Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 1148 The legend of a child holding a winter melon

A child holding a winter melon in the river.

This is a story circulated in the middle and upper reaches of the Tai River. Their small fishing village is located in the middle and lower reaches of the Tai River. Although they have heard of this story, they don’t believe it. Qing’er’s natal family is from the middle and upper reaches of the Tai River. She has been in the middle and lower reaches of the Tai River since she was a child. I have heard this story, and every year I participate in the village’s sacrificial activities for this child.

Legend has it that the child holding the winter melon was a little boy. He was the second son of the Dragon King of Taihe, named Shiqing. He had a beautiful wife, and the couple were very loving. Later, his wife died of a strange disease. , I was heartbroken and didn't want to live alone in the world. I missed my wife all day long and didn't have food and drink, and soon I was dying.

The Dragon King felt sorry for his son, so he found a love-eating grass from heaven and forced it to be eaten by his son. The magical power of the love-eating grass not only made the dragon forget his dead wife, but also turned him into a child. From then on, he carried a big winter melon produced by Dragon Palace to the water to look for playmates.

Once he selects a little girl, he will take her back to the Dragon Palace, play with her until they grow up, and then get married. He will always love this girl he brought from the mortal world until she dies of old age, and this Dragon Son Under the power of the love-eating grass, he will forget what happened before, become a child again, and continue to the water to find new playmates.

Most of the legends are absurd and cannot withstand scrutiny. Many plots are imagined by everyone, but this does not prevent everyone from believing that Shiqing Ryuko really exists, because many legends have original roots, and later generations have also Some people indeed claim to have seen a child holding a winter melon playing in the water in the middle of the river. As for whether it is true or not, only they themselves know.

Qing'er firmly believes in the story of Shiqing. The girls in their village are the same as her. Shiqing Longzi is not only a lingering nightmare for some girls, but also a dream that other girls yearn for. , Qing'er didn't want to leave her parents and go to the Dragon Palace to live a lonely life, so she was afraid of being taken away by Long Zi.

She has never told this story to Zhui'er. In fact, she doesn't want to tell Zhui'er stories about ghosts because it will make Zhui'er even more afraid that she will grow into a monster.

The legendary Shiqing is a little boy, but what his son saw was a little girl. This made Qing'er a little confused, but judging from the fact that she was holding a big winter melon, it was consistent with the legend, and her son said that the little girl was very cute. Bai, this is also questionable. Little girls who grew up in fishing villages also spent all day running around and swimming in rivers. Most of them are not much whiter than boys. In the past few years, I have been taking care of Zhuo'er at home, and I have rarely experienced the wind. Due to sun exposure, her skin is much better than that of other women. If, as Zhui'er said, the little girl is paler than herself, then there is probably something wrong.

"Go home with your mother." After Qing'er became suspicious, she didn't dare to let her son stay by the water, and pulled him towards home.

"Mom! Don't you go save her!" Zhui'er anxiously raised her butt and used the Thousand Jin Pendant, struggling and refusing to leave.

Qing'er looked at the river warily and said in a deep voice, "Be obedient, she is not a little girl and will not drown. I will tell you when I get home."

"She is a little girl, and she asked me to go over and play with her! Go and save her!" Zhui'er was so anxious that tears filled her eyes.

Qing'er didn't dare to delay, so she picked him up and held him in her arms. As she walked, she whispered in his ear, "She is the daughter of the Dragon King, a fairy in the water."

Zhui'er was stunned and blinked a few times before saying, "Then can I play with her?"

Qing'er gave him a stern look. She didn't dare to say disrespectful words to the dragon clan by the water.

"Why?" Zhui'er understood the meaning of her mother's eyes and asked in confusion.

Qing'er didn't answer. After returning home, she asked carefully what happened, and she became even more convinced that she was not an ordinary little girl. This time she could only tell her child the story about Long Zi looking for a wife.

After hearing her mother tell the story, Zhui'er frowned and said, "But it's a little girl who wants to play with me."

"Silly boy, didn't mother say that the little girl is the Dragon King's daughter? If you are taken away by her, you will never see mother again. Are you willing to go with her?"

Zhui'er shook his head, but still sympathized with the little girl, and whispered, "It's so pitiful that no one plays with her. Can I just play with her and not go under the water with her?"

"No! She will drag you down, and then you really won't be able to see your mother!"

"Then...then..." Zhui'er looked at Little Futon'er lying at her feet and asked with some worry, "Then can I let Little Futon'er go play with her? Will she take Little Futon'er away?"

As if aware of the danger, the little futon'er whined and looked at his little master with wary eyes.

Qing'er said with a straight face, "Little Futon'er can't play with her in such deep water, and you can't go to the water to play in the future either."

There was fear in Zhui'er's eyes, and he looked at his mother and asked, "Will she drag Xiaopang and the others into the water?" Although he didn't like playing with the children in the village, he knew that everyone was very good to him, so he was very worried about it. Those kids worry.

Qing'er smiled and said, "No, she only chooses the most beautiful children. Little Fatty and others are not beautiful."

"Then no one will play with her..." Zhui'er lowered his head and twisted his little hand.

Qing'er didn't know how to comfort her son. This child was so kind-hearted. After thinking about it, she had to make up something random and said, "No, if she can't find a beautiful mortal child, she will go to the fairy world to find a beautiful one." Children, children in the fairy world can live forever like her. It is much better for the two of them to be together forever than to find a child in the mortal world. "

"Really?" Zhui'er asked happily.

"Mom won't lie to you, so don't let her see you. If she can't find you, she'll go look for the child in the fairy world."

"Hmm... Okay, then I'll hide it at home so she won't see it." Zhui'er hesitated for a while and finally made a decision.

Qing'er secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and then warned, "Don't tell anyone about this, otherwise they will throw you into the river and give it to the little girl, and then you won't be able to come back."

"Why?" Zhui'er snuggled into her mother's arms a little scared.

"Because they are afraid that the little girl will be angry. They think that when the little girl is angry, she will make trouble and overturn the fishing boat. In fact... well... they don't know that the little girl can still go to the children in the fairy world." Qing'er said these words in her heart She was very scared, this was just a random arrangement of the Dragon Clan, but she had no choice but to risk it for her son. If she really incurred retribution from the Dragon Clan, she would admit it.

This matter is really not allowed to be known to outsiders. In her hometown, if someone saw a child holding a winter melon, they would really sink the little girl into the river to sacrifice. Fortunately, this kind of thing has not happened for a long time. It has happened before. The last sacrifice was more than a hundred years ago.

Although this fishing village doesn't really believe the story of Longzi's marriage, there is no guarantee that it won't make everyone panic if it spreads out. If someone wants to use Zhuo'er as a sacrifice, there will be trouble. A child holding a winter melon in the river.

This is a story circulated in the middle and upper reaches of the Tai River. Their small fishing village is located in the middle and lower reaches of the Tai River. Although they have heard of this story, they don’t believe it. Qing’er’s natal family is from the middle and upper reaches of the Tai River. She has been in the middle and lower reaches of the Tai River since she was a child. I have heard this story, and every year I participate in the village’s sacrificial activities for this child.

Legend has it that the child holding the winter melon was a little boy. He was the second son of the Dragon King of Taihe, named Shiqing. He had a beautiful wife, and the couple were very loving. Later, his wife died of a strange disease. , Shi Qing was heartbroken and didn't want to live alone in the world. He missed his wife all day long and didn't have food or drink, and he soon died.

The Dragon King felt sorry for his son, so he found a love-eating grass from heaven and forced it to be eaten by his son. The magical power of the love-eating grass not only made the dragon forget his dead wife, but also turned him into a child. From then on, he carried a big winter melon produced by Dragon Palace to the water to look for playmates.

Once he selects a little girl, he will take her back to the Dragon Palace, play with her until they grow up, and then get married. He will always love this girl he brought from the mortal world until she dies of old age, and this Dragon Son Under the power of the love-eating grass, he will forget what happened before, become a child again, and continue to look for new playmates on the surface.

Most of the legends are absurd and cannot withstand scrutiny. Many plots are imagined by everyone, but this does not prevent everyone from believing that Shiqing Ryuko really exists, because many legends have original roots, and later generations have also Some people indeed claim to have seen a child holding a winter melon playing in the water in the middle of the river. As for whether it is true or not, only they themselves know.

Qing'er firmly believes in the story of Shiqing. The girls in their village are the same as her. Shiqing Longzi is not only a lingering nightmare for some girls, but also a dream that other girls yearn for. , Qing'er didn't want to leave her parents and go to the Dragon Palace to live a lonely life, so she was afraid of being taken away by Long Zi.

She has never told this story to Zhui'er. In fact, she doesn't want to tell Zhui'er stories about ghosts because it will make Zhui'er even more afraid that she will grow into a monster.

The legendary Shiqing is a little boy, but what his son saw was a little girl. This made Qing'er a little confused, but judging from the fact that she was holding a big winter melon, it was consistent with the legend, and her son said that the little girl was very cute. Bai, this is also questionable. Little girls who grew up in fishing villages also ran around and jumped into the river and played in the water all day long. Most of them were not much whiter than boys. I have been taking care of Zhuo'er at home in the past few years, and I have rarely experienced the wind. Due to sun exposure, her skin is much better than that of other women. If, as Zhui'er said, the little girl is paler than herself, then there is probably something wrong.

"Go home with your mother." After Qing'er became suspicious, she didn't dare to let her son stay by the water, and pulled him towards home.

"Mom! Don't you go save her!" Zhui'er anxiously raised her butt and used the Thousand Jin Pendant, struggling and refusing to leave.

Qing'er looked at the river warily and said in a deep voice, "Be obedient, she is not a little girl and will not drown. I will tell you when I get home."

"She is a little girl, and she asked me to go over and play with her! Go and save her!" Zhui'er was so anxious that tears filled her eyes.

Qing'er didn't dare to delay, so she picked him up and held him in her arms. As she walked, she whispered in his ear, "She is the daughter of the Dragon King, a fairy in the water."

Zhui'er was stunned and blinked a few times before saying, "Then can I play with her?"

Qing'er gave him a stern look. She didn't dare to say disrespectful words to the dragon clan by the water.

"Why?" Zhui'er understood the meaning of her mother's eyes and asked in confusion.

Qing'er didn't answer any more. After returning home, she asked carefully about what happened, and she became even more convinced that she was not an ordinary little girl. This time she could only tell her child the story about Long Zi looking for a wife.

After hearing her mother tell the story, Zhui'er frowned and said, "But it's a little girl who wants to play with me."

"Silly boy, didn't mother say that the little girl is the Dragon King's daughter? If you are taken away by her, you will never see mother again. Are you willing to go with her?"

Zhui'er shook his head, but still sympathized with the little girl, and whispered, "It's so pitiful that no one plays with her. Can I just play with her and not go under the water with her?"

"No! She will drag you down, and then you really won't be able to see your mother!"

"Then...then..." Zhui'er looked at Little Futon'er lying at her feet and asked with some worry, "Then can I let Little Futon'er go play with her? Will she take Little Futon'er away?"

As if aware of the danger, the little futon'er whimpered and looked at his little master with wary eyes.

Qing'er said with a straight face, "Little Futon'er can't play with her in such deep water, and you can't go to the water to play in the future either."

There was fear in Zhui'er's eyes, and he looked at his mother and asked, "Will she drag Xiaopang and the others into the water?" Although he didn't like playing with the children in the village, he knew that everyone was very good to him, so he was very worried about it. Those kids worry.

Qing'er smiled and said, "No, she only chooses the most beautiful children. Little Fatty and others are not beautiful."

"Then no one will play with her..." Zhui'er lowered his head and twisted his little hand.

Qing'er didn't know how to comfort her son. This child was so kind-hearted. After thinking about it, she had to make up something random and said, "No, if she can't find a beautiful mortal child, she will go to the fairy world to find a beautiful one." Children, children in the fairy world can live forever like her. It is much better for the two of them to be together forever than to find a child in the mortal world. "

"Really?" Zhui'er asked happily.

"Mom won't lie to you, so don't let her see you. If she can't find you, she'll go look for the child in the fairy world."

"Hmm... Okay, then I'll hide it at home so she won't see it." Zhui'er hesitated for a while and finally made a decision.

Qing'er secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and then warned, "Don't tell anyone about this, otherwise they will throw you into the river and give it to the little girl, and then you won't be able to come back."

"Why?" Zhui'er snuggled into her mother's arms a little scared.

"Because they are afraid that the little girl will be angry. They think that when the little girl is angry, she will make trouble and overturn the fishing boat. In fact... well... they don't know that the little girl can still go to the children in the fairy world." Qing'er said these words in her heart She was very scared, this was just a random arrangement of the Dragon Clan, but she had no choice but to risk it for her son. If she really incurred retribution from the Dragon Clan, she would admit it.

This matter is really not allowed to be known to outsiders. In her hometown, if someone saw a child holding a winter melon, they would really sink the little girl into the river to sacrifice. Fortunately, this kind of thing has not happened for a long time. It has happened before. The last sacrifice was more than a hundred years ago.

Although this fishing village doesn't really believe the story of Longzi's marriage, there is no guarantee that it won't make everyone panic if it spreads out. If someone wants to use Zhuo'er as a sacrifice, there will be trouble.

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