Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 1131 A fierce wave rises in the Taihe River

"I'll stew you later!" Qing'er said fiercely to the big black dog. She really wanted to stew this big dog that ruined her good deeds, but when she saw the fierce look from the big black dog, She was so frightened that her heart trembled again.

"Come on, I won't stew you anymore." She said with a flattering smile. The big black dog's eyes gradually softened, and it wagged its tail twice and turned around and got into the grass again.

As soon as the big black dog left, a blue butterfly flew over and danced around Qing'er. Qing'er felt peaceful in her heart. She stroked her belly and said in her heart, "Good boy, I know you are so... I am trying to make my mother happy. No matter whether you are lucky or not, my mother will protect you. As long as you are here, no one can touch you. "

From then on, Qing'er no longer went out. She followed her grandfather's instructions and rested at home. She couldn't let the child have any accidents.

Lang Ming's condition was getting worse and worse, and he gradually reached the point where he could no longer drink water. He just lay on the bed soundlessly. Everyone knew that he was hanging on his breath just to take a look at his great-grandson.

The day of delivery is getting closer. The family is both happy about the impending birth of their child and worried about Lang Ming's condition.

On this day, Qing'er felt pain in her abdomen and called her mother-in-law to come quickly to find her second grandma. As soon as her mother-in-law went there, someone shouted at the door, "It's not good! There are fierce waves in the river, and the fishing boat is going to suffer!"

Qing'er was so frightened that her heart trembled. Regardless of the pain in her abdomen, she struggled to get off the bed and ran towards the river. At this time, everyone in the village, old and young, ran out of the door, each holding a knife and shovel and waiting for the guy to rush towards the river.

A neighbor's aunt came over to help Qing'er. Qing'er walked in a panic and asked the aunt, "Why are everyone holding the dick?"

The neighbor's aunt said evasively, " is said that there is evil in our river, but I don't know whether it is true or not."

Qing'er glanced at the motionless treetops and then at the turbid river, feeling even more panicked.

"Your grandpa..." The aunt next door turned and looked at the Lang's door with anxious eyes, only half of what she said was said.

"Grandpa can't move." Qing'er stared at the turbulent river in the distance without noticing her expression.

"What can we do?" the neighbor's aunt muttered in a low voice with a sad face. At this moment, all the strong men in the village were fishing in the river, and her husband and son were both in the river.

When she ran to the shore, her mother-in-law, who had rushed over first, saw that Qing'er was fine, so she cast her anxious eyes on the river again.

The Tai River is so wide that the other side cannot be seen. The huge waves surging in the middle of the river rush to the shore one after another, splashing water more than ten feet high. However, no one can really see what the situation is in the middle of the river. A few brave women He and the old man had already taken a boat to pick up their relatives, but the wind and waves were too strong and it was difficult for the boat to move.

Qing'er's eyes suddenly turned red when she saw how dangerous the situation was. She and Hongshi were newly married, and it was the time when they were deeply in love. She wouldn't be able to survive if Hongshi had a problem. She couldn't help but keep talking in desperation. He secretly said to the fetus in his belly, "Good boy, help your dad quickly. Don't let anything happen to your dad and grandpa!"

Seeing that the huge waves did not subside, Qing'er calmly walked to the river quietly, drove a small boat parked there, and followed several other people to paddle towards the middle of the river. Her family lived in the upper reaches of the Tai River, and she was also by the water. When I grow up, sailing a boat is not a problem.

When she had drawn more than ten feet, her mother-in-law noticed and shouted anxiously, "

return! Qing'er, come back! Children matter! "

Qing'er ignored him and rowed hard. She was determined to save her husband. If she couldn't save Hong Shi, she would die with Hong Shi. Moreover, she firmly believed that the fetus in her belly would be able to help. Yes, a family of three died together without help!

As soon as she hit the water, the pain in her stomach disappeared immediately, which made Qing'er even more convinced of her idea. Although she was bulky, she quickly surpassed the several boats in front of her due to her youth, but at this speed, she couldn't even think about it. Rowing to the middle of the river would be exhausting.

"Go back!" Following a shout from above, Qing'er was shocked to see a figure flying rapidly towards the center of the river.

"Grandpa?!" She couldn't believe her eyes. Grandpa could actually fly! She stared wide-eyed and forgot to row.

At this time, the people on the shore cheered. None of them expected that the living god who was only one breath of old could still take action. If the living god took action, he would be saved!

Qing'er knew how weak her grandfather was, so she quickly started rowing hard again, and at this time, the boats behind her went back one after another.

The huge waves on the river suddenly subsided, and Qing'er took the opportunity to drive the boat quickly towards the middle of the river.

Before she could paddle far, another huge wave suddenly arose. The waves were bigger and faster than before. If it weren't for her superb boating skills, the boat would definitely capsize.

Just like this, the waves rose and fell, and Qing'er's body was soaked with sweat and spray. Her strength would soon be exhausted, but the boat was still far from the center of the river.

"Grandpa! Red stone!" She paddled and shouted desperately, and tears flowed down unknowingly.

"Go back quickly!" Someone from a small boat suddenly emerged from the waves issued an urgent advice.

"Uncle San! Have you seen Hongshi and my father-in-law?" Qing'er shouted urgently.

"Their boat has capsized. Go back quickly!" The boat quickly passed by the boat and headed towards the shore.

Qing'er wiped away her tears and paddled furiously.

"This way! This way! Qing'er!"

When she heard the faint call coming from the waves, Qing'er looked over and was surprised to see Hongshi and her father-in-law calling to her while climbing on an upside-down fishing boat.

"I'm coming! I'm coming! Hold on!" Qing'er suddenly gained strength, with tears of joy in her eyes, and skillfully drove the boat through the waves.

When the boat was less than thirty feet away from the two men, Lang Ming's call again came to mind in the air, "Don't go there!"

As soon as the shouts came, Lang Ming's figure flew over quickly. He was holding a sword with silver light in his hand, and he stabbed into the water with all his strength. A black turbid wave immediately rose up in the water and knocked him away. It had to fly more than twenty feet upside down.

"Grandpa!" Hongshi and Qing'er exclaimed.

"Dad!" Qing'er's father-in-law called even more sadly, "Dad! Leave us alone!"

"Grandpa! Go quickly!" Hongshi called with red eyes.

After Lang Ming stopped retreating, his body couldn't help shaking. He didn't have much cultivation left. In order to save his children and grandchildren, he inspired the last bit of strength, but with this strength, it was difficult to defeat the underwater. This fish-spirited man saw that five members of his family, including his unborn great-grandson, were about to be buried in the belly of a fish, and his heart was as painful as a knife. "I'll stew you later!" Qing'er said fiercely to the big black dog. She really wanted to stew this big dog that ruined her good deeds, but when she saw the fierce look from the big black dog, She was so frightened that her heart trembled again.

"Come on, I won't stew you anymore." She said with a flattering smile. The big black dog's eyes gradually softened, and it wagged its tail twice and turned around and got into the grass again.

As soon as the big black dog left, a blue butterfly flew over and danced around Qing'er. Qing'er felt peaceful in her heart. She stroked her belly and said in her heart, "Good boy, I know you are so... I am trying to make my mother happy. No matter whether you are lucky or not, my mother will protect you. As long as you are here, no one can touch you. "

From then on, Qing'er no longer went out. She followed her grandfather's instructions and rested at home. She couldn't let the child have any accidents.

Lang Ming's condition was getting worse and worse, and he gradually reached the point where he could no longer drink water. He just lay on the bed soundlessly. Everyone knew that he was hanging on his breath just to take a look at his great-grandson.

The day of childbirth is getting closer. The family is both happy about the impending birth of their child and worried about Lang Ming's condition.

On this day, Qing'er felt pain in her stomach and called her mother-in-law to come quickly to find her second grandma. As soon as her mother-in-law went there, someone shouted at the door, "It's not good! There are fierce waves in the river, and the fishing boat is going to suffer!"

Qing'er was so frightened that her heart trembled. Regardless of the pain in her abdomen, she struggled to get off the bed and ran towards the river. At this time, everyone in the village, old and young, ran out of the door, each holding a knife and shovel and waiting for the guy to rush towards the river.

A neighbor's aunt came over to help Qing'er. Qing'er walked in a panic and asked the aunt, "Why are everyone holding the dick?"

The neighbor's aunt said evasively, " is said that there is evil in our river, but I don't know whether it is true or not."

Qing'er glanced at the motionless treetops and then at the turbid river, feeling even more panicked.

"Your grandpa..." The aunt next door turned and looked at the Lang's door with anxious eyes, only half of what she said was said.

"Grandpa can't move." Qing'er stared at the turbulent river in the distance without noticing her expression.

"What can we do?" the neighbor's aunt muttered in a low voice with a sad face. At this moment, all the strong men in the village were fishing in the river, and her husband and son were both in the river.

When she ran to the shore, her mother-in-law, who had rushed over first, saw that Qing'er was fine, so she cast her anxious eyes on the river again.

The Tai River is so wide that the other side cannot be seen. The huge waves surging in the middle of the river rush to the shore one after another, splashing water more than ten feet high. However, no one can really see what the situation is in the middle of the river. A few brave women He and the old man had already taken a boat to pick up their relatives, but the wind and waves were too strong and it was difficult for the boat to move.

Qing'er's eyes suddenly turned red when she saw how dangerous the situation was. She and Hongshi were newly married, and it was the time when they were deeply in love. She wouldn't be able to survive if Hongshi had a problem. She couldn't help but keep talking in desperation. He secretly said to the fetus in his belly, "Good boy, help your dad quickly. Don't let anything happen to your dad and grandpa!"

Seeing that the huge waves did not subside, Qing'er calmly walked to the river quietly, drove a small boat parked there, and followed several other people to paddle towards the middle of the river. Her family lived in the upper reaches of the Tai River, and she was also by the water. When I grow up, sailing a boat is not a problem.

When she had drawn more than ten feet, her mother-in-law noticed and shouted anxiously, "

return! Qing'er, come back! Children matter! "

Qing'er ignored him and rowed hard. She was determined to save her husband. If she couldn't save Hong Shi, she would die with Hong Shi. Moreover, she firmly believed that the fetus in her belly would be able to help. Yes, a family of three died together without help!

As soon as she hit the water, the pain in her stomach disappeared immediately, which made Qing'er even more convinced of her idea. Although she was bulky, she quickly surpassed the several boats in front of her due to her youth, but at this speed, she couldn't even think about it. Rowing to the middle of the river would be exhausting.

"Go back!" Following a shout from above, Qing'er was shocked to see a figure flying rapidly towards the center of the river.

"Grandpa?!" She couldn't believe her eyes. Grandpa could actually fly! She stared wide-eyed and forgot to row.

At this time, the people on the shore cheered. None of them expected that the living god who was only one breath of old could still take action. If the living god took action, he would be saved!

Qing'er knew how weak her grandfather was, so she quickly started rowing hard again, and at this time, the boats behind her went back one after another.

The huge waves on the river suddenly subsided, and Qing'er took the opportunity to drive the boat quickly towards the middle of the river.

Before she could paddle far, a huge wave suddenly arose again. The wave was bigger and faster than before. If it weren't for her superb boating skills, the boat would definitely capsize.

Just like this, the waves rose and fell, and Qing'er's body was soaked with sweat and spray. Her strength would soon be exhausted, but the boat was still far from the center of the river.

"Grandpa! Red stone!" She paddled and shouted desperately, and tears flowed down unknowingly.

"Go back quickly!" Someone from a small boat suddenly emerged from the waves issued an urgent advice.

"Uncle San! Have you seen Hongshi and my father-in-law?" Qing'er shouted urgently.

"Their boat has capsized. Go back quickly!" The boat quickly passed by the boat and headed towards the shore.

Qing'er wiped away her tears and paddled furiously.

"This way! This way! Qing'er!"

When she heard the faint call coming from the waves, Qing'er looked over and was surprised to see Hongshi and her father-in-law calling to her while climbing on an upside-down fishing boat.

"I'm coming! I'm coming! Hold on!" Qing'er suddenly gained strength, with tears of joy in her eyes, and skillfully drove the boat through the waves.

When the boat was less than thirty feet away from the two men, Lang Ming's call again came to mind in the air, "Don't go over!"

As soon as the shouts came, Lang Ming's figure flew over quickly. He was holding a sword with silver light in his hand, and he stabbed into the water with all his strength. A black turbid wave immediately rose up in the water and knocked him away. It had to fly more than twenty feet upside down.

"Grandpa!" Hongshi and Qing'er exclaimed.

"Dad!" Qing'er's father-in-law called even more sadly, "Dad! Leave us alone!"

"Grandpa! Go quickly!" Hongshi called with red eyes.

After Lang Ming stopped retreating, his body couldn't help shaking. He didn't have much cultivation left. In order to save his children and grandchildren, he inspired the last bit of strength, but with this strength, it was difficult to defeat the underwater. This fish-spirited man saw that five members of his family, including his unborn great-grandson, were about to be buried in the belly of a fish, and his heart was as painful as a knife.

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