinic every day.

As for the first-class doctor?

That is already the Dinghaishen needle iron of the medical clinic. Unless it is really difficult to move, the patient will come to the door on his own.

The other two first-class doctors also don't work in the hospital.

But each at home.

After all, these two first-class doctors, one is seventy-eight and the other is eighty-two, both have white beard and hair.

He looks like a famous doctor or a miracle doctor.

But after all, I got older.

After suppressing his distracting thoughts, Xu Fei got off the carriage, diagnosed the patient and then prescribed the medicine.

"Thank you, Doctor Zhang." The patient's wife personally thanked Xu Fei.

Xu Fei nodded in return.

"You're welcome, Madam." Then he said goodbye and left.

This time the patient has a great reputation.

Although the value of meritorious service has plummeted since the gang martial arts riots broke out, it is still much better than that of common people.

And if you are an ordinary person, even if you have money, you will basically not be able to work as a second-class doctor from Jixiang Hall.

After returning to Jixiang Hall and diagnosing a dozen patients, Xu Fei came to Mr. Wu.

Contact feelings.

In fact, Xu Fei's purpose was also to listen to this retired Jianghu man and talk about his past experiences in the Jianghu world.

The Three Kingdoms of Liang, Yong and Qi.

Liang Guo has seven states and eighty-one counties.

There are fifty-three counties in the nine states of Yong State.

There are sixty-two counties in the five states of Qi.

In terms of numbers, it seems that Liang is the largest.

But in fact, Qi has the largest territory.

Yong State is between the two countries.

However, more than a hundred years ago, before the three kingdoms of Liang, Yong, and Qi annexed their surroundings, there were already hundreds of kingdoms.

Of course, this Hundred Kingdoms only sounds impressive.

In fact, it is almost equivalent to more than a hundred large or small state capital cities.

Under such a situation, it is naturally quite confusing.

Jianghu, court, today you beat me, tomorrow I will beat him.

Anyway, it's almost a pot of rotten porridge.

However, this chaos ended more than a hundred years ago when the three kingdoms of Liang, Yong, and Qi each produced a fierce man.

Sun Lie, the great ancestor of the Liang Kingdom, Ying Xuanji, the great ancestor of the Yong Kingdom, and Wu Ming, the great ancestor of the Qi Kingdom.

They were originally famous for their powerful martial arts, but later they felt that the world was in chaos, and they responded to every call they made.

Successfully pacified one side and established the Three Kingdoms of Liang, Yong, and Qi.

Even Sun Lie, the great ancestor of the Liang Kingdom, successfully established a set of rules for the court to control the world.

It is a pity that the current officials are ignorant and opened the cage that trapped this evil beast with their own hands.

"Hey, with all the turmoil now, I'm afraid the world will be in chaos again." Mr. Wu couldn't help but sigh after taking a sip of rice wine.

This Mr. Wu has the reputation of being a civil servant, and he also possesses good martial arts skills. He can be regarded as an all-rounder in both civil and military affairs.

In the past, I also traveled around the world and was well-informed.

Xu Fei interacted with him and gained a lot of experience and knowledge.

This is why Xu Fei not only comes over to borrow various martial arts collected by Mr. Wu, but also occasionally comes over to talk with Mr. Wu.

Hearing Mr. Wu lamenting about the world, Xu Fei could only remain silent.

His current martial arts skills are pretty good, but if he wants to clean up the broken pieces like the fierce men who established the Liang, Yong, and Qi Kingdoms back then, I'm afraid he won't be able to do it.

And Xu Fei had no such idea.

Of course, Xu Fei now knows that there are cultivators in this world.

If he can't cultivate immortality, it's not impossible for Xu Fei to think about striving to dominate the world and unify all directions.

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