Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 1166 Let’s go, mother is not here

Zhui'er was a little confused by the profound things such as "Later Nascent Soul" and "Pu Yunzhou", and felt a little weak in his heart. He felt that since others had said such profound things, he would not be able to ask others to send him back no matter how much he did. It would be useful. He accepted his fate and asked, "Then can I still see my parents?"

"Yes, you will be able to find your home when you can fly." Minglan said, gradually slowing down her flying speed, staring ahead with a solemn expression.

"Can I learn to fly?" Zhui'er was looking forward to this, but also a little unsure at the same time.

"You can fly after studying for ten or twenty years at most." Ming Lan pressed her finger on his lips, signaling him to stop talking.

Zhui'er nodded vigorously and exaggeratedly, indicating that he understood that he was very excited about being able to learn to fly. In the face of this huge temptation, all the grievances, sadness, and fears faded away. He was so young, and he was so excited about "one or two". He still doesn’t have an accurate understanding of how long “ten years” is. At this moment, all he thinks about is that after he can fly, he can take his mother to play on the clouds and visit his sister who is married far away, so he is very interested in Minglan. His attitude suddenly changed from resistance to gratitude.

Minglan stopped in mid-air and observed a high mountain below for a while, then reluctantly lowered her head and kissed Zhui'er's forehead, and whispered, "Take care, don't lose your life again."

Zhui'er thought her words were a bit strange, but before he could think about it, a pair of big blue eyes appeared in front of him. After the blue eyes disappeared, he was standing next to a pool of water.

Zhui'er stood there blankly, looking around as if he was looking for someone, but he didn't know who he was looking for. He didn't know why he was here. The last thing he could remember was that he fell into the river.

"Mother... mother..." He cried in panic and helplessness, wiping his tears with his hands and searching for his mother's figure with his teary eyes.

Ming Lan, who was hiding thousands of miles away, felt very uncomfortable when she saw this scene. She opened her mouth and spat out some yellow juice. Considering the injury, she couldn't delay for a moment, but she couldn't wait until she saw with her own eyes that there was a result on Zhui'er's side. It's hard to leave with peace of mind.

Zhui'er cried and walked to the water pool. He held the water in his hands and drank a few sips. After crying for several times, he felt thirsty. After drinking the water, he seemed to have remembered something. He was no longer so distracted and turned around. He looked around with his little head and looked at the situation around him.

This is a small valley located on the mountainside. The cliffs are lush with ivy. The lake in the center of the valley is as clear as a mirror, reflecting the blue sky and white clouds. The place is so quiet that Zhui'er feels happy and takes a few deep breaths of fresh air. He actually felt a little intoxicated.

"This place is so nice, it's so comfortable to breathe, but we have to find mother." Zhui'er said to the little futon'er, but his feet didn't move because he didn't know where to find mother.

"Mother! Mother! Mother!" He shouted several times at the top of his lungs, and at the end he started to cry again.

"Let's go, mother is not here." He held back his tears and greeted Xiaofuton, and then walked along a mountain path toward the outside of the valley. As he walked, he kept shouting, "Mother! Mother! Mother~~~ "I shouted until my tears fell and my throat was choked with sobs.

After walking out of the valley, he looked at the boundless mountains in the distance and burst into tears. Where could he find his mother? But after crying twice, he changed into helpless and desperate sobbing, and cried loudly. You cry for others. Now there is just a little futon here. Who are you crying for?

"Where should we go?

ah? "Zhui'er looked at the way up the mountain and then the way down the mountain, and asked Xiaofuton, somewhat undecided.

Little Futon'er carelessly fluttered at a flying white butterfly and had no time to pay attention to him.

"What's the matter with you!" Zhui'er scolded dissatisfiedly, but immediately a look of panic appeared in his eyes. Only then did he realize that he seemed to be unable to communicate with the little futon like before when he was in the valley. He looked around hurriedly After searching for a while, he found a little bird parked on a branch far away, and tried his best to summon it down, but the little bird took one look at him and flew away.

This is really a disaster that never comes singly. Zhui'er sat down on the cold stone and kept blinking. He seemed to know what was going on, but he just couldn't remember it. Did he have a dream before?

Zhui'er tried to summon Little Futon'er again with her mind, and Little Futon'er continued to flutter at the white butterflies. Could it be that she was dreaming now? He was a little confused.

"Let's go, let's go up the mountain to look for it first." He stood up and kicked the little futon'er. Because Ming Lan left him some vague memories, the loss of his superpower didn't make him too panicked. He just suppressed it. Full of doubts.

"Let's go up the mountain to look for her first. If mother is on the mountain and we go down the mountain, we will be in trouble." Zhui'er explained to Xiao Futon as he walked. He was also comforting himself, hoping that mother would really be on the mountain.

Ming Lan in the distance felt a little relieved, secretly glad that Xun Yi had retained the wisdom of his previous life after reincarnation. It was not easy for him to be able to think of these things at such a young age under such circumstances.

"Mother! Mother!" he shouted after walking a few steps, but the mountain road was too steep for him, and he often needed to use both hands and feet to climb, so he didn't have the energy to shout before he had gone very far.

After climbing over a big rock, Zhui'er slumped down on the ground with weak hands and feet. He looked at the futon full of grievances and said, "This mountain is too high. Do you think my mother will be on the mountain?" Although she has traveled a lot in the past few years. Although he was thousands of miles away, he had never suffered like this. Moreover, his parents were by his side at that time. Now he was tired and panicked, so naturally he felt extremely aggrieved.

The little futon stuck out his tongue and gasped, looking at the ugly little master with innocent eyes. He didn't understand why the little master became so unhappy.

At this time, two children carrying buckets came out from behind the cliff. When they saw Zhui'er and Little Futon'er, they were both startled. One of them, who had a green birthmark in the corner of his eye, stared and said, "Where are you from, kid?"

Zhui'er couldn't help but be overjoyed when she saw someone coming. She stood up in a hurry and asked, "Have you seen my father and my mother?"

"Who knows who your parents are? Tell me! How did you get here?" The boy with the birthmark walked up to Zhui'er and stared at Zhui'er with a scrutinizing gaze.

"I don't know how I got here." Seeing how aggressive he was, Zhui'er felt a little scared. The two boys were both thirteen or fourteen years old and much taller than him. After answering, he turned to the other boy who looked like The friendlier child said, "My mother is wearing a blue cloth dress, and she has a silver hairpin with peonies on her head. Well...she has a small red mole here. Have you seen her?" Zhuo'er asked. Pointing to a spot on his chin, he looked at the child eagerly.

"No..., when did your parents come up the mountain?" The kid, who was a little short and had small eyes, seemed to want to help Zhuo'er.

"Stop talking!" The child with the birthmark glared at the little man dissatisfied, then turned to Zhui'er and asked sternly, "Tell me! How did you and your parents come here?!" Zhui'er was called "Late Yuan Ying" "Pu Yunzhou" made him a little confused by these profound things, and he felt a little weak in his heart. He felt that since others had said such profound things, it would be useless no matter how much he asked others to send him back, so he resigned himself to his fate and turned around. Asked, "Can I still see my parents?"

"Yes, you will be able to find your home when you can fly." Minglan said, gradually slowing down her flying speed, staring ahead with a solemn expression.

"Can I learn to fly?" Zhui'er was looking forward to this, but also a little unsure at the same time.

"You can fly after studying for ten or twenty years at most." Ming Lan pressed her finger on his lips, signaling him to stop talking.

Zhui'er nodded vigorously and exaggeratedly, indicating that he understood that he was very excited about being able to learn to fly. In the face of this huge temptation, all the grievances, sadness, and fears faded away. He was so young, and he was so excited about "one or two". He still doesn’t have an accurate understanding of how long “ten years” is. At this moment, all he thinks about is that after he can fly, he can take his mother to play on the clouds and visit his sister who is married far away, so he is very interested in Minglan. His attitude suddenly changed from resistance to gratitude.

Minglan stopped in mid-air and observed a high mountain below for a while, then reluctantly lowered her head and kissed Zhui'er's forehead, and whispered, "Take care, don't lose your life again."

Zhui'er thought her words were a bit strange, but before he could think about it, a pair of big blue eyes appeared in front of him. After the blue eyes disappeared, he was standing next to a pool of water.

Zhui'er stood there blankly, looking around as if he was looking for someone, but he didn't know who he was looking for. He didn't know why he was here. The last thing he could remember was that he fell into the river.

"Mother... mother..." He cried in panic and helplessness, wiping his tears with his hands and searching for his mother's figure with his teary eyes.

Ming Lan, who was hiding thousands of miles away, felt very uncomfortable when she saw this scene. She opened her mouth and spat out some yellow juice. Considering the injury, she couldn't delay for a moment, but she couldn't wait until she saw with her own eyes that there was a result on Zhui'er's side. It's hard to leave with peace of mind.

Zhui'er cried and walked to the water pool. He held the water in his hands and drank a few sips. After crying for several times, he felt thirsty. After drinking the water, he seemed to have remembered something. He was no longer so distracted and turned around. He looked around with his little head and looked at the situation around him.

This is a small valley located on the mountainside. The cliffs are lush with ivy. The lake in the center of the valley is as clear as a mirror, reflecting the blue sky and white clouds. The place is so quiet that Zhui'er feels happy and takes a few deep breaths of fresh air. He actually felt a little intoxicated.

"This place is so nice, it's so comfortable to breathe, but we have to find mother." Zhui'er said to the little futon'er, but his feet didn't move because he didn't know where to find mother.

"Mother! Mother! Mother!" He shouted several times at the top of his lungs, and at the end he started to cry again.

"Let's go, mother is not here." He held back his tears and greeted Xiaofuton, and then walked along a mountain path toward the outside of the valley. As he walked, he kept shouting, "Mother! Mother! Mother~~~ "I shouted until my tears fell and my throat was choked with sobs.

After walking out of the valley, he looked at the boundless mountains in the distance and burst into tears. Where could he find his mother? But after crying twice, he changed into helpless and desperate sobbing, and cried loudly. You cry for others. Now there is just a little futon here. Who are you crying for?

"Where should we go?

ah? "Zhui'er looked at the way up the mountain and then the way down the mountain, and asked Xiaofuton, somewhat undecided.

Little Futon'er carelessly fluttered at a flying white butterfly and had no time to pay attention to him.

"What's the matter with you!" Zhui'er scolded dissatisfiedly, but then a look of panic appeared in his eyes. Only then did he realize that he seemed to be unable to communicate with the little futon like before when he was in the valley. He looked around hurriedly After searching for a while, he found a little bird parked on a branch far away, and tried his best to summon it down, but the little bird took one look at him and flew away.

This is really a disaster that never comes singly. Zhui'er sat down on the cold stone and kept blinking. He seemed to know what was going on, but he just couldn't remember it. Did he have a dream before?

Zhui'er tried to summon Little Futon'er again with her mind, and Little Futon'er continued to flutter at the white butterflies. Could it be that she was dreaming now? He was a little confused.

"Let's go, let's go up the mountain to look for it first." He stood up and kicked the little futon'er. Because Ming Lan left him some vague memories, the loss of his superpower didn't make him too panicked. He just suppressed it. Full of doubts.

"Let's go up the mountain to look for her first. If mother is on the mountain and we go down the mountain, we will be in trouble." Zhui'er explained to Xiao Futon as he walked. He was also comforting himself, hoping that mother would really be on the mountain.

Ming Lan in the distance felt a little relieved, secretly glad that Xun Yi had retained the wisdom of his previous life after reincarnation. It was not easy for him to be able to think of these things at such a young age under such circumstances.

"Mother! Mother!" he shouted after walking a few steps, but the mountain road was too steep for him, and he often needed to use both hands and feet to climb, so he didn't have the energy to shout before he had gone very far.

After climbing over a big rock, Zhui'er slumped down on the ground with weak hands and feet. He looked at the futon full of grievances and said, "This mountain is too high. Do you think my mother will be on the mountain?" Although she has traveled a lot in the past few years. Although he was thousands of miles away, he had never suffered like this. Moreover, his parents were by his side at that time. Now he was tired and panicked, so naturally he felt extremely aggrieved.

The little futon stuck out his tongue and gasped, looking at the ugly little master with innocent eyes. He didn't understand why the little master became so unhappy.

At this time, two children carrying buckets came out from behind the cliff. When they saw Zhui'er and Little Futon'er, they were both startled. One of them, who had a green birthmark in the corner of his eye, stared and said, "Where are you from, kid?"

Zhui'er couldn't help but be overjoyed when she saw someone coming. She stood up in a hurry and asked, "Have you seen my father and my mother?"

"Who knows who your parents are? Tell me! How did you get here?" The boy with the birthmark walked up to Zhui'er and stared at Zhui'er with a scrutinizing gaze.

"I don't know how I got here." Seeing how aggressive he was, Zhui'er felt a little scared. The two boys were both thirteen or fourteen years old and much taller than him. After answering, he turned to the other boy who looked like The friendlier child said, "My mother is wearing a blue cloth dress, and she has a silver hairpin with peonies on her head. Well...she has a small red mole here. Have you seen her?" Zhuo'er asked. Pointing to a spot on his chin, he looked at the child eagerly.

"No..., when did your parents come up the mountain?" The kid, who was a little short and had small eyes, seemed to want to help Zhuo'er.

"Stop talking!" The child with the birthmark glared at the little man dissatisfied, then turned to Zhui'er and asked sharply, "Tell me! How did you and your parents get here?!"

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