Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 1129 The essence is essence, the immortal is immortal

After returning home, Qing'er looked at the door of her grandfather's house, hesitantly and then stopped.

At this time, the door opened, and an old man with white hair and beard stood at the door. He nervously looked at the dirt and grass clippings on her body and asked, "What's wrong? Did you fall?"

"Oh, it was a fall, it's okay." Qing'er said, patting the dust on her body.

"Come!" The old man waved to her worriedly.

After entering the house, the old man asked Qing'er to sit down, and then carefully checked her pulse.

Qing'er has been free from illness and disaster since she was a child. It was only after she became pregnant that her grandfather checked her pulse twice. Although she had never had her pulse checked by anyone else, she still felt something strange when her grandfather took her pulse the first two times. After feeling it carefully for the first time, I clearly noticed that something had penetrated into my body from the grandfather's fingers.

"Fortunately, I'm fine. Why were you so careless?" The old man said to her slightly reproachfully after taking her pulse. .??.

"I encountered a snake while picking vegetables." Qing'er didn't know whether to tell her about that weird thing.

"Don't go picking vegetables in the future. Take a good rest at home. Let your parents-in-law and Hong Shi do the work."

"It's okay, I can still move. It's just that you eat so little every day, which makes my granddaughter-in-law very worried."

The old man frowned and said, "Obey, don't do anything else from now on. Just rest at home. I'm going to give birth in a few days. I don't want my great-grandson to have any accidents, so don't worry about me."

"Yes..." Qing'er rolled her eyes hesitantly and whispered, "Grandpa, what I encountered today was a ghost-faced snake. It was only so close to my finger at the time." She opened her thumb and index finger to make gestures as she spoke. For a moment.

"Ghost-faced snake?!" The old man's eyes widened in shock, and he reached out to feel her pulse again.

"I didn't bite, I didn't bite. I was frightened at the time, thinking that I would definitely not be able to escape this disaster, but..."

The old man took his pulse and asked, "What?"

"But not only did the snake not bite me, it was also very strange..."

After listening to Qing'er's story, the old man muttered: "This is really a strange thing. I don't know if it's your fate or my great-grandson's fate, but why is this snake still following you? Have you encountered it before?" Such things?"

Qing'er shook her head and said, "I've never heard of snakes following people."

"Perhaps you met a spiritual snake. Tonight you come with me to the field to worship. Don't tell anyone about this, not even Hongshi."

"Yes!" Qing'er nodded vigorously, but pursed her lips as if she was hesitant to speak.

"Is there anything else weird? Just tell me." The old man looked at her calmly.

Qing'er hesitated and said, "You mentioned just now that I don't know if it's my fate or the kid's fate that makes me a little suspicious. When I think about it carefully, it's really a bit weird. It seemed like the kid was moving a lot at that time. I don’t know whether it was because he fell that alarmed him, or..."

The old man looked at her bulging belly and narrowed his eyes slightly. He reached out and took out a small wooden box from his arms. He opened the wooden box carefully and took out a silver pendant in the shape of an auspicious cloud.

"Take this with you. When the child is born, pass this pendant to him. Remember, this thing is extraordinary. Let him look at it carefully. It must not be lost, let alone given to others. It must be passed down from generation to generation."

"Yes." Qing'er took the pendant respectfully and took a quick look without seeing anything strange about it.

The old man watched his granddaughter-in-law holding the silver pendant

After putting it away, he let out a sigh for no reason, with a look of reminiscence in his eyes.

Qing'er asked cautiously, "Grandpa, what is the origin of this pendant? Please tell me, so that you can explain it clearly to your child when you instruct him in the future, so that he knows how to cherish it."

"This is..." the old man hesitated for a moment before continuing, "This was given to me by one of my elders. This thing can ward off evil spirits."

Qing'er asked tentatively, "Your elder must be an expert, right?"

The old man nodded with a look of relief on his face and said, "Of course, he is a unique genius."

"You..." Qing'er smiled and rolled her eyes with a strange look.

"What are you going to say?" the old man asked with a smile. He was quite fond of this thoughtful granddaughter-in-law.

"I guess this elder must have a very good relationship with you, otherwise you wouldn't be so happy when he mentioned him. Moreover, what you just said was that he gave you this treasure, and you did not say 'given' , I wonder if grandson’s guess is correct.”

The old man nodded approvingly and said, "That's a good guess. With a smart mother like you, my great-grandson will definitely be good at it." After he finished speaking, he slowly put away his smile and frowned slightly.

"Grandpa...are you worried about something?"

"I do have something on my mind. It's a pity that I'm old and can't...sigh." The old man seemed to have something to say and did not finish the sentence.

"Just tell me, no matter how difficult it is, Hongshi and I will definitely help you get things done."

The old man shook his head slowly and said, "It's too far. Thousands of mountains and rivers are beyond your reach."

Qing'er said sincerely, "Just tell me. I know you feel sorry for us. If it's too difficult, we won't go."

Naturally, this old man was Xun Yi's former uncle, and later his nephew Lang Ming. His wish was to send his great-grandson to the Xuanfang Sect so that the master could help him find out whether his great-grandson had the qualifications to cultivate immortality. Unfortunately, he will not live long. At the end of the day, his cultivation has almost dissipated, and he has no ability to fly back to his master.

After calculating the long distance from here to the Xuanfang Sect, he shook his head again and said, "Well, it definitely won't work. Remember my words and ask the younger generation to keep this silver pendant carefully. I believe that one day, my The elder will come to see you. He is a very kind person. I believe he will definitely come. With this silver pendant, he will be able to find you. Whoever can catch up with his children and grandchildren will be blessed. "

"Can your senior... be immortal?" Qing'er's heart was pounding.

"Just think of him as a human spirit. Beasts can live for thousands of years after becoming spirits. Naturally, human spirits can also live for a long time."

Qing'er widened her eyes and said, "Human spirit? Isn't that a way to describe a shrewd and calculating person? Can people really become spirits?"

Lang Ming stroked his beard and said, "Yes, all spirits can become spirits, why can't humans?"

"If a person can really become a spirit, I'd like to see you." Qing'er pursed her lips and smiled coquettishly.

"Your grandpa and I are far behind." Lang Ming smiled cheerfully.

"What abilities do people have after becoming spirits? Are they considered immortals?"

"Essences are essences, and immortals are immortals. Even if you tell me this, you don't understand." Lang Ming didn't want to say any more.

"Then can that elder of yours become an immortal?" Qing'er asked wittily.

"You girl." Lang Ming glared at her lovingly, but still couldn't help but want to show off his good brother, and said, "He will definitely become an immortal. You are not allowed to say these things to others, and you are not allowed to Ask again, otherwise you will cause trouble." After returning home, Qing'er looked at her grandfather's door and hesitated.

At this time, the door opened, and an old man with white hair and beard stood at the door. He nervously looked at the dirt and grass clippings on her body and asked, "What's wrong? Did you fall?"

"Oh, it was a fall, it's okay." Qing'er said, patting the dust on her body.

"Come!" The old man waved to her worriedly.

After entering the house, the old man asked Qing'er to sit down, and then carefully checked her pulse.

Qing'er has been free from illness and disaster since she was a child. It was only after she became pregnant that her grandfather checked her pulse twice. Although she had never had her pulse checked by anyone else, she still felt something strange when her grandfather took her pulse the first two times. After feeling it carefully for the first time, I clearly noticed that something had penetrated into my body from the grandfather's fingers.

"Fortunately, I'm fine. Why were you so careless?" The old man said to her slightly reproachfully after taking her pulse.

"I encountered a snake while picking vegetables." Qing'er didn't know whether to tell her about that weird thing.

"Don't go picking vegetables in the future. Take a good rest at home. Let your parents-in-law and Hong Shi do the work."

"It's okay, I can still move. It's just that you eat so little every day, which makes my granddaughter-in-law very worried."

The old man frowned and said, "Obey, don't do anything else from now on. Just rest at home. I'm going to give birth in a few days. I don't want my great-grandson to have any accidents, so don't worry about me."

"Yes..." Qing'er rolled her eyes hesitantly and whispered, "Grandpa, what I encountered today was a ghost-faced snake. It was only so close to my finger at the time." She opened her thumb and index finger to make signs. For a moment.

"Ghost-faced snake?!" The old man's eyes widened in shock, and he reached out to feel her pulse again.

"I didn't bite, I didn't bite. I was frightened at the time, thinking that I would definitely not be able to escape this disaster, but..."

The old man took his pulse and asked, "What?"

"But not only did the snake not bite me, it was also very strange..."

After listening to Qing'er's story, the old man muttered: "This is really a strange thing. I don't know if it's your fate or my great-grandson's fate, but why is this snake still following you? Have you encountered it before?" Such things?"

Qing'er shook her head and said, "I have never heard of snakes following people."

"Perhaps you met a spiritual snake. Tonight you come with me to the field to worship. Don't tell anyone about this, not even Hongshi."

"Yes!" Qing'er nodded vigorously, but pursed her lips as if she was hesitant to speak.

"Is there anything else weird? Just tell me." The old man looked at her calmly.

Qing'er hesitated and said, "You mentioned just now that I don't know if it's my fate or the kid's fate that makes me a little suspicious. When I think about it carefully, it's really a bit weird. It seemed like the kid was moving a lot at that time. I don’t know whether it was because he fell that alarmed him, or..."

The old man looked at her bulging belly and narrowed his eyes slightly. He reached out and took out a small wooden box from his arms. He opened the wooden box carefully and took out a silver pendant in the shape of an auspicious cloud.

"Take this with you. When the child is born, pass this pendant to him. Remember, this thing is extraordinary. Let him look at it carefully. It must not be lost, let alone given to others. It must be passed down from generation to generation."

"Yes." Qing'er took the pendant respectfully and took a quick look without seeing anything strange about it.

The old man watched his granddaughter-in-law holding the silver pendant

After putting it away, he let out a sigh for no reason, with a look of reminiscence in his eyes.

Qing'er asked cautiously, "Grandpa, what is the origin of this pendant? Please tell me, so that you can explain it clearly to your child when you instruct him in the future, so that he knows how to cherish it."

"This is..." the old man hesitated for a moment before continuing, "This was given to me by one of my elders. This thing can ward off evil spirits."

Qing'er asked tentatively, "Your elder must be an expert, right?"

The old man nodded with a look of relief on his face and said, "Of course, he is a unique genius."

"You..." Qing'er smiled and rolled her eyes with a strange look.

"What are you going to say?" the old man asked with a smile. He was quite fond of this thoughtful granddaughter-in-law.

"I guess this elder must have a very good relationship with you, otherwise you wouldn't be so happy when he mentioned him. Moreover, what you just said was that he gave you this treasure, and you did not say 'given' , I wonder if grandson’s guess is correct.”

The old man nodded approvingly and said, "That's a good guess. With a smart mother like you, my great-grandson will definitely be good." After he finished speaking, he slowly put away his smile and frowned slightly.

"Grandpa...are you worried about something?"

"I do have something on my mind. It's a pity that I'm old and can't...sigh." The old man seemed to have something to say and did not finish the sentence.

"Just tell me, no matter how difficult it is, Hongshi and I will definitely help you get things done."

The old man shook his head slowly and said, "It's too far. Thousands of mountains and rivers are beyond your reach."

Qing'er said sincerely, "Just tell me. I know you feel sorry for us. If it's too difficult, we won't go."

Naturally, this old man was Xun Yi's former uncle, and later his nephew, Lang Ming. His wish was to send his great-grandson to the Xuanfang Sect so that the master could help him find out whether his great-grandson had the qualifications to cultivate immortality. Unfortunately, he will not live long. At the end of the day, his cultivation has almost dissipated, and he has no ability to fly back to his master.

After calculating the long distance from here to the Xuanfang Sect, he shook his head again and said, "Well, it definitely won't work. Remember my words and ask the younger generation to keep this silver pendant carefully. I believe that one day, my The elder will come to see you. He is a very kind person. I believe he will definitely come. With this silver pendant, he will be able to find you. Whoever can catch up with his children and grandchildren will be blessed. "

"Can your senior... be immortal?" Qing'er's heart was pounding.

"Just think of him as a human spirit. Beasts can live for thousands of years after becoming spirits. Naturally, human spirits can also live for a long time."

Qing'er's eyes widened and she said, "Human spirit? Isn't that a way of describing a shrewd and calculating person? Can people really become spirits?"

Lang Ming stroked his beard and said, "Yes, all spirits can become spirits, why can't humans?"

"If a person can really become a spirit, I'd like to see you." Qing'er pursed her lips and smiled coquettishly.

"Your grandpa and I are far behind." Lang Ming smiled cheerfully.

"What abilities do people have after becoming spirits? Are they considered immortals?"

"Essences are essences, and immortals are immortals. Even if you tell me this, you don't understand." Lang Ming didn't want to say any more.

"Then can that elder of yours become an immortal?" Qing'er asked wittily.

"You girl." Lang Ming glared at her lovingly, but still couldn't help but want to show off his good brother, and said, "He will definitely become an immortal. You are not allowed to say these things to others, and you are not allowed to Ask again, otherwise you will cause trouble."

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