Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 1130 The Colorful Bird Encountered by Chance

Qing'er stuck out her tongue, blinked her eyes a few times, and said unwillingly, "Then tell me what your elder is like. If he really comes one day, it will be easy for us to recognize each other."

Lang Ming thought for a while and said, "I'll draw an image and hang it in the ancestral hall later. I'll just tell the outside world that this is our family's benefactor. I hope he can..." At this point, he sighed, "You don't understand this. The temperament of an expert outside the world. They have lived for too long and have taken many things lightly. Although my elder is extremely affectionate and righteous, it is only for me. It is okay to take care of you by the way. , but if you want others to give you too many blessings, it would be inappropriate. I hope seeing the image we hung will make him miss the old relationship a little more."

"Okay! Grandpa, you can draw it now." Qing'er naturally wanted to pay close attention to the matter of Fu Ze's descendants, and she also wanted to see what the "human spirit" looked like.

After Qing'er had finished grinding the ink and laid out the paper, Lang Ming took up the pen and drew it in one stroke. After looking at the Xun Yi drawn by the pen for a long time, he put down the pen.

"So young? He won't still look like this now, right?" Qing'er asked with a grimace as she looked at the young man in the painting who was only eighteen or nineteen years old.

"It won't change much. Hongshi came to see me when he was still young. He has always remembered me. Unfortunately, I can't help him with anything..." There was a faint look in Lang Ming's eyes that had begun to dim. With tears in his eyes, he joined the Xuanfang Sect since he was a child. Because there were few disciples in the Red Stone Valley, Xunyi became one of his closest friends. This friendship was what he cherished the most in his life and was also proud of, but it was limited to cultivation. He couldn't talk nonsense about the rules of the world, so he could only bury this deep feeling and pride in his heart. Today, he couldn't help but reveal some of his words under the little probing of this well-behaved and intelligent granddaughter-in-law. What he didn't know was that he had already helped Xun Yi, and he was the first in line to ask Xun Yi to leave Xundu.

Seeing that her grandfather was quite ashamed, Qing'er comforted him in a low voice, "He has become a sperm, so of course you can't be of much help. Don't worry about this."

"It's not easy for him! It's not easy!" Lang Ming, who was so moved, couldn't help crying. No matter Xun Yi threw stones in the Red Stone Valley, or disappeared for thirty years, and so on. I remember the origin vividly. .??.

"Grandpa, don't be sad. Live well. Maybe he will come to see you again soon."

"I can't wait any longer. He can't help himself. It's not easy to come and see me..." Lang Ming wiped his tears and tried to calm down.

"Grandpa, why does he look a little... naughty? Your paintings are really lifelike, but if you paint them like this, they won't be unhappy when they see it, right?" Qing'er said with a smile, wanting to distract Grandpa. Feelings of sadness.

"That's how he is." Recalling Xunyi's uninhibited appearance, regardless of age, Lang Ming couldn't help but smile.

"Then he must be a very strange person, so interesting and so capable. I really hope I can be lucky enough to meet him."

"You may not be so lucky. A hundred years is a lifetime for us, but it is just a nap for people like them. He will not come back so soon. He can only catch up and stop by to take a look. , and it has to be said that he, who cares about friendship, would never come back if it were anyone else. "

Qing'er was a little disappointed when she heard this. Seeing her grandfather closing his eyes tiredly, she had no choice but to retreat quietly.

In the afternoon, Qing'er carried a small bamboo basket and picked up the melons and vegetables she had left in the vegetable field in the morning.

Come, take the opportunity to pick some bitter chrysanthemums in the nearby fields. This kind of wild vegetable tastes good only in this season. After picking the bitter chrysanthemums, she wiped the sweat with her sleeves and searched around with her eyes to see if she could still see the bitter chrysanthemums. A snake. The woman's mind was so strange. Qing'er was convinced that the snake would not hurt her.

The snake was not found, but a colorful bird was found. This is a very beautiful and rare bird, slightly smaller than a magpie, with colorful feathers on its body, three elegant tail feathers, a yellow beak and red claws. The cry is quite pleasant.

Seeing this Caishang standing on the top of a willow branch in the distance, Qing'er happily walked over cautiously. She would definitely not be able to catch it. She just wanted to take a closer look. This was a rare sight. auspicious bird.

When she was still three or four feet away from the tree, Cai Shang let out a cry and soared into the sky. Under the sunlight, she floated in the air like a flowing piece of pleasing light.

"Ah..." Qing'er was shocked by its beauty and let out a soft sigh with an intoxicated look on her face.

At this time, something surprised her. The colorful dress did not fly away, but started flying around her four or five feet away.

"It's so beautiful!" Qing'er looked at the elegantly dancing colorful clothes infatuatedly, and almost dropped the bamboo basket in her hand to the ground.

Cai Shang flew around for a while and then stopped on a branch. She looked towards her while combing her hair with her bright yellow beak.

After Qing'er regained consciousness from her joy, she lowered her head and looked at her belly. Through the conversation with her grandfather at noon, she had already suspected that the strange behavior of the ghost-faced snake might be related to the fetus in her belly. The colorful snake she met now Chang was so weird, which made her more suspicious.

"Little thing, are you really helping your mother?" Qing'er muttered to her belly, then slowly walked towards Caishang, silently muttering to the child in her belly, "If you are really an extraordinary fetus, just "Don't let this bird go away, let me touch it so that I won't hurt it."

One step, two steps, three steps..., with every step closer, Qing'er's heart beat faster. Watching Cai Shang is no longer important now. This is to verify whether her child has miraculous powers. In fact, this is letting her know again. She was panicked and scared. According to various rumors, children with miraculous powers were mostly associated with ghosts and spirits. She was not sure whether this was a good thing or a bad thing.

Ten steps, twenty steps, thirty steps..., and Cai Shang was only a foot or two away. Cai Shang stared at her with dark eyes, moving uneasily on the branches, but just wouldn't fly.

Qing'er was so flustered that she didn't dare to go any further. To this extent, it was enough to prove some problems. She stroked her belly and asked in her heart, "My child, don't scare me. Who are you?" "

Just as she stopped thinking, a sudden cry startled her, and it was the Cai Shang that screamed and jumped into the air.

" let it come back, mother hasn't seen enough yet!" Qing'er started playing tricks with her child, and she wanted to verify it again.

Caishang made a big circle in the air, then flew back to a distance of three feet from her, and slowly circled around her.

"Let it fall." Qing'er ordered her son in her heart with a cunning light in her eyes.

"Woof! Woof! Woof!" Following a burst of barking, Uncle Shuisheng's big black dog suddenly jumped out of the grass, bared its teeth and pounced on the flying colorful clothes.

Caishang flew away like a ray of sunshine and disappeared in the blink of an eye. Qing'er stuck out her tongue, blinked her eyes a few times, and said unwillingly, "Then tell me what your elder is like. If he really comes one day, it will be easy for us to recognize each other."

Lang Ming thought for a while and said, "I'll draw an image and hang it in the ancestral hall later. I'll just tell the outside world that this is our family's benefactor. I hope he can..." At this point, he sighed, "You don't understand this. The temperament of an expert outside the world. They have lived for too long and have taken many things lightly. Although my elder is extremely affectionate and righteous, it is only for me. It is okay to take care of you by the way. , but if you want others to give you too many blessings, it would be inappropriate. I hope seeing the image we hung will make him miss the old relationship a little more."

"Okay! Grandpa, you can draw it now." Qing'er naturally wanted to pay close attention to the matter of Fu Ze's descendants, and she also wanted to see what the "human spirit" looked like.

After Qing'er had finished grinding the ink and laid out the paper, Lang Ming took up the pen and drew it. After looking at the Xun Yi drawn by the pen for a long time, he put down the pen.

"So young? He won't still look like this now, will he?" Qing'er asked with a grimace as she looked at the young man in the painting who was only eighteen or nineteen years old.

"It won't change much. Hongshi came to see me when he was still young. He has always remembered me. Unfortunately, I can't help him with anything..." There was a faint look in Lang Ming's eyes that had begun to dim. With tears in his eyes, he joined the Xuanfang Sect since he was a child. Because there were few disciples in the Red Stone Valley, Xunyi became one of his closest friends. This friendship was what he cherished the most in his life and was also proud of, but it was limited to cultivation. He couldn't talk nonsense about the rules of the world, so he could only bury this deep feeling and pride in his heart. Today, he couldn't help but reveal some of his words under the little probing of this well-behaved and intelligent granddaughter-in-law. What he didn't know was that he had already helped Xun Yi, and he was the first in line to ask Xun Yi to leave Xundu.

Seeing that her grandfather was quite ashamed, Qing'er comforted him in a low voice, "He has become a sperm, so of course you can't be of much help. Don't worry about this."

"It's not easy for him! It's not easy!" Lang Ming, who was so moved, couldn't help crying. No matter Xun Yi threw stones in the Red Stone Valley, or disappeared for thirty years, and so on. The origin is vivid in my mind. ??

"Grandpa, don't be sad. Live well. Maybe he will come to see you again soon."

"I can't wait any longer. He can't help himself. It's not easy to come and see me..." Lang Ming wiped his tears and tried to calm down.

"Grandpa, why does he look a little... naughty? Your paintings are really lifelike, but if you paint them like this, they won't be unhappy when they see it, right?" Qing'er said with a smile, wanting to distract Grandpa. Feelings of sadness.

"That's how he is." Recalling Xunyi's uninhibited appearance, no matter how big or small, Lang Ming couldn't help but smile.

"Then he must be a very strange person, so interesting and so capable. I really hope I can be lucky enough to meet him."

"You may not be so lucky. A hundred years is a lifetime for us, but it is just a nap for people like them. He will not come back so soon. He can only catch up and stop by to take a look. , and it has to be said that he, who cares about friendship, would never come back if it were anyone else. "

Qing'er was a little disappointed when she heard this. Seeing her grandfather closing his eyes tiredly, she had no choice but to retreat quietly.

In the afternoon, Qing'er carried a small bamboo basket and picked up the melons and vegetables she had left in the vegetable field in the morning.

Come, take the opportunity to pick some bitter chrysanthemums in the nearby fields. This kind of wild vegetable tastes good only in this season. After picking the bitter chrysanthemums, she wiped the sweat with her sleeves and searched around with her eyes to see if she could still see the bitter chrysanthemums. A snake. The woman's mind was so strange. Qing'er was convinced that the snake would not hurt her.

The snake was not found, but a colorful bird was found. This is a very beautiful and rare bird, slightly smaller than a magpie, with colorful feathers on its body, three elegant tail feathers, a yellow beak and red claws. The cry is quite pleasant.

Seeing this Caishang standing on the top of a willow branch in the distance, Qing'er happily walked over cautiously. She would definitely not be able to catch it. She just wanted to take a closer look. This was a rare sight. auspicious bird.

When she was still three or four feet away from the tree, Cai Shang let out a cry and soared into the sky. Under the sunlight, she floated in the air like a flowing and pleasing brilliance.

"Ah..." Qing'er was shocked by its beauty and let out a soft sigh with an intoxicated look on her face.

At this time, something surprised her. The colorful dress did not fly away, but started flying around her four to five feet away.

"It's so beautiful!" Qing'er looked at the elegantly dancing colorful clothes infatuatedly, and almost dropped the bamboo basket in her hand to the ground.

Cai Shang flew around for a while and then stopped on a branch. She looked towards her while combing her hair with her bright yellow beak.

After Qing'er regained consciousness from the joy, she lowered her head and looked at her belly. Through the conversation with her grandfather at noon, she had already suspected that the strange behavior of the ghost-faced snake might be related to the fetus in its belly. The colorful snake she met now Chang was so weird, which made her more suspicious.

"Little thing, are you really helping your mother?" Qing'er muttered to her belly, then slowly walked towards Caishang, silently muttering to the child in her belly, "If you are really an extraordinary fetus, just "Don't let this bird go away, let me touch it so that I won't hurt it."

One step, two steps, three steps..., with every step closer, Qing'er's heart beat faster. Watching Cai Shang is no longer important now. This is to verify whether her child has miraculous powers. In fact, this is letting her know again. She was panicked and scared. According to various rumors, most children with miraculous powers were associated with ghosts and spirits. She was not sure whether this was a good thing or a bad thing.

Ten steps, twenty steps, thirty steps..., and Cai Shang was only a foot or two away. Cai Shang stared at her with dark eyes, moving uneasily on the branches, but just wouldn't fly.

Qing'er was so flustered that she didn't dare to go any further. To this extent, it was enough to prove some problems. She stroked her belly and asked in her heart, "My child, don't scare me. Who are you?" "

Just as she stopped thinking, a sudden cry startled her, and it was the Cai Shang that screamed and jumped into the air.

" let it come back, mother hasn't seen enough yet!" Qing'er started playing tricks with her child, and she wanted to verify it again.

Caishang made a big circle in the air, then flew back to a distance of three feet from her, and slowly circled around her.

"Let it fall." Qing'er ordered her son in her heart with a cunning light in her eyes.

"Woof! Woof! Woof!" Following a burst of barking, Uncle Shuisheng's big black dog suddenly jumped out of the grass, bared its teeth and pounced on the flying colorful clothes.

Caishang flew away like a ray of sunshine and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

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