Chapter 95, New Sanhua Chapter

"Master, the second lady is about to give birth." Just as Xu Fei and Mr. Wu were giving directions, a maid from the family hurriedly came to Mr. Wu and reported to Xu Feihui.

Xu Fei looked happy when he heard this, and hurriedly said goodbye to Mr. Wu and hurried home.

Although the same thing had happened nine times, Zhang Lian and Liu still came to Xu Fei's side.

Quite nervous and looking forward to it.

After all, although there are many children in the family, do grandparents still find it hard to have too many grandchildren?

Zhang Lianhui is so strong that he is still running a cloth shop at a young age and refuses to tease his grandson.

In fact, it also means to relieve some of the burden on my son.

Because it is the third child.

Ling Niang gave birth smoothly.

Soon the midwife came out to announce the good news.

"Congratulations, master. Congratulations, master. Madam has given birth to a son."

"Reward!" Zhang Lian laughed.

Grandson is good, good!

After the maid and mother-in-law had tidied up the delivery room, Xu Fei entered Ling Niang's room.

This time Ling Niang did not fall asleep, but looked softly at her son sleeping on the wooden bed beside her.

"Thank you for your hard work." Xu Fei said softly.

Ling Niang had a happy smile on her face.

"Master, I'm not working hard at all."

As a woman who was given the name of Kefu by her husband's family, Lingniang had already 'seen' her future at that time.

There is a high probability that she will not even be able to enter the flower house, and will only become a prostitute in the alley next to the flower street.

Ten or twenty copper coins at a time.

But just when I was so desperate, I appeared.

Save her from despair.

Now they have two sons and a daughter.

Living a life that I could never imagine before.

Xu Fei looked at Ling Niang, feeling somewhat guilty.

Because there are too many women, it is inevitable that feelings will be divided.

After all, if nothing else, he only spends a few minutes with Ling Niang every day.

"Have a good rest." Xu Fei stroked Ling Niang's hair around her ears.

Ling Niang smiled softly.

"Yeah." Then he closed his eyes obediently.


In the blink of an eye, more than ten days passed.

Xu Fei, who was practicing martial arts, felt something in his heart.

Open the panel.

Sanhua Chapter【0/10】【48/49】

Finally reached the second level 49.

This made Xu Fei grin and fill up his level.

Then he came to the study room and began to integrate other internal martial arts into the Sanhua chapter.

Along with a series of internal skills such as Crane Shape Breathing Method, Spiritual Snake Sleeping Breathing Method, Yang Jin Training, Purple Ji Heart Method, etc., they are integrated into the Sanhua chapter.

The Sanhua chapter, which was originally intended to bring out the old and bring in the new, has gradually undergone tremendous changes.

Almost nothing remains of its original appearance.

However, these changes are all benign optimizations.

At least Xu Fei didn't find anything strange in the feedback the skills gave him after each fusion.

Moreover, he has practiced dozens of sets of internal skills and martial arts. Although Xu Fei still dare not call himself a martial arts master, he is not as ignorant as he was when he first started practicing martial arts.

So there is basically no problem with his judgment.

Xu Fei quickly calmed down the worries that had arisen due to the drastic changes in the Sanhua chapter.

Then he came to the courtyard and began to try out the New Sanhua Chapter.

In the past, Xu Fei always thought that his plug-in could gain proficiency points by spreading branches and leaves, and then raising the levels of various skills would be of great help to him. However, he did not expect that after skill training reaches the second level 49, it can also be fused, especially the effect of fusion. It's especially good and allows him to grow even more.

After practicing the new Sanhua Chapter once, Xu Fei gained an internal energy that was comparable to what he could gain after practicing the Sanhua Chapter three to four times in the past!

Although this also made Xu Fei very hungry, and he quickly took out the supplement pills specially prepared for himself and ate two of them to calm down the consumption slightly, but the effect of the practice in the New Sanhua Chapter was undoubtedly good.

After level 49 of the second level of the Sword Sutra, Xu Fei also integrated all martial arts skills into the new Sword Sutra.

But because Xu Fei's combat experience is not very rich, after all, a chopstick can usually solve the problem. Even a guy as strong as the evildoer and full of cunning tricks cannot pose any threat to Xu Fei.

Therefore, Xu Fei does not have an accurate quantification of how much better the new Jian Jing is than the original Jian Jing.

But at this moment, based on the effect of the Sanhua Chapter, we can make a rough estimate. The new Sword Classic may be more than twice as optimized as the original Sword Classic!

After his body recovered slightly from the exhaustion of practicing the New Sanhua Chapter, Xu Fei recalled his insights when he just practiced the New Sanhua Chapter, and then stretched out his hand in the direction of the pomegranate tree seven or eight meters away.

A leaf flew down, and the baby swallow fell into Xu Fei's hands like a nest.

Before practicing the Sanhua chapter to the second level 49 and integrating other internal skills.

Xu Fei could only simply use his inner strength and attack with his fists and feet.

However, after the integration of many internal powers in the New Sanhua Chapter, Xu Fei's mastery of internal powers has been greatly improved.

The inner strength beckons, and I literally pluck a leaf and bounce it back into my hand.

And the leaves are still green and not damaged at all.

Wrap your fingers softly.

As for the substantial improvement in the mastery of internal energy, can it be possible to realize the golden bell that shows brilliance on the body in movies and TV dramas, and the martial arts golden bell with super protective effects?

Xu Fei couldn't help but feel excited when he thought of this.

However, in order to realize the real golden bell, Xu Fei still needs to understand and explore on his own.

It does not mean that it can be achieved simply and overnight.

While thinking deeply, Xu Fei used his inner energy to try to manifest the body-protecting golden bell based on the iron cloth golden bell that had been fused once.

Xu Fei had to give up after just a moment, because even with his current level of internal energy, he couldn't help but consume it so quickly.

When internal energy is separated from the body and exposed to the air, it will dissipate.

And the greater the magnitude of the internal energy leaving the body, the faster it escapes.

Far exceeding Xu Fei's replenishment speed.

The 30 square meters of internal energy that Xu Fei now possesses can only last for two minutes at most, and all the internal energy will be exhausted.

It can be said to be a typical high consumption and low energy.

This made Xu Fei somewhat helpless.

After thinking about it, I temporarily gave up on deducing the golden bell for body protection.

Turn to swordsmanship.

The new Sanhua chapter has greatly improved the mastery of internal energy, which requires Xu Fei to adapt as soon as possible.

Only then will problems and flaws not be exposed when fighting with others.

Soon it was dinner time. After dinner, Xu Fei went to see the women and children, practiced martial arts until almost 10 o'clock, and came to Lan Niang's place.

Lan Niang obediently took over the clothes Xu Fei took off.

"Is there anything you're not used to?" Xu Fei said softly.

Although Xu Fei got down to business on the day he bought it back when there was no emotion at all, and seemed a little impatient, but one thing is that Xu Fei is already pretty good to women in today's environment.

Although the monthly payment is not much, it will be given on time.

There is no luxury in terms of food, clothing and housing. It is far inferior to those of the princes, princes, ministers and wealthy businessmen, but they still have enough food and clothing.

Moreover, Xu Fei will satisfy some reasonable demands of women.

Yun Niang loves to drink tea, so Xu Fei will not be stingy when good tea is on the market, and will even ask others for help when he cannot buy it.

It was these little things in daily life that made Yun Niang's cold temperament change into her heart hanging on Xu Fei.

Even if he knew that Xu Fei was Li Feiyu, he did not reveal it to others at all, and informed him of his origins and information about the spiritual realm and the spiritual land.

"No." Lan Niang shook her head slightly.

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