Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 1137 I beg you!

"I'm really here to ask for help. I don't want to force fellow Taoist to show up. However, this matter may be related to fellow Taoist. Please give me your permission." Minglan once again sent out a polite message.

"I wonder why my friend is here?" Following these words, a beautiful girl in green clothes appeared thousands of feet away.

Ming Lan saluted her and said with a smile, "Excuse me, I wonder if you know this person?" After saying this, Xun Yi's image appeared in front of her.

The face of the woman in green changed slightly, and before she could speak, another woman with extraordinary grace appeared beside her. As soon as she appeared, she couldn't wait to ask, "Is he alive or dead now?"

"It's life or death." Minglan's expression became indifferent. She looked at Jingshui Fairy Concubine and said, "He and I met in the Xuantu Rift Plain. He said he wanted to find the fairy land, and he wanted to come here for you, fellow Taoist. Bar."

Fairy Concubine Jingshui looked at Han Xiang in confusion. With her intelligence, she immediately suspected Han Xiang when she heard the word "Xian soil". Thinking that Han Xiang and Xun Yi had a sneaky experience, this suspicion naturally came to light. It's heavier.

Hanxiang couldn't hide it anymore at this time, so she had to say with a grimace, "I just mentioned the fairy land to him casually. I didn't ask him to go to the Xuantu Rift Plain. I never told him about the Xuantu Rift at all." It turns out that he insisted that I send him there. Anyway, it was just a near miss, so don’t argue with me. "

Immortal Concubine Jingshui glared at her fiercely, and then said to Minglan with a sad face, "I don't know about this. If fellow Taoist rescued him in the Xuantu Rift Plain, I am willing to repay this favor on his behalf."

Ming Lan smiled lightly and said, "I'm ashamed to say that I didn't have this ability at that time, but I owed him a big favor." ??

Concubine Jingshui Fairy felt relieved and nodded, "He must have given you the Zhenghui Fruit."

"Yes." Minglan showed the process of Xunyi giving her the Zhenghui Fruit, "So I must repay this favor."

"How is he doing now?" Jingshui Fairy Fei looked at Minglan anxiously and sincerely.

"The Xunyi you knew so well is dead."

When the Mirror Water Fairy heard the bad news, although she had been prepared for it, she was still so sad that her face changed drastically. As a result, all the flowers and trees in the field drooped their branches and leaves. When the sad wind blew, countless beasts accompanying the flowers and plants followed. There was a wail, and dark clouds gathered in the sky.

Ming Lan was secretly surprised. She didn't expect that this flower fairy had such a deep relationship with Xun Yi, and she couldn't help but step back.

"Sister!" Hanxiang grabbed Jingshui Fairy Concubine's arm worriedly.

Fairy Princess Jingshui tried her best to suppress the grief in her heart and asked Ming Lan, "How did he die?" Although the tone of this sentence was calm, it was filled with a chill to the bone.

"Sister..." Hanxiang shook Fairy Jingshui's arm and secretly glanced at Minglan.

Ming Lan truthfully told the truth, "I don't know the cause of his death. I just sensed that he was dead with the innate supernatural power of our Spirit Heart Clan. In the past few days, I have traveled to many places to look for you, but I have heard something about it. Nan Jingzhou The cultivators in Puyunzhou and Puyunzhou were talking about him, saying that he died in Yuanyi State. Later, the cultivators from the two places joined forces to invade Yuanyi State. There were dozens of Huayu monks participating in the war alone. Yuan Yizhou's cultivation world has been almost completely wiped out, and everyone who hurt him has received their due retribution, so you don't have to think about revenge for him, his enemies are all dead."

Han Xiang's scalp went numb when he heard it. Dozens of Feather monks participated in the battle. The two cultivators joined forces to level the Yuanyi State. Thinking about this grand scene that had never been seen in ten thousand years would make people scared. Xun Yi could go through such a torment. What kind of situation? She knew that looking for Yi would be a struggle, but she had to

She still couldn't believe that it made such a big noise.

"Yi'er!" Fairy Concubine Jingshui looked up to the sky and cried out sadly. Two crystal tears fell from her peerless face. The clouds in the sky surged violently. The wails of beasts one after another turned into panic as she cried out. Howl.

"Sister, don't be so sad. People can't be resurrected after death. If you want to be more open-minded..." Hanxiang started to shed tears. Her feelings for Xunyi were also very deep.

Two late Nascent Soul monks who were looking for spiritual herbs thousands of miles away noticed the changes here, and rushed over curiously to find out the cause. Before they could get close, they were frozen in mid-air. This was from Ming Lan. hand.

Hanxiang was about to kill these two people immediately. They, the flower fairies, had always killed these human beings who broke into their territory, but before she could take action, Concubine Jingshui Fairy took action first. Poor The two great monks who had gone through countless hardships to reach the late Nascent Soul stage died inexplicably under the joint attack of the Spirit Heart Clan and the Flower Immortal, without making the slightest resistance.

After killing the two great monks, Fairy Jingshui's grief was relieved a little, and she said to Minglan, "What is the purpose of my fellow Taoist coming here?"

Minglan looked at her with a meaningful look and said, "I would like to ask you two for a little poison-repelling and body-building spirit liquid for a little baby. Although there are many magic techniques in the world, as far as I know, there are many that can be used on such a young child." Among the methods, the best one is the spiritual fluid tempered by the Flower Immortal. I hope you two Taoists can give me some gifts."

Jingshui Fairy Princess's eyes lit up and she said excitedly, "Can you ask fellow Taoist to bring the little baby to see you? It's easy to talk about the spiritual liquid."

Minglan shook his head and said, "I'm sorry that it's hard to obey fate, but let's just rely on chance."

"I beg you!" Jingshui Fairy Princess bowed deeply to Minglan. Although cultivation is the most respected in the world of cultivation, a thousand-year-old flower fairy like Jingshui Fairy would not care about Minglan.

It is really impressive for a person who is only two or three hundred years old to bow so solemnly and make sincere requests.

Minglan stepped aside for a moment, but still insisted, "Fellow Taoist, please don't embarrass me. This matter involves heavenly secrets, and I don't dare to cross the line too far. That would be bad for everyone. Fellow Taoist has a clear mind, so I think you can understand me." difficulties.”

The Immortal Concubine Jingshui slowly straightened up and looked at Minglan. At first, her eyes were still full of pleading, but gradually, her eyes turned clear. She nodded and said, "I have Taoist friends to take care of me. I should rest assured. So It’s just too much trouble for fellow Taoist people.”

Ming Lan smiled and said, "I don't dare to thank you for things that are within my scope of duty. The theory of reincarnation is mysterious and mysterious. We, the Spirit Heart Clan, also have mixed beliefs and doubts about this. I just have nowhere to place my debt to him, so It’s just a mess, I hope the two Taoists will make it happen.”

Immortal Concubine Jingshui immediately said, "We will prepare for him right away. Please wait here, fellow Taoist. This will take some time."

After leaving Minglan, Hanxiang quietly asked Jingshui Fairy Princess, "Why did you tell her to wait a while for something that won't take much time?"

Mirror Water Fairy Princess waved her hand and said, "I must prepare this, you just follow my instructions."

Han Xiang only thought that she wanted to express her condolences for Xun Yi, but unexpectedly, Fairy Princess Jingshui meditated for a long time before taking the spiritual liquid, and then told her a very strange formula.

"This...why did you come up with such a recipe?" Hanxiang asked confused.

Mirror Water Immortal Concubine looked deeply and said, "Just prepare the spiritual liquid according to this recipe first. I will tell you later."

Only then did Hanxiang understand that it made sense for her sister to tell Minglan to wait for some time, because the required spiritual liquid could not be collected here at all.

The two of them distributed the spiritual liquid that they were responsible for collecting, and then went to different places.

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