Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 1136 Mother is blessed by her son

When Qing'er was anxious, Minglan's figure appeared in front of her without any warning.

"Do you believe it?"

Qing'er nodded hesitantly and begged, "Please send us two back first."

Ming Lan was a little unhappy. She could sense that Qing'er still didn't want to hand over the child to her.

Qing'er hurriedly said, "I believe you are a god, and I believe what you said about this child, but this child is my life. If you take him away, I won't be able to survive." This is both true and catchy. Minglan's painful feet, who told her that she would have to explain to this child in the future.

Minglan has a headache. There must be a reason why the last person couldn't take the child away. If she takes the child away forcefully, she doesn't care much about killing the mother-in-law. But who knows what this little thing will grow up to be. Will it have the same virtue as Xun Yi? If it is the same, then this matter will be a big trouble.

It is possible to lie to this little thing that he is an orphan, but as a person from the Spiritual Heart Clan, she has an extremely deep respect for the way of heaven. No one can guess how God plays tricks on people. Even if she now This fishing village was razed, and there was no guarantee that God wouldn't use unbelievable means to tell the truth to this child.

Seeing her hesitation, Qing'er lost no time and said, "I really believe you, and I don't want to delay the child. Since the previous person gave us mother and son ten years of reunion time, you might as well come back in ten years. Then you can You two should discuss it and see who the child should go with, or..." She showed a flattering smile and continued with some embarrassment, "If you can, please take our whole family away, we don't expect anything. Immortal, as long as you can guard this child."

Minglan shook his head and said, "Cutting off the worldly bond is the first difficulty for a cultivator. How can he practice while you are by his side? Watching you all die of old age is a great torment for him."

"Then...don't gods have an elixir of immortality? Isn't that elixir very valuable?" Qing'er felt even more embarrassed, as she was relying on her son to blackmail others.

"For those who are unable to practice, immortality is definitely not a good thing. After all your relatives and friends die, you will only have loneliness and sadness to accompany you. Moreover, the elixir of immortality is just a fantasy for you mortals, and there is no such thing. "

"Oh..." Qing'er was a little disappointed.

Minglan encouraged, "If you are willing to give this child to me now, I can teach you a health and fitness technique to ensure that you can live over a hundred years without suffering from illness. How about that?"

"No!" Qing'er refused without hesitation. She would die immediately for the sake of this child, but a mother like her would never do anything to exchange the child for her own benefits.

"What kind of mother is this child?" Minglan muttered to herself. The matter before her really made her a little worried.

Qing'er was even more worried. Although she knew it would not be easy to raise the child when the time came before he was born, it was still beyond her expectation that she encountered so much trouble just a few days after he was born. It would happen again in the future. She doesn't dare to think about how much trouble there is, but no matter what, she will try her best to protect her child. This is what she once promised to her child. She saved her child from the fangs of the Ghost-Faced Snake before he was born. She even used Cai Shang and Butterfly to make her happy. Even if she risked her life, she couldn't let anyone take her away!

In this moment of impasse, the baby seemed to feel the mother's worries.

Sorrowful, he stretched out his soft little hands to touch his mother's face, as if he wanted to comfort his mother.

Qing'er kissed the child distressedly and put his little face against hers. Tears filled her eyes. With tears in her eyes, she cast a begging look at Ming Lan.

Minglan couldn't bear it in her heart, but she still wanted to try harder, so she said to the baby, "I know you have spirituality. Turn your head and look at me."

The baby didn't seem to understand at all. He put his little hands around his mother's neck more and more vigorously and pressed his little face against hers. However, this seemed to be a cover-up. After all, he was still too young and had little intelligence. .

"Xunyi! Turn your head around!" Minglan scolded in an angry and funny tone.

The little baby turned his head involuntarily when he heard the word "Xun Yi", and his eyes showed the same confusion as when he heard Fairy Huarui calling him "Yi'er" a few days ago.

Minglan snorted softly, opened her hands and said, "Come with me. You begged me to come to you. It's God's will that I can find you so smoothly. I won't let you suffer the pain of the previous life again." After that, she secretly used her magic.

The little baby's eyes suddenly widened and he looked at a pair of big blue eyes just a few feet away. There was a bit of excitement in his astonished expression. Soon he struggled and stretched out his little hand towards Minglan.

"Zhui'er!" Qing'er called out in panic. She couldn't detect Minglan's use of magic and just thought the child had been persuaded.

This call made the baby's hand stop in mid-air, and then he plunged into his mother's arms. He even looked at Minglan secretly, his eyes full of vigilance.

"You really don't want to come with me?" Ming Lan could sense the child's resistance to her and couldn't help but frown.

"He doesn't want to, he really doesn't want to..." Qing'er bravely answered in a low voice for her son.

Minglan hesitated for a while, then said, "Okay, I'll send you back right now. Don't tell anyone what happened today, otherwise you will cause disaster."

"Okay, okay! I don't think I'll tell anyone, I swear to God!" Qing'er agreed repeatedly overjoyed.

As soon as she finished speaking, Ichika was in front of her eyes. When she focused her attention again, she had already returned to the ancestral hall. At this time, Minglan's voice sounded in her head, "You can only practice this method when no one is around. Practice it diligently and it will do more harm than good." , I won’t take the child away for now, but I have to take extra precautions. I will come back in a few days.”

After finishing this sentence, a strange thought appeared in Qing'er's mind. She couldn't tell what it was. She couldn't help but close her eyes and search for it with her heart. Then she sat cross-legged on the ground without knowing it. , casually put the baby aside.

The little baby stared with two big innocent eyes at his mother who had abandoned him. After waiting for a while, his mother paid no attention to him, then he closed his eyes in boredom and fell asleep.

After Ming Lan left the small fishing village, she headed straight towards the area with the most prosperous flowers and plants in Nanjingzhou. She found several such places in succession. On the seventh day, she stopped at a remote place in Puyunzhou, where there were trees, vines and grass. It grew so lushly that the ground seemed to be covered with a thick green blanket.

"I am Minglan from the Lingxin clan. I have something to ask for. I would like to ask fellow Taoist friends to come out and meet me." After sending out this divine thought, there was no answer for a long time. She looked around and saw the vegetation within hundreds of miles. Then all of them showed a state of wilting, and the originally vibrant leaves drooped as if they had been exposed to the sun. When Qing'er was anxious, Minglan's figure appeared in front of her without any warning.

"Do you believe it?"

Qing'er nodded hesitantly and begged, "Please send us two back first."

Ming Lan was a little unhappy. She could sense that Qing'er still didn't want to hand over the child to her.

Qing'er hurriedly said, "I believe you are a god, and I believe what you said about this child, but this child is my life. If you take him away, I won't be able to survive." This is both true and catchy. Minglan's painful feet, who told her that she would have to explain to this child in the future.

Minglan has a headache. There must be a reason why the last person couldn't take the child away. If she takes the child away forcefully, she doesn't care much about killing the mother-in-law. But who knows what this little thing will grow up to be. Will it have the same virtue as Xun Yi? If it is the same, then this matter will be a big trouble.

It is possible to lie to this little thing that he is an orphan, but as a person from the Spiritual Heart Clan, she has an extremely deep respect for the way of heaven. No one can guess how God plays tricks on people. Even if she now This fishing village was razed, and there was no guarantee that God wouldn't use unbelievable means to tell the truth to this child.

Seeing her hesitation, Qing'er lost no time and said, "I really believe you, and I don't want to delay the child. Since the previous person gave us mother and son ten years of reunion time, you might as well come back in ten years. Then you can You two should discuss it and see who the child should go with, or..." She showed a flattering smile and continued with some embarrassment, "If you can, please take our whole family away, we don't expect anything. Immortal, as long as you can guard this child."

Minglan shook his head and said, "Cutting off the worldly bond is the first difficulty for a cultivator. How can he practice while you are by his side? Watching you all die of old age is a great torment for him."

"Then...don't gods have an elixir of immortality? Isn't that elixir very valuable?" Qing'er felt even more embarrassed, as she was relying on her son to blackmail others.

"For those who are unable to practice, immortality is definitely not a good thing. After all your relatives and friends die, you will only have loneliness and sadness to accompany you. Moreover, the elixir of immortality is just a fantasy for you mortals, and there is no such thing. "

"Oh..." Qing'er was a little disappointed.

Minglan encouraged, "If you are willing to give this child to me now, I can teach you a health and fitness technique to ensure that you can live over a hundred years without suffering from illness. How about that?"

"No!" Qing'er refused without hesitation. She would die immediately for the sake of this child, but a mother like her would never do anything to exchange the child for her own benefits.

"What kind of mother is this child?" Minglan muttered to herself. The matter before her really made her a little worried.

Qing'er was even more worried. Although she knew it would not be easy to raise the child when the time came before he was born, it was still beyond her expectation that she encountered so much trouble just a few days after he was born. It would happen again in the future. She doesn't dare to think about how much trouble there is, but no matter what, she will try her best to protect her child. This is what she once promised to her child. She saved her child from the fangs of the Ghost-Faced Snake before he was born. She even used Cai Shang and Butterfly to make her happy. Even if she risked her life, she couldn't let anyone take her away!

In this moment of impasse, the baby seemed to feel the mother's worries.

Sorrowful, he stretched out his soft little hands to touch his mother's face, as if he wanted to comfort his mother.

Qing'er kissed the child distressedly and put his little face against hers. Tears filled her eyes. With tears in her eyes, she cast a begging look at Minglan.

Minglan couldn't bear it in her heart, but she still wanted to try harder, so she said to the baby, "I know you have spirituality. Turn your head and look at me."

The baby didn't seem to understand at all. He put his little hands around his mother's neck more and more vigorously and pressed his little face against hers. However, this seemed to be a cover-up. After all, he was still too young and had little intelligence. .

"Xunyi! Turn your head around!" Minglan scolded in an angry and funny tone.

The little baby turned his head involuntarily when he heard the word "Xun Yi", and his eyes showed the same confusion as when he heard Fairy Huarui calling him "Yi'er" a few days ago.

Minglan snorted softly, opened her hands and said, "Come with me. You begged me to come to you. It's God's will that I can find you so smoothly. I won't let you suffer the pain of the previous life again." After that, she secretly used her magic.

The little baby's eyes suddenly widened and he looked at a pair of big blue eyes just a few feet away. There was a bit of excitement in his astonished expression. Soon he struggled and stretched out his little hand towards Minglan.

"Zhui'er!" Qing'er called out in panic. She couldn't detect Minglan's use of magic and just thought the child had been persuaded.

This call made the baby's hand stop in mid-air, and then he plunged into his mother's arms. He even looked at Minglan secretly, his eyes full of vigilance.

"You really don't want to come with me?" Ming Lan could sense the child's resistance to her and couldn't help but frown.

"He doesn't want to, he really doesn't want to..." Qing'er bravely answered in a low voice for her son.

Minglan hesitated for a while, then said, "Okay, I'll send you back right now. Don't tell anyone what happened today, otherwise you will cause disaster."

"Okay, okay! I don't think I'll tell anyone, I swear to God!" Qing'er agreed repeatedly overjoyed.

As soon as she finished speaking, Ichika was in front of her eyes. When she focused her attention again, she had already returned to the ancestral hall. At this time, Minglan's voice sounded in her head, "You can only practice this method when no one is around. Practice it diligently and it will do more harm than good." , I won’t take the child away for now, but I have to take extra precautions. I will come back in a few days.”

After finishing this sentence, a strange thought appeared in Qing'er's mind. She couldn't identify what it was. She couldn't help but close her eyes and search for it with her heart. Then she sat cross-legged on the ground without knowing it. , casually put the baby aside.

The little baby stared with two big innocent eyes at his mother who had abandoned him. After waiting for a while, his mother paid no attention to him, then he closed his eyes in boredom and fell asleep.

After Ming Lan left the small fishing village, she headed straight towards the area with the most prosperous flowers and plants in Nanjingzhou. She found several such places in succession. On the seventh day, she stopped at a remote place in Puyunzhou, where there were trees, vines and grass. It grew so lushly that the ground seemed to be covered with a thick green blanket.

"I am Minglan from the Lingxin clan. I have something to ask for. I would like to ask fellow Taoist friends to come out and meet me." After sending out this divine thought, there was no answer for a long time. She looked around and saw the vegetation within hundreds of miles. Then all of them showed a state of wilting, and the originally vibrant leaves drooped as if they had been exposed to the sun.

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