Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 1147 The little girl in the middle of the river

Qing'er stopped investigating the crux of her son's daze after that day. His son was still too young and he couldn't express himself clearly, and asking too many questions would definitely put a burden on his son. His son had already realized that he was different, and he soon realized that he was different. He was afraid of being regarded as a monster by others, and as a mother, he could no longer put such pressure on him.

After Qing'er let go of Zhui'er, a lonely and happy little figure appeared in the fishing village. To be precise, there should be two. Every morning, Zhui'er would take his puppy out of the village, and then or in the By the river or in the wild, one person and one dog would start playing quietly. It wasn't until he heard his mother's call at the entrance of the village that the little figure would take his dog home for dinner.

The puppy has been named Futon by Zhuo'er. It is not the kind of futon for sitting on, but the kind of futon with fluffy flowers blooming by the river.

In the first few days, Shui Yan came to stay with Zhui'er. This sister had to go fishing with her family in the river when Zhui'er was two years old. She was already seventeen. Such an old girl couldn't bear some labor for the family. I feel very sorry in my heart.

Hearing that Zhui'er didn't play with the children in the village, the elder sister was very worried and came here to accompany her younger brother. Zhui'er didn't reject this sister, and was very close to Shui Yan, but no matter how Shui Yan tried to persuade him, he just didn't want to play with those children. Shui Yan stayed with his brother for five days in a row, but in the end he had no choice but to Let him play by himself. Fortunately, children who grew up by the Tai River must learn to swim as soon as they can walk. Zhui'er's swimming skills were taught by her herself. As long as they don't encounter big waves, they will be fine. After giving Zhui'er careful instructions, the sister went down to the river to fish with her family again.

The place where Zhui'er and the puppy played was getting farther and farther away from the village entrance, because there were so many people coming and going there that he couldn't stay in a daze. Although the children in the village were no longer interested in Zhui'er who didn't play with them, they had been entrusted by Qing'er and Shuiyan and would always pay attention to him from time to time. However, as Zhui'er moved away from where they were playing, As he gets further and further away, these children no longer care about him.

On this day, Zhui'er was looking at the river in trance as usual, when he suddenly saw a child holding a blue-black object playing in the middle of the river. Because it was too far away, he could only vaguely make out that it was a child wearing a red bellyband. child.

"Hey! Don't play there, come to the shore!" Zhui'er shouted worriedly.

The child seemed to hear him and raised his hand to him.

Zhui'er was a little anxious, so he found a broken boat plank on the shore and carried it into the river, swimming straight towards the child. The little shop tuan'er called twice on the shore, and then chased after the little master without hesitation.

"Come back quickly, you will drown!" Zhui'er shouted while swimming hard.

Little Futon'er screamed and chased it hard, but it was too small and couldn't swim fast at all.

Zhui'er heard little Futon'er's cry and turned around and shouted, "Futon'er, go back!"

The puppy whimpered twice unwillingly, but still swam back to the shore obediently. It circled restlessly on the shore for a few times and then ran back home.

When Zhui'er swam towards the child, the child also swam towards him. Gradually, he saw clearly that it was a little girl with two braids upturned. She should be only four or five years old. The little girl was holding The other seemed to be a big blue-black winter melon, which was almost as big as a little girl.

"Hurry to the shore!" Zhui'er shouted like an adult. He was a little tired from swimming and a little panicked. He had already swam almost a hundred feet away. Although there were no winds and waves on the river, there were no waves here. The current is quite fast

If you swim any further, you will definitely be washed away.

"Come here and let's play together." The little girl giggled and said, she seemed not to be afraid of the fast water at all.

"We kids can't play in the middle of the river. Come back with me quickly, or you will drown!" Zhui'er hugged the board and did not dare to swim any further.

At this moment, Qing'er's exclamation came from the shore, "Zhui'er! Come back!"

It was the little futon'er who brought Qing'er. This puppy is quite smart. He immediately ran home when he felt that his little master was in danger. When he saw Qing'er, he bit her skirt and pulled her hard. Qing'er realized at that moment. Something bad happened. When she came over with Little Futon'er, she saw that Zhui'er had already swam so far away. She was so frightened that her heart suddenly rose to her throat. She took off her outer clothes and jumped into the river.

Seeing his mother jumping into the river to save him, Zhui'er hurriedly turned around and swam back, but he still turned his head uneasy and shouted to the little girl in the distance, "Come here quickly!"

When Qing'er swam to her son, she couldn't help but scolded her, "How many times have I told you! You are not allowed to play in deep water. Why are you disobedient!"

Zhui'er wiped the water from her face and stretched out her little finger towards the middle of the river, "Mom, I'm not disobedient. I came here because I saw a child playing there and was afraid that she would be washed away by the water."

Qing'er looked at the direction of his finger and wondered, "Where are the children?"

Zhui'er turned around and saw that the child was indeed gone, and couldn't help crying, "Mom...she drowned..."

Qing'er paddled the water and searched the water carefully for a while, then said to Zhui'er, "Go back first. Mom will take the boat to look for her."

Zhui'er swam back with her mother, crying all the way.

Qing'er arrived at the shore and hurriedly found a small boat and rowed towards the place Zhui'er mentioned. After searching for a long time, she didn't find anything unusual, so she had to come back.

"Have you seen whose child it is?" Qing'er asked Zhui'er with a frown. When they were swimming back just now, Zhui'er just cried, so Qing'er couldn't ask him.

"I don't know her." Zhui'er said, wiping away tears.

"She's not a child from our village..." Qing'er looked upstream, wondering which village this child could be, and asked, "What does she look like?"

"It's too far away, I can't see clearly. It seems to be about the same age as me. He wears a red bellyband and has two pigtails like this." Zhui'er gestured with his hand on his head.

Qing'er's heart felt a little heavy. If such a young child drowned, the family would definitely be devastated. As a mother who had just been a mother for a few years, she knew exactly what kind of grief that would be.

"Go to Grandpa Wang'er and tell him. Grandpa Wang'er will find someone to help. Mom will go look for her later."

"Well, she's holding a big winter melon." Zhui'er said as she ran towards the village.

"What?" Qing'er grabbed her son and asked.

"She is holding a big winter melon." Zhui'er opened his hands and gestured, "It's so big!"

Qing'er trembled suddenly, with a look of fear in her eyes. She covered Zhuo'er's mouth and lowered her voice and said, "Did you really see clearly that it was a little girl?"

Zhui'er nodded, pulled her mother's hand away, and whispered, "She's just a little girl. Little boys are not as white as her."

"Is she very white?" Qing'er asked, staring closely at her son.

"Well, it's whiter than my mother." Zhui'er said as he looked anxiously towards the middle of the river, anxiously wanting his mother to find it quickly. Qing'er stopped investigating the crux of her son's daze after that day. His son was still too young and he couldn't express himself clearly, and asking too many questions would definitely put a burden on his son. His son had already realized that he was different, and he soon realized that he was different. He was afraid of being regarded as a monster by others, and as a mother, he could no longer put such pressure on him.

After Qing'er let go of Zhui'er, a lonely and happy little figure appeared in the fishing village. To be precise, there should be two. Every morning, Zhui'er would take his puppy out of the village, and then or in the By the river or in the wild, one person and one dog would start playing quietly. It wasn't until he heard his mother's call at the entrance of the village that the little figure would take his dog home for dinner.

The puppy has been named Futon by Zhuo'er. It is not the kind of futon for sitting on, but the kind of futon with fluffy flowers blooming by the river.

In the first few days, Shui Yan came to stay with Zhui'er. This sister had to go fishing with her family in the river when Zhui'er was two years old. She was already seventeen. Such an old girl couldn't bear some labor for the family. I feel very sorry in my heart.

Hearing that Zhui'er didn't play with the children in the village, the elder sister was very worried and came here to accompany her younger brother. Zhui'er didn't reject this sister, and was very close to Shui Yan, but no matter how Shui Yan tried to persuade him, he just didn't want to play with those children. Shui Yan stayed with his brother for five days in a row, but in the end he had no choice but to Let him play by himself. Fortunately, children who grew up by the Tai River must learn to swim as soon as they can walk. Zhui'er's swimming skills were taught by her herself. As long as they don't encounter big waves, they will be fine. After giving Zhui'er careful instructions, the sister went down to the river to fish with her family again.

The place where Zhui'er and the puppy played was getting farther and farther away from the village entrance, because there were so many people coming and going there that he couldn't stay in a daze. Although the children in the village were no longer interested in Zhui'er who didn't play with them, they had been entrusted by Qing'er and Shuiyan and would always pay attention to him from time to time. However, as Zhui'er moved away from where they were playing, As he gets further and further away, these children no longer care about him.

On this day, Zhui'er was looking at the river in trance as usual, when he suddenly saw a child holding a blue-black object playing in the middle of the river. Because it was too far away, he could only vaguely make out that it was a child wearing a red bellyband. child.

"Hey! Don't play there, come to the shore quickly!" Zhui'er shouted worriedly.

The child seemed to hear him and raised his hand to him.

Zhui'er was a little anxious, so he found a broken boat plank on the shore and carried it into the river, swimming straight towards the child. The little shop tuan'er called twice on the shore, and then chased after the little master without hesitation.

"Come back quickly, you will drown!" Zhui'er shouted while swimming hard.

Little Futon'er screamed and chased it hard, but it was too small and couldn't swim fast at all.

Zhui'er heard little Futuan'er's cry and turned around and shouted, "Futuan'er, go back!"

The puppy whimpered twice unwillingly, but still swam back to the shore obediently. It circled restlessly on the shore for a few times and then ran back home.

When Zhui'er swam towards the child, the child also swam towards him. Gradually, he saw clearly that it was a little girl with two braids upturned. She should be only four or five years old. The little girl was holding The other seemed to be a big blue-black winter melon, which was almost as big as a little girl.

"Hurry to the shore!" Zhui'er shouted like an adult. He was a little tired from swimming and a little panicked. He had already swam almost a hundred feet away. Although there were no winds and waves on the river, there were no waves here. The current is quite fast

If you swim any further, you will definitely be washed away.

"Come here and let's play together." The little girl giggled and said, she seemed not to be afraid of the fast water at all.

"We kids can't play in the middle of the river. Come back with me quickly, or you will drown!" Zhui'er hugged the board and did not dare to swim any further.

At this moment, Qing'er's exclamation came from the shore, "Zhui'er! Come back!"

It was the little futon'er who brought Qing'er. This puppy is quite smart. He immediately ran home when he felt that his little master was in danger. When he saw Qing'er, he bit her skirt and pulled her hard. Qing'er realized at that moment. Something bad happened. When she came over with Little Futon'er, she saw that Zhui'er had already swam so far away. She was so frightened that her heart suddenly rose to her throat. She took off her outer clothes and jumped into the river.

Seeing his mother jumping into the river to save him, Zhui'er hurriedly turned around and swam back, but he still turned his head uneasily and shouted to the little girl in the distance, "Come here quickly!"

When Qing'er swam to her son, she couldn't help but scolded, "How many times have I told you, mother! You are not allowed to play in deep water, why are you disobedient!"

Zhui'er wiped the water from her face and stretched out her little finger towards the middle of the river, "Mom, I'm not disobedient. I came here because I saw a child playing there and was afraid that she would be washed away by the water."

Qing'er looked at the direction of his finger and wondered, "Where are the children?"

Zhui'er turned around and saw that the child was indeed gone, and couldn't help crying, "Mom...she drowned..."

Qing'er paddled the water and searched the water carefully for a while, then said to Zhui'er, "Go back first. Mom will take the boat to look for her."

Zhui'er swam back with her mother, crying all the way.

Qing'er arrived at the shore and hurriedly found a small boat and rowed towards the place Zhui'er mentioned. After searching for a long time, she didn't find anything unusual, so she had to come back.

"Have you seen whose child it is?" Qing'er asked Zhui'er with a frown. When Zhui'er was swimming back just now, she just cried, so Qing'er couldn't ask him.

"I don't know her." Zhui'er said, wiping away tears.

"She's not a child from our village..." Qing'er looked upstream, wondering which village this child could be, and asked, "What does she look like?"

"It's too far away, I can't see clearly. It seems to be about the same age as me. He wears a red bellyband and has two pigtails like this." Zhui'er gestured with his hand on his head.

Qing'er's heart felt a little heavy. If such a young child drowned, the family would definitely be devastated. As a mother who had just been a mother for a few years, she knew exactly what kind of grief that would be.

"Go to Grandpa Wang'er and tell him. Grandpa Wang'er will find someone to help. Mom will go look for her later."

"Well, she's holding a big winter melon." Zhui'er said as she ran towards the village.

"What?" Qing'er grabbed her son and asked.

"She is holding a big winter melon." Zhui'er opened his hands and gestured, "It's so big!"

Qing'er trembled suddenly, with a look of fear in her eyes. She covered Zhuo'er's mouth and lowered her voice and said, "Did you really see clearly that it was a little girl?"

Zhui'er nodded, pulled her mother's hand away, and whispered, "She's just a little girl. Little boys are not as white as her."

"Is she very white?" Qing'er asked, staring closely at her son.

"Well, it's whiter than my mother." Zhui'er said as he looked anxiously towards the middle of the river, anxiously wanting his mother to find it quickly.

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