Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 1165 Two Wild Fruits

Zhui'er glared at Ming Lan with resentful eyes. He couldn't move his whole body. The only thing he could use to resist was his eyes. Soon, the tears that poured out of his eyes drowned out his only weapon of resistance. He looked like this. The elder has never been away from his parents. At this time, he is anxious and aggrieved. It is strange that he can hold back his tears.

"Your mother sent you to learn skills. I can teach you great skills. Don't cry." Ming Lan wiped his tears for him.

Zhui'er understood this truth. It was his mother who entrusted him to him, so when Minglan said this, he stopped glaring at her, but the tears flowed even more violently. He couldn't bear to leave his mother, so she handed him over to him. He feels wronged by others.

After crying for a while, the woman's voice suddenly sounded in her head, "I'm afraid I can't take you away. I'm too injured."

Zhui'er raised her hand to wipe her blurred tears, and saw that the woman's sallow face had become even more yellow at this moment, and even her beautiful blue eyes were a little yellow. She bit her lips tightly, looking like she was in pain.

"Are you in pain?" Zhui'er looked at her like this and couldn't care less about her own sadness. She looked at Minglan with concern and asked. She still hadn't realized how she could speak.

"Well, I have to heal my injury. It will take an hour or two. You stay here and be quiet. Don't run around or come near me."

When these words rang in his mind, Zhui'er fell onto a piece of thick grass with a kick. When he looked around in panic, he found that under the big dirt slope where he was sitting, the woman was quite far away from him. Qian Yuzhang was meditating. He stood up and took two steps towards that direction. He remembered that he was told not to go there, so he stopped and squatted down to face the small futon that was pressed against his legs and he didn't dare to move. He said, "Don't be afraid, I'm actually scared too." After saying that, he hugged the little futon and began to cry softly. He was interrupted halfway through his crying, and his sadness was not over yet.

After crying for almost a meal, he had almost finished crying. He stood up and looked around, then sat down again and held the little futon in his arms, which was more than half of his body stained with tears, and looked worriedly. Looking at the motionless woman in the distance, she said to the little futon, "I can't see where my father and mother are. She said she can't take us away, so what should we do?"

The little futon stuck out her tongue and licked his hand, whimpering slightly.

"We have to go find our parents by ourselves..." Zhui'er cried again, this time out of fright. He didn't know where to find his parents.

This time he didn't cry for long, because he thought of an idea, wiped away his tears, got up and left with the little futon.

Ming Lan spit out two mouthfuls of yellow juice after an hour, and her face became slightly normal, but this only temporarily suppressed the injury. She did not dare to leave Zhui'er for too long, suppressing the injury just to explain a few words to him. In other words, the great fairy concubine's methods were indeed powerful. At first, she thought she was not seriously injured, but now it seems that not only is she unable to take Zhui'er away, but whether she can return safely depends on luck.

Standing on the slope, Zhui'er saw something moving on Minglan's side, so he stared at Minglan and moved closer with small steps. He put his hands on his chest, holding something unknown. After walking two or three feet, I tripped over a vine and fell, causing a dog to chew on the mud.

Ming Lanhuang came to him and saw that he didn't even get up, just crawling around.

Looking for it, I can’t help but ask, “What are you looking for?”

Zhui'er raised her head and cried, "I picked two wild fruits for you, but I don't know where they fell..."

Ming Lan glanced at the grass, grabbed the two half-green and half-red wild fruits, and said softly, "Here they are."

Tears just flashed out of Zhui'er's eyes, and she immediately laughed again when she found the fruit. She said a little embarrassedly, "I just found two edible ones. The red ones are too high and I can't reach them."

Minglan stroked his head sadly and thought to herself, Xunyi, Xunyi, you are so good. In your last life, you made me swayed with just a few words. In this life, you just took two at such a young age. Ye Guozi made me feel sad. You have lost none of your skills after being reborn.

"Okay, I'll save the fruits for later." Ming Lan put away the two wild fruits.

Zhui'er smiled happily and looked at Minglan with pleading eyes and said, "You said you can't take me away, so can you send me back to my parents? I don't know where they are. I'm too young to go by myself." Find them..."

Minglan quietly drew a strange pattern on his head with her fingers, then squatted down and said softly, "I need to spend a long, long time healing, so I can't take care of you anymore. If I send you back to my parents, then Your life has been wasted, so I have to send you to another place to learn your skills. Remember, don’t tell them about the strange things you have experienced. I have sealed your skills because your Those skills will cause you trouble, so just follow them and learn the skills. You don’t have to study too hard, as long as you can keep a pure heart, I will come to pick you up when I am healed. "

Zhui'er glanced at Little Futon'er and saw that Little Futon'er had no reaction. He shook his head at Minglan in a panic and said, "Give me back my skills. I just won't use them indiscriminately."

"Your ability will bring you a fatal disaster. You will understand it in the future." Ming Lan picked him up, took the little futon with him, and flew into the air.

"I want to go find my parents..." Zhui'er cried anxiously. He could still accept following this woman. After all, it was his mother who handed him over to others. Now that he was sent away again after changing hands, he couldn't help but panic. Fa is not afraid, he is only six years old.

"Stop crying, I'm forced to do nothing."

This was not a word to coax a child. Minglan's tone and expression were as if she was talking to an ordinary person. However, Zhui'er seemed to feel Minglan's pain from these plain words. He silently stopped his tears. Tentatively, he touched the hair on Minglan's temples with his small hands.

Minglan smiled at him and warned softly, "You have to rely on yourself from now on. I know it's not easy, but you have to be stronger. No matter what, you have to wait until the day I come to pick you up. There are several treasures hidden in the place I asked you to remember. Don’t touch those treasures easily, unless your cultivation reaches the late Nascent Soul stage. I can’t say how long it will take to recover now. It will take hundreds of years. Yes, if something happens to you here, you can find a way to escape to Puyunzhou, which should be your blessed place."

Zhui'er said confusedly, "I don't understand what you are saying..."

Ming Lan smiled softly and said, "It's okay, I will help you keep these in mind." After that, she looked at Zhuo'er with a strange expression and said, "Little one, I thought I could vent my anger well, but unfortunately I can't. "Zhui'er glared at Ming Lan with resentful eyes. He couldn't move, and the only thing he could use to resist was his eyes. Soon, his only weapon of resistance was drowned by the tears. He has never been away from his parents in his whole life, and now he is anxious and aggrieved. It is strange that he can hold back his tears.

"Your mother sent you to learn skills. I can teach you great skills. Don't cry." Ming Lan wiped his tears for him.

Zhui'er understood this truth. It was his mother who entrusted him to him, so when Minglan said this, he stopped glaring at her, but the tears flowed even more violently. He couldn't bear to leave his mother, so she handed him over to him. He feels wronged by others.

After crying for a while, the woman's voice suddenly sounded in her head, "I'm afraid I can't take you away. I'm too injured."

Zhui'er raised her hand to wipe her blurred tears, and saw that the woman's sallow face had become even more yellow at this moment, and even her beautiful blue eyes were a little yellow. She bit her lips tightly, looking like she was in pain.

"Are you in pain?" Zhui'er looked at her like this and couldn't care less about her own sadness. She looked at Minglan with concern and asked. She still hadn't realized how she could speak.

"Well, I have to heal my injury. It will take an hour or two. You stay here and be quiet. Don't run around or come near me."

When these words rang in his mind, Zhui'er fell onto a piece of thick grass with a kick. When he looked around in panic, he found that under the big dirt slope where he was sitting, the woman was a few feet away from him. Qian Yuzhang was meditating. He stood up and took two steps towards that direction. He remembered that he was told not to go there, so he stopped and squatted down to face the small futon that was pressed against his legs and he didn't dare to move. He said, "Don't be afraid, I'm actually scared too." After saying that, he hugged the little futon and began to cry softly. He was interrupted halfway through his crying, and his sadness was not over yet.

After crying for almost a meal, he had almost finished crying. He stood up and looked around, then sat down again and held the little futon in his arms, which was more than half of his body stained with tears, and looked worriedly. Looking at the motionless woman in the distance, she said to the little futon, "I can't see where my father and mother are. She said she can't take us away, so what will we do?" .??.

The little futon stuck out her tongue and licked his hand, whimpering slightly.

"We have to find our parents by ourselves..." Zhui'er cried again, this time out of fright. He didn't know where to find his parents.

This time he didn't cry for long, because he thought of an idea, wiped away his tears, got up and left with the little futon.

Ming Lan spit out two mouthfuls of yellow juice after an hour, and her face became slightly normal, but this only temporarily suppressed the injury. She did not dare to leave Zhui'er for too long, suppressing the injury just to explain a few words to him. In other words, the great fairy concubine's methods were indeed powerful. At first, she thought that she was not seriously injured, but now it seems that not only is she unable to take Zhui'er away, but whether she can get back safely depends on luck.

Standing on the slope, Zhui'er saw something moving on Minglan's side, so he stared at Minglan and moved closer with small steps. He put his hands on his chest, holding something unknown. After walking two or three feet, I tripped over a vine and fell, causing a dog to chew on the mud.

Ming Lanhuang came to him and saw that he didn't even get up, just crawling around.

Looking for it, I can’t help but ask, “What are you looking for?”

Zhui'er raised her head and cried, "I picked two wild fruits for you, but I don't know where they fell..."

Ming Lan glanced at the grass, grabbed the two half-green and half-red wild fruits, and said softly, "Here they are."

Tears just flashed out of Zhui'er's eyes. When he found the fruits, he immediately laughed again. He said a little embarrassedly, "I only found two edible ones. The red ones are too high and I can't reach them."

Minglan stroked his head sadly and thought to herself, Xunyi, Xunyi, you are so good. In your last life, you made me swayed with just a few words. In this life, you just took two at such a young age. Ye Guozi made me feel sad. You have lost none of your skills after being reborn.

"Okay, I'll save the fruits for later." Ming Lan put away the two wild fruits.

Zhui'er smiled happily and looked at Minglan with pleading eyes and said, "You said you can't take me away, so can you send me back to my parents? I don't know where they are. I'm too young to go by myself." Find them..."

Minglan quietly drew a strange pattern on the top of his head with her fingers, then squatted down and said softly, "I need to spend a long, long time recovering from my injuries, so I can't take care of you anymore. If I send you back to my parents, then... Your life has been wasted, so I have to send you to another place to learn your skills. Remember, don’t tell them about the strange things you have experienced. I have sealed your skills because your Those skills will cause you trouble, so just follow them and learn the skills. You don’t have to study too hard, as long as you can keep a pure heart, I will come to pick you up when I am healed. "

Zhui'er glanced at Xiao Futon'er and saw that Xiao Futon'er had no reaction. He shook his head at Minglan in a panic and said, "Give me my skills. I just won't use them indiscriminately."

"Your ability will bring you a fatal disaster. You will understand it naturally in the future." Ming Lan picked him up after saying that, took the little futon with him, and flew into the air.

"I'm going to find my parents..." Zhui'er started crying anxiously. He could still accept following this woman. After all, it was his mother who handed him over to others. Now that he was being sent out after changing hands, he couldn't help but panic. Fa is not afraid, he is only six years old.

"Stop crying, I'm forced to do nothing."

This was not a word to coax a child. Minglan's tone and expression were as if she was talking to an ordinary person. However, Zhui'er seemed to feel Minglan's pain from these plain words. He silently stopped his tears. Tentatively, he touched the hair on Minglan's temples with his small hands.

Minglan smiled at him and warned softly, "You have to rely on yourself from now on. I know it's not easy, but you have to be stronger. No matter what, you have to wait until the day I come to pick you up. There are several treasures hidden in the place I asked you to remember. Don’t touch those treasures easily, unless your cultivation reaches the late Nascent Soul stage. I can’t say how long it will take to recover now. It will take hundreds of years. Yes, if something happens to you here, you can find a way to escape to Puyunzhou, which should be your blessed place."

Zhui'er said confusedly, "I don't understand what you are saying..."

Ming Lan smiled softly and said, "It's okay, I will help you keep these in mind." After that, she looked at Zhuo'er with a strange expression and said, "Little one, I thought I could vent my anger well, but unfortunately I can't. ”

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